hmm.. hehe.. didnt get what this confession thingy means..
ill just share this embarasing moment i had.. hahah.. during foundation day.. every section is to made a booth.. haha.. our booth was the computer booth!! woo.. installed with DOTA.. and etc. haha.. weee... hmm.. and then, my crush's booth was like a bar.. hmm.. no, you do not get drunk there,, haha.. not that kind of bar.. their room filled with different designs, they made the flourescent colored.. hehe.. and then, jokers.. hmm.. sound3p with their own special banda.. G.A.M.O.L(Guys Are Made Of Love) and vsc.. haha.. they play different songs.. and people even danced infront.. and im one of them.. unexpected.. somebody called my name and my crushes name then said we should dance infront.. most of my classmates are there,, most of my crush's classmates are there,, and schoolmates..

like i dont want to make any newsflash in our school.. haha. but all of them were pushing me,, i didnt want to be called KJ so i danced with him..

like.. like.. it was the best day of my life. we even talked during our dance.. dance as in "formal dance.." hands placed in his shoulders, his hands on my hips..

... fairytale..
here is where the embarassing moment happened:

during our dance.. my "pa epal" classmate disturbed us.. he went infront and totally disturbed us.

. he said freakinly senseless things and when i went to him to grab his hair.. i slipped...

.. every body saw that!!! even him!! i was too embarassed so i just sat down and became quiet.. and i did was look at him.. and he was looking back.. *sigh* wish my classmate didnt disturbed us so our dance would last forever.. ahahahahahahahaha...

that's all.. pretty embarassing..