• » [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

September 03, 2008 [b]Dear Diary[/b] I'm bored and I'm only at the middle of my term break. It's a bad day. I got bored and did stupid things all day just to entertain myself. I also had this petty fight with my bff. I'm not sure if she's mad at me. I just never liked her jokes. They're all offensive. I don't easily get annoyed but I'm not in a really good mood today and I think she made me burst. There's this guy I'm holding a grudge on and he posted an annoying stat message in YM, like [i]lame-oh-lame stuff[/i]. I have sufficient reasons to be paranoid 'coz I'm clearly involved in what he was saying, it's too obvious not to notice. It was shallow, but I told my bff, and she defended the guy and said like.. [i]And you think it's you?? The world doesn't revolve around you siszy[/i].. blah blah blah, the words that I never wanted to hear. And she says it's a joke after I said[i] "that wasn't funny"[/i]. She apologized, and I think I was wrong when I told her "[i]Marry that ugly guy and leave me alone[/i]". She went offline after that (or went invi at least). I don't know how to fix things now. My pride's eating me all up. I'm so through with her jokes. She always humiliates me. Like that time when [b]that guy[/b] I hate edited my picture in photoshop and even placed a [i]moving cockroach[/i].. I let that pass. But then my [i]so-called[/i] BFF posted it in multiply. In an individual public album. I didn't even get apesh*t on her. I was very patient. And she's going beyond limit. She doesn't even want me to tease her and she was laughing 'coz it's so funny that 70 people viewed it. :disgust: [b]HAHA[/b] You are such a great friend! Thanks a lot. :angry: Furiously yours, [b]Maye[/b]

Last edited by deathsiren (2008-09-03 08:33:22)

_vanilla_ O_o
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[b]Date:[/b] September 4 2008 [b]Day:[/b] Thursday [b]Happenings:[/b] Dear Diary, I finally finished and understand a book for the first time (seriously).. Im proud of my self.. :lol: Well, my eyes hurt and i cant see very clearly because i forgot to wear my reading glass when i was reading a while ago.. silly me.. Nothing special for this day, as usual, every Thursday morning and afternoon, we have a formation for the COCC.. (i broke a rule again.. i hope no VMS officer read this post.. :D) It was so tiring.. and i felt a little dizzy because i turned around and around and around for the [i]pagsunod sunod na pagharapharap[/i] (i don't what it's term in english..) Right now, Im looking for an idea for our essay tomorrow about abortion in our English subject, i hope i can find one. i think, that's all. i love this thread!.. ciao!.. [i] -vanilla o_O[/i]

Last edited by _vanilla_ O_o (2008-09-04 09:53:38)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

