• » [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[b]December 27, 2008[/b] WAAAH. Today's the day when I'm gonna spend all my 2.5 k for dresses, etc. OMG!!!! When I finished fitting my clothes in YRYS, I went to the counter -- WAAAH. There were shutter shades for only 150 pesos. My skinny jeans only cost 799 so why not buy it?:wasted: And I also saw big, white shades. I bought it too. :eh: I'm so friggen' tired. [b]December 28, 2008[/b] GAAH -- I just noticed, Sam is 2.2 yrs. old. HEHE -- we went mall hopping. I wanted to get my hands on those eye glasses which are so :wow: supeerdupersomoe GLAAAAAAAAM!! My mom didn't allow me to buy it cause she said I'll be wasting my money. :wasted::wasted::wasted::wasted: Okay, My mom and my sister were looking for a dress to buy. EEK! It took us hours. Then I saw patterned skinny jeans. I fit it and it looked so glam on me. But again, I didn't buy it. :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby: So we just bought toyssss. :drool:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[align=center][b]december 29, 2008 monday [/b][/align] its our 4th monthsery............................. grrrrrrr................................................. he's not w/ me...................................... this day is so cold..................................
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[i]First Of All I don't know what in the world is the date,seriously So Deal with it. [/i] [b]Whatever date,2008[/b] [[ For Yesterday ]] Dear Diary, My dumb retarded friend got me up at 12:36 AM at the phone, My Brother Grabbed the phone and wake me up :retard: He said It was Kelly But it was not It was Camille, She was doing pranks, She told my bro to say it was Kelly. Lol But I Guess I didn't work. :P But Anyhoeee. Yeah She asked if we can go mall and Hang out today, I said YES But My money is all gone :wasted: She said she has money so I said Okay go. The problem is nobody can pick me up. My sister have gone to work. So is her boyfriend . And I can't count on my dumb bro. So She asked her Aunty to pick us up. And she did. But with JJ , Camille's cousin. UGH. Fkkn irritating But oh well. So yeah My mom also gimme money :D haha. JJ went with us to the mall And his dad and mom left him. First we cruise the mall. Then eat. Camille just buy the food for me because I told her that I don't have money :P Then we went shopping, there I used my money. I bought new clothes that have new styles. JJ bought a deck [skateboard] lol It cost $60 :wasted: Lol He wasted his money. Camille bought sweater and everything. We went Starbucks and bought a drink. It was awesome. But I didn't finish it because we had to go inside the theater already and drinks are not allowed. When we're in the theater about 4 PM something. We just hang out and text each other while waiting for the movie. We watch Bed Time Story, It was cool. Then All of sudden Camille's money is missing It was $40. fck. :wasted: It fell I couldn't find it. I helped looking and then I saw somebody making out at the corner lmao. :retard: wtf? We never find it until at the end of the movie. But at the time I stand up She found it at my seat. Lol. She was like "[i]Hello christian you dummy It's in your seat the whole time[/i]" I replied "[i]It's not my fault, You dropped it[/i]" When we got oout, We're Surprise because It's fkkn dark already. We walk to walmart. It was fun. We ate at Mcdonalds for dinner, Develop at the pictures, We waited for an hour. Then We called aunty to pick us up again. We got to nana's house and played I sleep over and it was real fun. Pillow Fights, Drawing on Faces, Tickling People, Drink xD , Uhm Music, Cook, Play in the rain and much more. CHRIS
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

