Luckily sis, i saw his pic.

duch : oh yih, nice one!


i confess that i sometimes hate reading posts in this thread. it's like a YM conversation=|[/quote]

same here.
- - - -
i'm gonna confess something. i already told someone about this but i still want to put it here. i feel better confessing in this thread.
i know some of you here that i'm really addicted to irc, right?? what i'm doing there is just really participating on trivias, i don't search for bf's there or sumthing. ewww. then there's this guy i used to have fun with playing trivias. we already exchanged fs profiles. while we were having fun playing, he asked me and the other girl of our cp # but i didn't give him mine. so it's alright with him at that time. then after many weeks, he pm'd me and seriously asked for my #. still, i didn't gave it, duh. irc -- lots of stupid guys out there. why would i give my number??
i'm so harsh. hmmm. i just don't wanna blame myself for giving out my number there.
then, after that, he won't talk to me anymore. tsk˛ so pathetic. he's currently in manila, we're schoolmates in highschool. and uhmmm..

[b]did i do the right thing? do i need to tell him i'm sorry? and if possible afterwards, give my number? no way!
but, can you comment and ......[/b]
i felt/feel sorry for this guy. hayyzzz.