Sept. 4, 2008 10:05 pm Dear Diary, I really Hate Minami! urrrrrr [i]masyado syang papampam![/i] I hate that attitude! and she's always flirtying lot's of guys in skul! but im a bit happy coz my teacher choose me to join bulprisa! i will dance there hahahaha! and my bestfriends (dan, jherico, rocella, elyka and allhene)sit w/ me! yee huh!
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[i]September 04, 2008[/i] Diary, It's my friend's birthday today and I bought her a gift while I was at the mall this afternoon looking for stuffs, haha. I hope she liked it since I'm so lazy to find her something that she would definitely love. It's the thought that counts [i]naman, diba?[/i] :lol: Also, I'm done with baby's [b]NEW BLOG LAYOUT![/b] I'm so proud of my work. I hope baby feels the same cause I exerted lots of effort, time and energy to make the fcking blog look so damn good! =( And it took me almost 8 hours to finish everything cause I want him to be happy with the results since he cannot go online for the coming weeks due to his endless work, it'll be a surprise. I guess. =( And yeah, I'm feeling good today cause baby and I talked all day. Though, I know he's really busy and all. Aww. And I just want to thank him for giving me my third domain! v v http://addictiveinsanity.com :wow: It's not yet hosted so, you won't find anything there, haha. Also, I want to thank Dee for giving me her http://show-stopper.info domain since she moved out of it and transferred her blog to http://chemicals-react.com I soooo love Dee! :wow: ---- THANKS FOR TODAY. SUPER! REALLY.
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[align=center]dear diary, i wake up mad because of my mom!she dont understand us!grr!and our breakfast is pizza!wow! peperoni,nyahaha,and i go to school our carlift is there and i go to our classroom im very mad and i talk to my bestie that at our bus theres this boy said we are the perfect match,the boy who said it its the [b]nerd handsome[/b]bff,and then i have no seatmate im mad at my 2 classmate they are so bossy and flirty,and thats what we talk and its time to go at the gym,[b]flagceremony[/b]!i hate it!i feel uncomfortable!and my bff forgot to go,but she dont embarassed,and talk talk talk we all do all day at the morning but suddenly my teacher said we need to write a poem or essay of our own,so i write my own,my teacher said if we have a nice poem/essay will win 200$ and consolation prize but im sure i'll never win but i wish to,and after that we go to our principal office to sign my bff paper because we are mixed section and we hate it!she dont like there so she write a letter to transffer at girls section and our principal said u said it at teacher avel,and i write my poem to a clean paper,and its recess!i buy a pringles,and a water,and after we eat my teacher is late and she is continue teaching but the time is too late because she had a lot work to do but i dont wanna her go coz she is my fave adviser,i learned a lots of lessons to her she is great at eng,men!she is a great teacher and my classmates saids teacher its time!and my adviser got angry,im sorry,and she said who said that its janica and faith they are true to theirselves!and my adviser said i'll forgive you and after that she go to another classroom,and its quiz!thanks!i've got 26/30 but i think someones cheating me!but its ok,i'll never do that again!i will cover my paper,and after that its [b]math![/b]hate that subject!i hate solving numbers but i answered at quiz!but i ask sumthin to my bff,thanks!she help me!and after that talk,talk,talk again!nyahaha and my classmate do some funny things!and i laugh harder!:lol:and i ask sumone to buy me sum french fries and janice said"me i'll buy you a french fries"and its only a try!and we laugh again!and its dismissal!im waiting for our bus coz im worried i have no seat!thanks!im early and i seat well!and i talk to jarrah my new classmate shes good,wanna be friends with her!hehe!and when i came home i set up my laptop and i ate pizza and i customize my blog,change my ava,and only that!its hard to customize yer blog and those who will visit my blog [b]its underconstruction![/b] and my mom got angry dunno y!think shes a crazy people!and im worried about my blog!nyahaha! the end[/align]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[b]Dear Diary[/b] I Feel confuse about the feeling i have..is it true there is something called "love at first sight"? i fall in love with a girl few months ago..but suddenly my "EX" come and told me she is going to die ... I'm damn confuse ..it's true she have some kind of illness.. my mind is so confuse..i don't know which 1 should i choose.. i still love both of them.. And i really want to spend the rest of my life with one of them.. but i also want to spend with my ex until she breath for one last time.. This few days i keep thinking about her..& i really miss her so.. but i just couldn't tell her what i'm thinking..because i think she already got someone she loves now..:cry:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

Today I not respect,when I could come back was happy and what I could become like that previously.. I hoped had the person who could guide me to the again better life
mystic rain
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

Date: september 5, 2008 Day: friday.,. Happenings: happenings?!? well,.,. its our monthsary to my boyfriend ahhihi :P nice2! we're having 22 months already meaning 1 year and 9 months :P ahihi.,. in our school we have a friday mass cos its first friday in the month of september.,. we have a shortened period and were having a gsp unit test! 0.o we practiced the marching stunts.,. and so on., we got a low score coz some of my members didn't participate well..,. they are not too serious on it.,. :( dats all!
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

september 5, 2008 friday. dear diary, lawl. em very disapponted 2 mahself 2deii bec. i forgot mah painting materials n mah locker. and i nid to use it... lawl. our deadline is on mondeii. hmmmm. em also happy this deii bec. our chess varsities in ELEM. department is the champion in DACS, lawl. i never excpect that they could beat ATENEO and UIC. (ATENEO AND UIC HAS THE MOST BEST VARSITIES IN DAVAO.) lawl. 4 the first time. hahah. brokenshire beat ateneanzs. lawl. (no offense 2 all ateniztahzs here in davao.) okie.okie. that's all.. nid 2 go! bye!2
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

