[b] @ OT [/b]
[quote=naddnadd]Shella_Suigintou99 wrote:
I really

with conference with Anne,Nadd,Tema/Ruby,Cha

,we had talking a lot of fun and crazy things XD
ahahaha ~ yeah ! tottaly crazy !

yeah, crazy alive!

[quote=naddnadd]Cha and Shella voices are like a rockstar (baca : kaya cowo

) -killed by Cha and Shella-
Anne's voice is so cool


i want 2 hear ma grandmom voice's too

[quote=xxBUBBLiExx]-I missed cha and chai. >

cha? is that me?

I Confess
-I'm xo lazy 2 open spoiler now

-I'm xo duper uber super have fun with our conference last night
-We are so crazy when we are conference through Phone

-Nadd voice's is so cool

Tema voice's is so cute

and Shella voice's just like me

Like a boy

-I Want 2 hear Ma grandmom [anne.24] voice's

-I Wonder when we can had our crazy conference again

-I miss all ma sissy here

-I Love ma rockmate, they are crazy too last night

-I Love friendstertalk