• » [align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars ... It’s time to leave and break the wall Now it's time for revolution It’s time to leave and breaking on Its revolution"[/quote] Yeah,

[align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars ... It’s time to leave and break the wall Now it's time for revolution It’s time to leave and breaking on Its revolution"[/quote] Yeah,

As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars ... It’s time to leave and break the wall Now it's time for revolution It’s time to leave and breaking on Its revolution"[/quote] Yeah,

[quote=bles_212000]Good that you admit granny. =D[/quote] [b]oh i forgot, and a im a real ten-year-old-kid.[/b]=D=D [b]you're 19. [u]old.[/u][/b]:D [quote=bles_212000]Stumble Wish me luck.[/quote] [b]wahaha.,i hope you stumble.[/b]=D [quote=bles_212000]Bel is Older 14 days than me. :P[/quote] [b]hey,tat's a bad siggie.[/b]:angry: [b] hey grandpa,checkitout...this moymoypalaboy's vid.[/b]:lol::lol::lol::lol: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyQhdONDXO4[/youtube]

Last edited by As cicatrizes (2008-11-09 08:04:49)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars ... It’s time to leave and break the wall Now it's time for revolution It’s time to leave and breaking on Its revolution"[/quote] Yeah,

[quote=As cicatrizes]oh i forgot, and a im a real ten-year-old-kid.=D=D you're 19. old.:D[/quote] you really won't give up. Okay, you win you're only 10+9 yers old. [quote=As cicatrizes]wahaha.,i hope you stumble.=D[/quote] Bad granny. [quote=As cicatrizes]hey,tat's a bad siggie.:angry:[/quote] But, I like that siggy. :eh: :P [flash=500x300]http://content.rockyou.com/Games/mmw2/mochimario.swf[/flash]

Last edited by bles_212000 (2008-11-09 08:26:40)

As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars ... It’s time to leave and break the wall Now it's time for revolution It’s time to leave and breaking on Its revolution"[/quote] Yeah,

[quote=bles_212000]you really won't give up. Okay, you win you're only 10+9 yers old.[/quote] [b]what?im 10+ 0. years old.[/b]:rolleyes::rolleyes: [quote=bles_212000]Bad granny.[/quote] [b]what did you say grandpa?error., cant read your posts.[/b]=D=D=D [quote=bles_212000]But, I like that siggy. :eh: :P http://www.rockyou.com?type=games&refid=36650[/quote] [b]wats dat?[/b]:paranoid::paranoid:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars ... It’s time to leave and break the wall Now it's time for revolution It’s time to leave and breaking on Its revolution"[/quote] Yeah,

[quote=As cicatrizes]what?im 10+ 0. years old.:rolleyes::rolleyes:[/quote] Okay, I'm going to hang my self now, you're indeed a stubborn granny. =D [quote=As cicatrizes]what did you say grandpa?error., cant read your posts.=D=D=D[/quote] Sorry, but those cute people could only read it. i set it to cute mode. [quote=As cicatrizes]wats dat?:paranoid::paranoid:[/quote] nothing... I'm trying to put a super mario game. =D
As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars ... It’s time to leave and break the wall Now it's time for revolution It’s time to leave and breaking on Its revolution"[/quote] Yeah,

[quote=bles_212000]Okay, I'm going to hang my self now, you're indeed a stubborn granny. =D[/quote] [b]okay go and hang yourself but before you do that,please takeoff that thing in your siggie.[/b]:rolleyes: [quote=bles_212000]Sorry, but those cute people could only read it. i set it to cute mode.[/quote] [b]oh,i can read it now.[/b]=) :P:P:P [quote=bles_212000]nothing... I'm trying to put a super mario game. =D[/quote] [b]lulz,you're too old to play that thing.[/b]=D=D
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars ... It’s time to leave and break the wall Now it's time for revolution It’s time to leave and breaking on Its revolution"[/quote] Yeah,

[quote=As cicatrizes]okay go and hang yourself but before you do that,please takeoff that thing in your siggie.:rolleyes:[/quote] I wont. :P [quote=As cicatrizes]oh,i can read it now.=) :P:P:P[/quote] So does it mean that you're also cute? [quote=As cicatrizes]lulz,you're too old to play that thing.=D=D[/quote] It's not for me, it's intended for those 10 years old WP. :eh: I'm done watching the video, It's funny. But I'm inspired by their work, I'm gonna make one also, hmmm..i'm wondering what song I can use.