December 29, 2008 Entry #7 - "Waterfalls" --------------------------------------- [color=blue]Dear Diary,[/color] [spoiler]8am, as planned. Me and some of my friends in the same school planned on a visit to 'the house of lola' which our friend, lelit said that she lives in the mountain areas of kiwalan and if we like, we will visit her. She told us to expect a few mountain trekking and passing the river areas and seeing diodiongan falls. Everything sounded great but we we're not expecting what's in store for us. We walked through a river raging with water without life vests or ropes. Then followed the riverside filled with huge boulders covered with moss and leeches. Then right after the river, we passed under a small falls holding only to very small roots and passing it with a piece of land enough for your feet to fit in. There we were able to see the majestic diodiongan falls and rested for a couple of hours and started going through the mountain top and making a land slided area as our road. Climbing through the muddy and uprooted land which is 80-90 degrees. Small rocks hit our heads as some of my friends climb up the top without even ropes or pickaxes to hold on to something. We climb it barehanded, singking our hands to the muddy land if there is nothing to hold on. When we reached the top, we hiked for 2 hours and there stood the house of lola, who let us in and gave us a lot of buko. Then we went home, bruised and exhausted, riding a motorcycle this time. It was the most weird and worst, yet memorable outing i've been in to. Good thing lelit make up to us by letting us eat in their home with lots of various grilled food.[/spoiler] [color=blue]No more hiking for me[/color] [img]http://i37.tinypic.com/sol4c8.jpg[/img]
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

Monday,29 December 2008 [quote]Diary! waaaa. amf. new year soon :D i hope i can spent it with sumone i loev. even idk who are them :lol: today. i just woke up at 7am. sleepy. take a bath. go practice at 8pm :lol: full of laugh.tired.smilee :P im going to love it moar and moar :D today. aww. i feel bad. uber badmood. reason. first. becoz my ex crush there. WTF. i hope i can ignore him :lol: second. becoz when i just go to taek my dinner with my fam, i think i meet one boy, who just like my ex =( aww. its rilly ruin my mood. i hope i wont meet him agen untill foreva D: aaand. i meet my other ex :lol: omigosh. i mean. i see him at YM. and WTF he alredi had a new gf :lol: i dun care i mean :lol: i became a stalker :ninja: hahaha :lol: im ur stalker! i stalker that guy. hohoho. and that girl tooo. hahaha :lol: IMY ILY =D okie. enough. im bored now :lol: bye byee diary :wow: ILY always diary. xoxoxo -- Linniie :kiss:[/quote]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[sub]4 days after xmas. I think.[/sub] [b]Dear Diary,[/b] [i]Well nothing much really happened today. And I, the girl who lived this day, have a good explaination for that. [b]I slept from 12:00 midnight to 3:45 pm TODAY.[/b] So yeah, pretty much now, I've grown to be like Shikamaru. I didn't have to worry about my insomnia after I was treated at the hospital on Friday. And now, I have something else to worry about. Sleeping in. You know, the only reason exactly why I wake up early on no classes is I can't stand the taste of my own breath and saliva anymore. And I'm too lazy. So yeah. I was supposed to sleep at my friends house yesterday, but as I said, [i]I'm too freaking lazy.[/i] So now, I'm stuck here with my family watching Rambo, almost still half asleep. I also got scolded yesterday by my dad for playing with my little sis. Yesterday, I turned off the lights to teach her a lesson on being so freaking hyper and stuff, so she hit the door. She was like dizzy when coming in to the living room, so she hit the wall in the living room. So I got scolded. And that's why the only New Year's resolution that I could achieve is to [b]never play with my sister ever again.[/b]

Last edited by oOpunkrockeranimeOo (2008-12-29 21:01:22)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

dear diary, it left 8 hrs b4 it come year 2009.. i had learn a lot in diz year(2008).. i had learn 2 be strong & be myself.. i just hope dat i better person next year or 2moro... & i hope i can score a great mark in my spm next year.. c u next year! =)

Last edited by 0825pauline (2008-12-31 03:44:14)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

