^^^ lol

I confess that
...This afternoon Ive been to Mcdo [i](Papa forced me, even i dont want to

,walking exercise,He said)[/i]
I brought my Potter book w/me for past time...and then I ordered a large fries and sundae lol..
I sat on the most hidden part of the smoking section (i dont smoke, its just warmer on that part),
while reading ofcourse im eating lol..I have my ketchup for my fries but i prefer to dip my fries on my sundae lol kinda wierd but i get used to it

anywee I dont really care on those pipols around me besides im hidden and there are only few costumers that time...lol while im on my silence A boy suddenly sat on the chair in front of me and approached me.
(to my surprised, He's holding a tray with FRIES and SUNDAE too


Boy: Hi! can i take the seat?
Me: yes, ofcourse
Boy: thanks
..silence... (im busy on my potter book)
Boy: uhm..I saw u dipping ur fries on the sundae and i find it cool [i]*oishiisoo datte*[/i]
Me:oh yeah?..yeah its yummie

Boy: Thats why I have my sundae and fries too, and Im here at ur table now... I wanna share dipping time with you

Me: (shocked)

huh? so many vacant seats around why here? *baka mitai anata* (para kang tanga)
Boy: No, i want here coz its embarrasing if ill do this alone

Me: lol (annoyed) huh? are u playing joke w/me?
Boy: No, I just wanna share time with you..this is cool (and then he tried dipping his fries into his ice cream)
...eating time..silence..
Boy: OISHII!.. (delicious!) huwaaaahh this taste good!


(alarmed and embarrased) shh ur noisy! okei so wat now? i told u fries is more delicious on sundae than ketchup

(thats my style when im still in Manila)
Boy: really? haha I must spread this stuffs.. (blah blah blah)
Me: lol (just smiling)
...talking moments... He bought another fries for me and him plus a mcflurry this time cool (

more expensive than sundae) ....
Boy: Im takuya blah blah blah...
Me: ahhhh Im Hilyn..
..talking time again... and then ..
Me: I have to go Takuya kun
Boy: wait... (he bought another large fries plus ice cream and gave to me)
Me: Lol, gee thanks!
..U already know what happened next i guess...
I went home with 1 large fries and a sundae....after eating lots of it already

my supposed to be walking exercise turned out to be an EATING EXERCISE plus
somebody learned my style lol.... FRIES DIPPING on a sundae cream.. (lol no ketchup needed)

This coversation is ALREADY TRANSLATED lol.. this was originally said in [b]NIHONGO[/b]

[b]And as far as I cud remember....This is how things happened, and all because of my fries and sundae dipping

[u]hays.. I didnt expect this things to happen

That boy looks so IGNORANT

I confess that Im really laughing until now..coz that boy left a word on me saying [b][u]I WIRU TICHU ORU JAPAN RAYKU DISU SO DIRIXUZU SANK YU[/u] [i]*I WILL TEACH ALL JAPAN LIKE THIS SO DELICIOUS THANK YOU*


yeah He said it in ENGLISH

OMG this is the first time I encounter a guy like that

...He looks like early 20's like mine and his looks is similar with the young Jackie chan

..what a destruction..lol its really a hillarious experience from a japanese 'baka mitai' guy
Last edited by HiLyNkAwAii (2008-04-14 09:13:11)