Last edited by bles_212000 (2008-11-09 08:34:45)

As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars ... It’s time to leave and break the wall Now it's time for revolution It’s time to leave and breaking on Its revolution"[/quote] Yeah,

[quote=bles_212000]I wont. :P[/quote] [b]take it off coz it's not true anyway.[/b] :crybaby:[b] lookie my public profile here.[/b]:rolleyes: [quote=bles_212000]So does it mean that you're also cute?[/quote] [b]maybe.[/b]=D=D=D=D [quote=bles_212000]It's not for me, it's intended for those 10 years old men WP. :eh:[/quote] [b]but im the only 10 years old here. =D =D =D you're already 19 grandpa. dont pretend to be 10.[/b]=D=D=D [quote=bles_212000]I'm done watching the video, It's funny. But I'm inspired by their work, I'm gonna make one also, hmmm..i'm wondering what song I can use.[/quote] [b]baa-baa--black sheep., very nice song.[/b]=) :lol::lol::lol:

Last edited by As cicatrizes (2008-11-09 08:39:52)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars ... It’s time to leave and break the wall Now it's time for revolution It’s time to leave and breaking on Its revolution"[/quote] Yeah,

[quote=As cicatrizes]take it off coz it's not true anyway. :crybaby: lookie my public profile here.:rolleyes:[/quote] You already Doctored your public profile. =D but don't cha worry granny, I'll take it off.. maybe next month. =D [quote=As cicatrizes]maybe.=D=D=D=D[/quote] Asus, shy effect pa xa. :eh: [quote=As cicatrizes]but im the only 10 years old here. =D =D =D you're already 19 grandpa. dont pretend to be 10.=D=D=D[/quote] As long as it is not obvious I can always pretend. :P [quote=As cicatrizes]baa-baa--black sheep., very nice song.=) :lol::lol::lol:[/quote] Yah that's it, i wonder why i didn't thought of it, now only one thing that is lacking is a partner.. Would you mind granny join me in my extremely/ remarkably/brilliant Idea? :cool: :lol:

Last edited by bles_212000 (2008-11-09 08:46:52)

As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars ... It’s time to leave and break the wall Now it's time for revolution It’s time to leave and breaking on Its revolution"[/quote] Yeah,

[quote=bles_212000]You already Doctored your public profile. =D but don't cha worry granny, I'll take it off.. maybe next month. =D[/quote] [b]hey im telling the truth,im only ten.[/b]=( [b]why dont you believe me?[/b]:cry: [quote=bles_212000]Asus, shy effect pa xa. :eh:[/quote] [b]image speaks louder than words.[/b]=D=D [quote=bles_212000]As long as it is not obvious I can always pretend. :P[/quote] [b] but it is very obvious that you're 19.[/b]=D=D=D=D [quote=bles_212000]Yah that's it, i wonder why i didn't thought of it, now only one thing that is lacking is a partner.. Would you mind granny join me in my extremely/ remarkably/brilliant Idea? :cool: :lol:[/quote] [b]you can sing it alone granpa.,no need for a partner. [/b]:lol::lol:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars ... It’s time to leave and break the wall Now it's time for revolution It’s time to leave and breaking on Its revolution"[/quote] Yeah,

[quote=As cicatrizes]hey im telling the truth,im only ten.=( why dont you believe me?:cry:[/quote] hahaha.. very persistent huh-- :eh: [quote=As cicatrizes]image speaks louder than words.=D=D[/quote] So where's that image? may I see? [quote=As cicatrizes]but it is very obvious that you're 19.=D=D=D=D[/quote] nah I won't take it, this cute face only look 15 or 16, something like that. =D [quote=As cicatrizes]you can sing it alone granpa.,no need for a partner. :lol::lol:[/quote] But it would be more fun if I had a partner esp. If my partner is as [s]crazy[/s] as like you. :eh:
As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars ... It’s time to leave and break the wall Now it's time for revolution It’s time to leave and breaking on Its revolution"[/quote] Yeah,

[quote=bles_212000]hahaha.. very persistent huh-- :eh:[/quote] [b]coz it's the truth.[/b]=( [quote=bles_212000]So where's that image? may I see?[/quote] [b]here.[/b]=)[spoiler][img]http://theftalk.com/img/avatars/av4/38316.jpg[/img]=D=D=D=D[/spoiler] [quote=bles_212000]nah I won't take it, this cute face only look 15 or 16, something like that. =D[/quote] [b]15+4.[/b]=D=D=D [quote=bles_212000]But it would be more fun if I had a partner esp. If my partner is as crazy as like you. :eh:[/quote] [b]it would spoil the vid grandpa. :lol: andhey,im not crazy la~~ :angry: im very normal.[/b]=D=D=D=D
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars ... It’s time to leave and break the wall Now it's time for revolution It’s time to leave and breaking on Its revolution"[/quote] Yeah,