Dear Diary Well not much to say, but holiday almost end now, lots of lots of memories happen this vacation days, glad I'd been active for awhile, I don't know I'll still continue the cyber world now, I'm loosing everything, but I hope I could still go with the flow over here. Well I'm just here to say happy new year to forumers, to everyone of you who's reading this, had a nice new year, new year new life! ;)
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

january 2. 2009 - *big bang 2009: shuttered memories X(* dear ftalk diary, [spoiler][quote]this day was the most weirdest day for me, my first love rejected me during the countdown. she said she's happy with her new boy friend, i know that she is using reil (his errr. new boy friend) to make me jealous. but when i see the kiss marks to her neck. ohh. this is lame, i should forget her, thank god. my soulmate texted me a happy new year, she cheered me up then. when i look up the sky, its big bang 2009. the fireworks display was bit awesome, i was alone. while my first love and his new boy friend held hands and went together to their house, i still watched the fireworks display, crying. then a child poked my eyes. *grr, i hate that child!* then i realize it was my [i]kinakapatid[/i] and he said, *diba kuya only losers cry?* then i smile, he remembers all the things i thought, then i answered. *i am not crying, i only remember 2008.* then i held him up, we went to our house for him to eat and for me to play the sparkling sparklers with my little cousins. oh, why am i telling this things. i should tell the things happened to me this morning. okay, i woke up at 2:50 am, to have my weird walk in the neighborhood, josien texted me to fetch her up, she wants to walk in the rain. she's really weird because its 2:50 in the morning and she wants to walk? but yet, i walked in the neighborhood with her, i knew she was drunk. wahaha. then she :puke: in front of me, so i drag her to their house, i am so rude for dragging her, wahahaa. :evil: and greeted her mom a happy new year. hehe. then i go home and went to sleep. when i woke up around 9 am, my first love texted me:*open your ym, we need to talk, i was so shocked for she slapped me last time we met and she said, forget all thing about her, im trying to forget her and look what she's doing. then i turned on my pc and logged in to yahoo messenger, to my surprise. she just want to make a speech about my stupidity and being a failure, to what things i have regretted. oh i hate myself, i cant imagine my life before, then i noticed, tears are rolling down my cheeks. i am so emotional then, then i slapped myself, punch myself and dodge to the bed, and promise myself i should renew myself. when i washed my face, i promise to myself life would be better for 2009. wahaha :d then poofs i logged in here in friendster talk to share my life, wahaha. i should make this one a habit. wakoko :paranoid: oh i miss soulmate, and i am getting over to my first love, she is a waste of time. :evil: happy new year! earth ox is coming to our way, waahaa[/quote] [/spoiler]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

Dear Diary, im Inlove w/ someone here in ftalk and goodluck to me. =D .I made my new blogs wordpress blogs i hope someone visit it :D thats all Aila xoxo~ :kiss:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

january 3, 2009 - *it now over :D [quote][i]i can't believe it, my first love calls me 4 in the morning. just to greet me good morning. we have a short conversation over the phone. and she ask me if i can fetch her and be with her till the airport. so i did. i went to their house around 7 am. when i arrive. my god. i was hurt once again. i saw my first love doing sweet moments with his boyfriend. waaaa? oh em gee. this is out of this world. then i call her cellphone, then i saw her picked up her cellphone and she ask me, where am i. its been too late, then i answered. look around, then she saw me. standing. bang the rain pours down while i was crying :( i was so emotional, she just frown a smile, then i leave. walking in the rain. her loser boyfriend followed me and invites me to have a fight. i agreed. and punch him. dang, joking. i was so sad that i can't afford to tell a word. i just ignored him. and i texted her, hope your happy with that loser. i wish u all the best. happy trip c:. then she replied: [i]ben, i am sorry, but i can't learn to love u but hey i tried [/i] i cried even harder. then i was home, my little cousins were running and scolded me for why am i so wet. then i answered them that the rain was so cool that's y i tried to take a bath their. wahaha. then i logged in here in friendster talk to shout out what am i feeling. i should stop myself for loving her, [i]there's many fish in the sea, maybe i can caught one[/i] if i an learn to love again, ill promise not a rich girl. wahaha. its over now, i promise >.< wakoko. after this i will get some sleep. zzz classes will resume on monday. waa, holiday is over. this sucks. we will have a cultural show on the last week of january and have a retreat on the same week. waa, im so excited. dang! 70 days to my graduation. wakoko :d[/quote]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

