• » [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

Date:August 23,08 Saturday Dear Diary, I went to this great party! It was so awsome! It was in Ace Water Spa! and there were so many stuff there we went swimming there was this ride in the pool called Lazy River and it ewas so cool it was like moving like a real river! Anyways when we were on our way home! I said my Goodbyes and Left!
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[b]Date:[/b] Aug. 24 '08.. [b]Sunday[/b] [i][b]Dearest Diary.,[/b][/i] whew.. i'm so happy and thankful when I woke up.. because my dream were so beautiful.. i saw my mommy in my dream and hugged her.. i really miss her so much.. so many years that i can't touch her.. she's now on the other country.. i love my mom so much!!! =) and thanks God for that!!.. :)
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[b] August 24, 2008 Sunday Dear Diary, When i wake up this morning, i feel so tired, i feel so sad and i dont know. I ran through the obstacles of our house to take a "poopoo" . After that, i eat my breakfast with my family ( but im still so sad and i dont know why, maybe my dream is so sad and it makes me sad even though i cant remember it.). After eating our breakfst, i bought a milkbar and i feel better cause its too delicious. This present time, im surfing the net, viewing our video in youtube (to win the competition in the school) and just checking some personal data in this internet world.[/b]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[color=#c0a0a0][b]August 24,2008 Dear diary, Today is a combination of happy and sad emotion :) i woke up so early expecting a text message from my Ney saying goodbye. coz he will return to Manila this day :cry: wew i feel so effin sad.. but he promised dat he will come back next week. :) i also feel happy this day coz ma mother is here now ;] and she bought me 2 pairs of F&H flipflops. :lol: and i lurveee it soo much!![/color][/b]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

August 24, 2008 SUnday Dear Diary, Today, i woke up with a blank face. i was just staring at my violin case. nahh, i was just SO bored of waking up. I finally finished my classmate's request for picture editing and i hope she will like it. :) I also planned of taking a bath.
i i LeA i i
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

:arrow: Date: [b]Aug.24,2008[/b] :arrow: Day: [b]Sunday[/b] [b]Dear Diary,[/b] [color=red]Geez!this is my 1st online diary. Oh well,here I go. Today is my sister's bday,erghh! And im so totally pissed off coz she keeps on blaming me for something i didnt do. Rawrr!and i cant even answer her back coz today is her day.. On the other hand,another thing which irritates me is that i got this total sickness. What i mean is i have cough,colds and fever. Well,that's all for now..be right back again 2mrw..[/color]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

This was supposed to be posted yesterday, August 23. Lol. --- Dear Diary, I feel weird now. After posting [url=http://azecalicesky.com]HERE[/url] and [url=http://kooori.jugem.jp]HERE[/url].. OMG. I dont know. Im drained. I feel worthless. =( My baby's with someone else now and Im just standing here.. [b]DOING NOTHING.[/b] I mean, WTH? Do I have to run after him? Although, yes, I know that it's kind of the right thing to do since [b]he was mine first.[/b] But I dont really know whats happening to me. I love baby so much but Im not brave enough to face that (foul word here) girl! And yes, I didnt expect this to be happening. At least not now. It really hurts when you let go someone the moment you are loving that person the most. Feeling that feeling when he/she is with you only to [b]NOT[/b] feel it the next.. it hurts your insides so bad. I feel like Im gonna die now if Im not able to cry out loud. And I cant. It sucks how I cried [b]all night[/b] last night. I even called my bestfriend at wee hours in the morning just to have someone to be with. Cause that sole person who understands [i]the every fiber of me..[/i] has already left. He's my [b]HAPPINESS,[/b] my [b]ALL,[/b] my [b]EVERYTHING,[/b] my [b]LIFE.[/b] He went away but I still feel that he's going back. [i]No, Ice. He's not going back..[/i] And it pisses me off how he says he's sorry. I mean, thats all you have to say? After making my eyes turn [i]BLOODSHOT RED[/i] due to endless crying.. After leaving me behind after all that we've talked, shared and planned? Well, thank you. You can die now. --- Thats all for now. My eyes really hurt A LOT. I need Vodka.
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[b]Aug.24,08[/b] [b]Sunday[/b] [b]Dear Diary,[/b] Today was actully a nice day for me, for the first time for the past month. I got to eat two of my favorite foods. Crabs and Burgers!!! yum..so delicious... Oh..how I love eating my favorites.. Actully I was kind of lucky I got a chance of using the comp. heheh.. Well, Today I'm watching the Closing ceremony of the Olympics at Beijing, I'll sure miss watching the Olympics! But I gotta w8 for four more years for the next one! I love watching succesful and hardworking people, I find it ver inspirational. :) [b]-Tweaktweakers-[/b]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

