2008-10-18 21:54:25

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

:arrow: u p d a t e d :D [spoiler][b]light Tinay[/b]-What can you see if there's no light?What would twilight be if there's no "light"? :lol: Lurrrrrrvvveeee my light ;) Vry sweeet&cool \m/ loves PCD :lol: . me loves her ;3 [b]mamamaMalditz[/b]-or Hanzel.haha. Even if she's really maldita :P,i still heart her :eh: and she gives time to give me meaningful,meaning,with sense-- comments. Haha. ILY!!! [b]babababaBlanche[/b]-I adore her works--simple but still cool. i really really misssss you. AS IN♥ !LYblanche ;) [b]baby Trixx[/b]-very nice, friendly and kind. Also good at editing, making sigs, avas and more. Soooo kyoot i wanna pinch her XD. Funny and really nice. [b]Heartii[/b]- Sooo cute and adorable. I also wanna pinch her cheeks, like Trixx :lol:. Also good at editing. Labyuuu so much. rock on sis :eh: [b]Cuddles[/b]- Although we're not that close, i still heart her ;) [b]Maye[/b]- Kind and very nice. Pretty also and kind, kind, kind :lol: imy [b]Chariz[/b]- maii cowboy. very very creative and kind. Funny also. labyooo :) [b]Nicey[/b]-loves rainbows. ;] not "maarte" for a girl*wink XD*,down-to-earth and simple and kind :D [b]Uma[/b]-really kawaii.love her eyes. O.O X3 and she's also kind and funnee. ahmissyuu [b]Je/Jesrhel[/b]-Waaa. Kind*pls. do reserve that blog name for me okay?* and nice :D, Evn if i only speak/communicate with her thru YM ;) and she's also pretty,like Japanese girls often do :lol:. [b]Keeeemeeee[/b]-Love her,love her stories :thumbsup: Very kind and generous, but sometimes it takes quite some time for her to update her stories, but still, ILOVEIT ;) i can still remember your first story*w/ chapters..ya know XD* Looks like a Japanese also. imysm =( [b]linniie[/b]-imy sis. Very good at making pixels :) I miss your Oni-works :lol: ily sis [b]Lin/sugarstyx_x[/b]- Also good at making pixels.. Very very very very kind and nice. Patient and very helpful. Thanks for all the time&&PMs you gave me,answering all my questions :lol: :cry: ILYYY [b]Dondon[/b]-he still doesn't teach em how to smudge :rolleyes: :lol: But i already know it,so no need don2x haha.very very very creative and kind,for a boy*what?haha jk*. :lol: [b]all the members of TS[/b]- they are all nice, kind and funny. Love ya guys! *crushes are in random order. *ILY all guys[/spoiler] I think the topic name should be changed to: Ftalk Love Thread :lol:

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