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[b]January 2, 2009[/b] The second day of 2009 and there's something to remember -- my aunt's and dad's birthday. :lol: I called up my dad so that I could greet him a happy birthday. I was so superhappymajorlyoverextremely happy when I saw the next chapters of Fall for you and My Chemical Love -- My subscribed topics :eh: OMG!~ so :wow:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

January 3, 2009 [quote]Dear Diary, i miss my school . yeah , i realy2 miss my school . i miss my schoolmates, classmates, chattmates, biput, blackbut and him. I'll back to school on 12th Jan. Huh. Still a long time :(. But there's a girl that i didn't want to meet. My best enemy and also best friend =D. She thought me that, i am her best friend. But, i thought her that, she is my best enemy. She always make me jealous, she's arrogant. I hate her so much :evil:.[/quote] [spoiler]Now, i am fall in love with [b]Lady Gaga[/b] =D[/spoiler]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

dear ftalk diary, this day, january 7, 2009. i was so mad. when i woke up around 3:43 am. something weird happen to my body. waa. that's a seperate story :evil: waa. then i remember i should review for our long quiz on the physics class. so i study, glance some notes. write some doodles on my notebook. then i went to sleep again. when i woke up. waa. its 8 am! i was freaking late! noo. when i arrive. thank God that our clock is advance, i am not late actually. waa. imagine, we have been stormed with lots of requirements, waa. stupid life. waa. im tired to foretold my story. my day sucks because of my lame fagot teacher. i hate him, i mean her :D whaha. he i mean she didn't accept our group project. waa. i hate him, er her, waa XD i am excited to have my retreat on davao this 22 of january. waa, i have my stress break XD waahah.

Last edited by ubenchx (2009-01-07 06:28:23)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[b]date[/b]: [i]January 7,2009[/i] [b]day:[/b] [i]Wednesday[/i] [b]happenings:[/b] [b]>>[/b] Dear diary, yesterday was my friend's birthday, [i](patuwiix day) a.k.a Jeah's day.[/i] [b][wat.ever][/b] and I ate a lot! yeah, a lot.. cakes,spags, nuts and 3 kinds of salads, but who cares. :D [i](thank God i did not choked and luckily my tummy didnt hurt). [/i]. . at the same time we watched the [b]twilight muvee [/b] again. yaaay.. we still [u]lab[/u], and [u]lab,[/u] and [u]lab[/u] twilight [b]<<33.[/b] After that, sound trippin' on the go... then [i][b]*laag dayun*[/b][/i] I felt op for a single second [ b] haha [/b]. It's because all of them exept me was wearing their complete school uniform, while me, :rolleyes: just plain yellow skinny jeans and a blue blouse. duh! they say i look like a walking crayon. waaa.. how come? aw,ahehe. and then Leo, the ultimate venomous gay in the class :lol: haha, he's just peculiar, the most unusual living creature i've ever met, she freaks i mean he freaks people.. okay, so 'yun nga,he said my eye bags are getting bigger.;) and so i started to wonder why, since i sleep early like around 6:30-7:00[i](yeah i don't have time working on my assignments, kaya nga copya lng ako ng copya eh) haha naks! joke lng.[/i] i accomplish my homeworks after dinner, hmmm.. it's around 5:00-6:00 (eh gnyan tlaga eh, handa na table nmin! ready to eat..harhar) im also not stressed, so why does my eyes are like this :retard: ? [i]hehehe[/i] then we decided to go home(7:00 pm), aii ako lng pala.. [i](sabai batok sa mga kamay ng friends ko)[/i] and ouch! that really hurts, they're so many kaya and all of them just hit me with their GREAT hands, and my headband fell, and unfortunately na shoot sa canal.. [i]ang lakas tlaga nuh..[/i] are they insane? we still have a long quiz next meeting so we must go home early. [i]char[/i] hehe :D [b]. . . . . [/b] whew! i'm tired na, hehe. stop muna.. weee, i'll write again next time.. im sleepy, :D