September 5,2008 Friday Dear diary, It`s so weird!I feel somethin when Im wif him-WTF?I dun feel anything for him. :| .Im shocked when he said his true feelings for me-SqFGfh.Im afraid I might hurt him.Just weird I dun know if I do loev him already.I dun care about those stuff.But I loev editing already-LOL. Bye-Bye~ Xoxo, [font=century gothic][b]♥Bridget[/b][/font]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[b]Date:[/b] 9 - 5- 08 [b]Day:[/b] Friday [b]Happenings:[/b] I [b]uber[/b] [b]hated[/b] this [b]net of mine[/b] here. Grr... [u][b]hate you net![/b][/u] Today was our [b][u]School PressConference[/u][/b] and moii category was [b]CopyReading - Filipino[/b] and moii [i]crush's[/i] category was [b]Editorial Writing - English[/b]. Hope [b]we both win[/b]. Today was the [b]camping of my young bro and cousin at Labogon[/b]. That's why [b]I just walked with my friend going home[/b] coz my [b]mother's going with them[/b] and she'll be back at [b]5:00 PM[/b]. [u][i][b]I hate moiiself[/b][/i][/u]. I [i]forgot[/i] what my [b]mother[/b] [u]told me[/u]. I [i]forgot[/i] to [u]get the red bag at the PTCA office[/u]. Grr. I was lyk [b]havin' fun[/b] this afternoon coz [i]moii fwends and I[/i] [i]played[/i] coz we were [u]bored that tym[/u]. Lovingly Yours, [b]-Nahz[/b]

Last edited by Nahz.Is.Fab (2008-09-05 11:01:28)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

Dear [b]Diary[/b], Im quite tired yet satisfied and happy today. :D I loev teh confe a while ago which was lasted i think 1 and 1/2 hours. Haha. :lol: I lol'd wif Dondon's revelation about chet. :O I mean he edited it. DAMN you dondon- why did you need to include my name there. :doubt: Anyway~ i just realize taht Dondon was really a great Editor. =D Kewler Hanzel, Ate Lois, Me, Ches calls him [i]'Edit Boy'[/i]. :lol: Im having soo much F U N wif teh confe, full of [s]crazeeness[/s]. ;) We talked a loott, sometimes its a bit confusiing to read them all. :rolleyes: Different topics especially wif teh [b]Labteam[/b] part. Thank God i don't haev any labteam :lol:. But i think kewler hanzel and ches knows my crush. :paranoid: Haha. Don't tell anyone about it ok? :P :lol: Im soo inloev wif T.O.P. :wow: They were damn moe~ :redface: I crushes [b]him[/b] soo soo much. :eh: He looks really great. :thumbsup: I wanna meet him someday. :wow: Im currently watching [b]SCHOOL RUMBLE[/b]. :penguin: [b]....Trixx[/b]

Last edited by Trixx.xii (2008-09-05 11:36:07)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

My dear, dear diary =D I'm really confused right now. I'm having teh most complicating week of all. And it's really awkward for me to be gloomy these days. And gloomy I mean like a pessimist-gloomy. |: I want to scream like OMFGOMFGOFMOUOMUFOUMFOMOMGFOMGFOMGOFMOMGOFMUOMUMFOUMFOMGOF MGOFMOUMOFMUOFMHOFMGOFMGOFMOMOMUOFMUOFMUUOMUFOUMFOMOMGFOMGFOMGO MUMFOUMFOMGOFMGOFMO right now but I can't because my mother will hear me lol =p And I want to cry but I can't because I don't want to feel scared and loose everything with just a blink of an eye. I can't go on like this anymore. I must do something! For my own sake and his'. And for my pride and reputation! (If I still have any) I want to end this issue with him and erase all teh precious memories I enjoyed (duh). But I don't want to throw it all away. It's like I'm throwing away teh efforts and hard work I did. Ugh it doesn't seem right. =( -Blanche

Last edited by Ehcnalb (2008-09-05 13:58:02)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