Aug. 24, 2008 Sunday Deary diary, i'm soo really realloy super duper happy right now.. i just saw vanessa hudgens.. that's it.. haha..
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[b]Date:[/b] aug. 25,08 [b]Day:[/b] monday [i]dear diary[/i], rawr i can't log-in to my FTP~~what's with that??RAWR.dammit :wallbash: awww will just try to contact my host =|
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[b]Date[/b]: August 25, 2008 [b]Day[/b]: Monday [b]Dear [i]Dumb[/i] Diary[/b], You are so dumb. Kiddin' Haha, I'm absolutely glad this was created. I'm tired of making the confessions thread an extension for my blog. I was clearly out of hand. Some of my posts were like composed of a billion words but still considered spam. Anyway, let's get on to the [i]happenings[/i]. I'm very unsatisfied with myself lately. And [i]nooo[/i], I'm not searching for an opportunity to be emo 'coz that's absurd and beyond my wildest personality. I'm just feeling a little drugged. Not that I am. I just feel like it. I have symptoms of insanity all over me and I'm dragging myself below limit of allowable stable self-esteem. It's not that I do anything reckless and idiotic that would get me into loads of trouble. I just feel miserable that's all. I want some twist and turns and get rid of this mundane life. What's the use of getting everything you want when you're not a single drop happy. --[i]Ooops.. got a little carried away[/i]. Haha, well, that's it for today. I hope my monster professor doesn't ruin my well-initiated week. [i]Adios![/i] :penguin: Love, love, [i]Love[/i]

Last edited by deathsiren (2008-08-25 03:58:32)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

Aug 25 08 Monday [b]Dear Diary[/b] Thanks to the topic starter for opening a topic like this. Recently I have been stressed out at school due that our midterm exams will be this week. I have reviewed a lot yet seems that even a single concept from my notes were flushed from the toilet :D just kidding. I hope I will pass my major again.Whew! What a day! I've been also working on my term paper and on our group report.. Geez! Give me a break.. :wasted:
daixee mae
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

date:august 25,2008 monday happenings: my mom and i went to downtown to buy some stuffs for my baking classes...then we went to a salon,,i'm very bored in there and when my mom asked "do u want your hair,cut?"....i just don't know why i answered 'YES'...when we went home...i transferred some pics from my cam to my pc,,!this day is such a boring one!!!!
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[b]aug. 25, 09 monday. [/b] Dear Diary, em so tired today because we've practice for our buwan ng wika. lolx. our steps in dance is very easy. but i can't get the other steps.. lolx. till hre. bye!2 c yah nxt tym! ~juliene~
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

Date: aug 25 08 Day: monday Happenings: i woke up past 11am..it's good that we have no classes today.. :lol: so i just sit infront of my pc, as usual.:D then, there. meet new friends here in ftalk, and chat with my sis and bros. the day's quite good yet tiring somehow.. anything memorable? uhmm.. i dont know. i don't feel any, i think.. :)
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[b]August 26, 2008 Tuesday[/b] [b]Dear Diary,[/b] [i]I enjoyed the confe of [b]Class-TS[/b] yesterday. haha At first, my eyes is rolling to both confe. i dunno where to read or to post hahaha good thing, they join force their confe together. it was so fun, but suddenly my monitor turns black, and my place becomes dark. it has a "brownout". waaaaahhh.. omg. i hope they will be another confe of Class-TS. i like the voice of Ate meng, its like a "16 yrs old girl" haha and also Sir Ephe, Emman, and Ches. im happy because, both parties are very friendly. :D thanks guys ;)[/i]

Last edited by dondon (2008-08-26 00:00:06)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

Date: aug.26,08 Day: tuesday dear diary, i got wet because of the rain :penguin: and,my gosh,i commute on my way to home from school!:D so i got wet,even inside the jeep. i hope there's no classes tomorrow XD
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

Dear Diary, Today is just very quick, k? My mom won't let me use the comp. grrrrr...! I wish I have my own room and comp.! wha!
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

Date: aug 26 08 Day: tuesday Dear diary, this day was just like the usual days i have. i still have the confusion with me, and the errr thingy. I love this day somehow because of . . . that's it, i don't wanna spread more info bout that anyway.. I got a line of 9 in geom, and i'm glad bout it,, i think that would be the only line of 9 i'd have.. err. hope it'll not be.
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[b]Date:[/b] Aug 26 ( :question: ), i dunno the date anymoar :wallbash: [b]Time:[/b] 11 : 56 (4 mins to 27 lulz) [sup][b]Dear Diary,,[/b][/sup] [sup]Its been a day since my last confession i mean post..haiz..wat a day..whats really a day? :/, huh?! nvm..this day i was not happy but im not sad..Im down but i dunno..anyway, someone taught me how to make a blog..I had alredi teh domain and the FTP and she told me to wait,, oh yeah, a big thanks to her!! weeeee! as soon as its done,me will give u sumthing :eh:, BTB: but i cant still access it..i dunno T_T, how long do i wait? i wana write alredi..hahayys,i was planning to make a blog in fs instead but i was caught up making my siggies :lol:,,nweiz, hmmm i wana do a DVD marathn now but my dvds i have now suck :lol:, on other news, ive been here for almost a day T_T, grrrrrrrrrrrrr im really worried bout our bill,,oh meralco be an angel and dnt raise too effing much :crybaby: :lol:,,wahahahah,, i dun wana die yet T_T,, gaaaaaaaaaaaad, im getting used to this >> T_T ,,wahahah, maybe its how much i spent my time wif my mareh :lol:, i thot before its liek this >> O_O, but its a crying emoticon..wahahah,, who wudve knwn..hahays.,,me nervous now! :wallbash:, im regretting sumthing i done..but hnestly, i dun want to do it :wallbash:, but i did..gods will perhaps? =| ,,Blog Oh Blog Oh Blog when will u be born T_T T_T T_T[/sup] BOW!! XOXO, nvm :lol:

Last edited by --pUshnIt08-- (2008-08-26 12:14:22)

  • » [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

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