Last edited by janine13 (2009-01-07 06:59:26)

» FTalkWorm
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[i]^Please do avoid posting in Tagalog. :D Thanks. :D[/i] [b]08/01/09[/b] Dear Diary, I had this so called insomania attack again. :disgust: And its not good. I slept past 3 am and my mom was waking me up around 4 am. Because we are gonna take a jog. But I swear, I can't. So, my mom only told P' Thangthai to wake me up at 6 am. Because, an alarm clock can't wake me up. :lol: Anyway, I was so dang sleepy this morning and I even slept while sitting on the kitchen for about 30 minutes. :lol: And my sweet nap was ruined when my Mom shouted right on my face. :lol: Urgh, whatever. I've got myself in the shower at around 6:50 am. And I have a 7:30 class. Abd guess what, I've finished taking a bath, urgh, getting dressed and finished doing my evil rituals :lol: at exactly 7:45 am. :D Then I arrived at 8:05 am at school. Wow. :lol: I am so slow. :lol: We did nothing actually..I shouldn't have went to school. Because it doesn't make any sense. :lol: Jk. The teacher only asked us to read page one up to page 69 of our Book Two. and then thats it. :retard: Urgh, Pathetic. :mad: And right after that.. I went back home and slept again. :D The truth is.. I just woke up. (: I skipped a lot of classes again. :D And I know my Mom's gonna kill me if she finds out. But, if she'll find out. =D I made an excuse letter. :D My left foot is in pain and I can't move it that much, plus my head hurts and I am having a really bad cold. And if ever they are gonna ask my Mom about it. I am dead. So dead. :lol: Whatever. OMG I can't think of any activity that I have done this whole afternoon. :lol: So, I guess.. I'll finish this one already. :lol: I still have to study. I need to catch up with them. :lol: Till then.. Eney
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

^^[quote=eney0715]^Please do avoid posting in Tagalog. Thanks.[/quote] yeah.. so sorry :D i forgot that it's not spam day and this is not the fu .. :lol: *cheers* thnx btw,
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

9/1/09 dear diary, i'm so busy diz few days till i can't have time 2 spend on ftalk.. miz u so muck ftalk.. :wow: school juz started last monday... i had very bad day on last few day.. i'm so tired.. :retard: can't have my 8 hours sleep anymore.. :crybaby: & i think i'm gonna be crazy.. :wasted:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[sup]1.11.09 Sunday[/sup] [b]Diary Dear,[/b] [i]Okay, first up. I don't know what crisis specifically means, but I do know it's kind of a dilemma or something. And that's the situation my family is probably in. My mom's best friend, who is in Sacramento, is like being beat up by her husband or something. So she wants to be picked up, and now my mother and father darlings are gonna drive there for like 9 hours, and my sister and I are gonna be left with a family friend. And currently, my auntie, is really struggling through cancer, there in the Philippines. My mom prays for her, that she can live, but she doesn't want her to suffer either. She is like my second mom. So my mom, if my aunt dies, she's gonna adopt my cousin, at least the youngest two. And another family friend, is like, really deppressed but "healing" cuz of like "false accuse". And he's in jail now. And my parents are like doing everything they can to let them out. And now, all I am left to do is just pray and believe.[/i]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

Dear Diary, I had the most wonderful time with my [i]bro[/i]. LOL. My [b]new[/b] bro [i]Adriel[/i]~ Lol. hahaha. It's someone. Let's go back to school topics. Crush! Crush! Crush! Wooo. I still have a crush on this Nathan guy. And there's this new students in our school. Their names are Bryan and Brendon. Their accents were really funny. Haha~ I don't have time to post so long in here. Byee, angeli<3
  • » [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

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