September 5, 2008 Friday Dear Diary, It's my first time in this thread & so here it goes, [b]random mindfarts[/b]: I've been quite busy with school, but weekends will be my best friend & hopefully I can recuperate with my sleeping hours. I'm pretty lazy updating [url=http://linphetamine.co.nr/]my blog[/url] cause I'd have to edit quite a few pages. Uncontrolled anger really irritates me, especially If I was the rebound. I was so pleased with my bf's mom that she let me drive her car, I didn't know how trustworthy I was to them; that was quite awesome.
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

september 6, 2008 saturday dear diary, lawl. em soo tired and feel a little dizzy this day. i dunno why. hmm. maybe bec. em juzz stressed. okie till hre! bye!2 ~juliene~
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

September 6,2008 Saturday Dear diary, Im so happy taht Kiel always comments me and he always talks to me.:redface: .Bestfriends-I think so.Well,I miss Uma.She has not been online when I`m online.Oh,And I just played-MU Online,Ragnarok,Frozen Throne and Perfect World.I was planning to make an O2 Jam account but I was time(in teh internet) already.So damn.I also played Need For Speed [i]Underground 2[/i]. Xoxo, [b]♥Bridget[/b]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[align=right]Sept. 6, 2008 Saturday[/align] [b] Dear Diary,[/b] Today at 12:00 noon past, my mom, her friend and I went to teh shopping mall. We bought slippers and some other stuffs and food. After taht, we went to Labogon to see what are moii young bro and cousin doin' there. When we went there, I helped moii young bro and cousin finish teh "Basic Knots". LoLz. I was soo confused 'bout knots coz I didn't remember some of it. LoLz. After some hours or minutes, it suddenly rained. Lolz. I was liked wet! The tents were so wet. Teh boys were goin' to have their CampFire at 7:00 or 8:00 PM but the rain didn't stop. So, the other boys just slept. When the rain stopped, we woke up the boys. There so not energetic enough to participate on their CampFire. Two boys didn't participate coz the other one was havin' fever and the other one was soo sleepy. So we waited for moii young bro and cousin to finish their CampFire coz we will go home after. When we went home, I'm soo tired and excited to play computer. LoLz. I was excited for the winner for the "Skyline Gurl of The Month" but sisz Aina still didn't close the poll and give the results. LoLz. So, pls. vote for me for the "Skyline Gurl of The Month". The link is on moii siggy. Hope yah vote for me. If yah won't, it's okie. <3 XoXo, [b]-Nahz..♥[/b]

Last edited by Nahz.Is.Fab (2008-09-06 12:19:00)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

September 7, 2008 Phew! I so have [b]hectic schedule[/b] this week! I have to go to lots of places and mind things. :smoke: Im so exhausted. Well my day today was okay, i hate my classmate because she woke me up by her text message :doubt: , i was having a good dream! :drool: Well, [i]ive been daydreaming about my boyfriend again and again [/i]. . :ninja: He went online but didnt even left me a message, [u]i was so broken and crying[/u]. =( Am too worried about him, he has low sugar and that's sick. I don't want him to be sick. :cry: So, next topic! I am so nervous about the [b]4th Journalism Congress Interschool Friendly competition here in our place.[/b] I am a [b]Cartoonist[/b] but i don't have any idea on what to draw. :wasted: I attended training yesterday, but i really said to myself. "Im really no good at this thing." haha :lol: Later i have to go to my classmate's house and do a [b]BIG[/b] project. shuuu~ ..zen
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

Date: September 7, 2008 Day: Sunday Happenings: [spoiler]woa. actually, i thought weekends was boring bec. there's no school :lol: but when i waked up, i opened my cp then his message appeared saying.. "gudmorning, sorry bout last night, hahaa. im out of stock of load. " <-- :P :lol: im soo happy![/spoiler]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[b]September 07,2008 Sunday Dear diary, I am soooo happy today when we played DOTA cause my hero,Reached to level 50(max lvl) oh yeah!I do rule(LOL).And in Hero Seige,Urgggghhhh,I died for liek 10 times.Well after taht,Perfect World.I think gaming is my hobby today. =D Xoxo, Bridget[/b]

Last edited by Bridget (2008-09-07 04:15:10)

  • » [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

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