[quote=As cicatrizes]coz it's the truth.=([/quote] I give up. I already removed. :D [quote=As cicatrizes]here.=)[/quote] wew, that pic you got there is so cute. wow, is he your younger brother? [quote=As cicatrizes]15+4.=D=D=D[/quote] hahaha.. here we go again. [quote=As cicatrizes]it would spoil the vid grandpa. :lol: andhey,im not crazy la~~ :angry: im very normal.=D=D=D=D[/quote] Okay granny. you're not crazy... but on the second thought you really are. Just Kiddin granny. [spoiler]I'm going to sleep now. I have class tomorrow... bye bye granny. :kiss:[/spoiler]
As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars ... It’s time to leave and break the wall Now it's time for revolution It’s time to leave and breaking on Its revolution"[/quote] Yeah,

[quote=bles_212000]I give up. I already removed. :D[/quote] [b]wahuuuuu~~~[/b]:lol::lol::lol: [b]hallulujah baby![/b]=D=D [quote=bles_212000]wew, that pic you got there is so cute. wow, is he your younger brother?[/quote] [b]nope,that's a virus.[/b]=D=D=D=D [quote=bles_212000]Okay granny. you're not crazy... but on the second thought you really are. Just Kiddin granny.[/quote] [b]im very normal. you dont believe me again.[/b]=( [quote=bles_212000]I'm going to sleep now. I have class tomorrow... bye bye granny. :kiss:[/quote] [b]yeah, old people need to sleep early.,hahaha.,see yah grandpa.[/b]=D=D=D [hr] [b]good night WP.[/b]:D:D:D:D

Last edited by As cicatrizes (2008-11-09 10:42:33)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars ... It’s time to leave and break the wall Now it's time for revolution It’s time to leave and breaking on Its revolution"[/quote] Yeah,

[quote=As cicatrizes]harluuuu mr. founder.:D:D harluu WP. i just woke up.:D[/quote] hehey :D [quote=-NiK-]gud aftie WP ;) wow :o hello mr.founder :D (ohivnsuipo)[/quote] hey,hey,hey ;) :D:D:D [quote=As cicatrizes]he is like a mushroom.:lol::lol:[/quote] waaaatttz :O:lol: :P [quote=bles_212000]wah, you're guilty, don't worry I won't tell anyone about this, It's our secret.[/quote] NOT ANYMORE =D=D=D=D:wallbash::wallbash:=D=D=D :eh: :P see you again................ go..go.go............ [align=right]... .. . :penguin:[/align]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars ... It’s time to leave and break the wall Now it's time for revolution It’s time to leave and breaking on Its revolution"[/quote] Yeah,

[b][color=purple]^wowww :o hi 2 u mr. founder... :O:O .....gud morning WP! :) .....& gud morning 2 u sis bel... :D .............ayieeee.......jst passin' by..........b4 i go 2 skul......[/b][/color] :crybaby: :penguin::penguin:
As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars ... It’s time to leave and break the wall Now it's time for revolution It’s time to leave and breaking on Its revolution"[/quote] Yeah,

[quote=ohivnsuipo]hehey :D[/quote] [b]see. you're a mushroom., you always appear and disappear at an unexpected time.[/b]:lol::lol: [quote=zyrax86].....& gud morning 2 u sis bel... :D .............ayieeee.......jst passin' by..........b4 i go 2 skul...... :crybaby: :penguin::penguin:[/quote] [b]harluuuuu~~~~~[/b]:D:D:D:D:D
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars ... It’s time to leave and break the wall Now it's time for revolution It’s time to leave and breaking on Its revolution"[/quote] Yeah,

Morningness to all. =D
As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars ... It’s time to leave and break the wall Now it's time for revolution It’s time to leave and breaking on Its revolution"[/quote] Yeah,

[b]^wazzup grandpa?[/b]=D=D
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars ... It’s time to leave and break the wall Now it's time for revolution It’s time to leave and breaking on Its revolution"[/quote] Yeah,

^ waddup granny? How's your sleep?
As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars ... It’s time to leave and break the wall Now it's time for revolution It’s time to leave and breaking on Its revolution"[/quote] Yeah,

[b]^bad sleep grandpa., arthritis.[/b]:lol::lol:
  • » [align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars ... It’s time to leave and break the wall Now it's time for revolution It’s time to leave and breaking on Its revolution"[/quote] Yeah,

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