• » [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

to my friendly diary, it's almost 5 days... since i last talked to my boyfriend..... i dunno... it's just that i don't want to talk to him... i'm unfair because i just hang up our communication... (the fact that txts and calls are our only way of communicating each other..) =( =( =( he lives far from me... and actually i hate it having a bf that's not always on my side...but i still end up to him.. eventhough i know that at the end... i know that i'll break him up... im very wrong... i accept it.. the feeling now is gone... i don't love him anymore... and i dunno what im gonna do... i don't want to hurt him... but for what i'm doing i know tha't he'll be hurt more... haizt???!! i still don't know what im gonna do... he keeps on calling and texting me... asking me if i still love him... if what's wrong with me... why im not answering his calls... :( i don't know... what im gonna say to him... because,,, once i said that it's over... hell gonna do those crazy things again... haizt... :cry:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

3 dec 2008 wenesday i'm too tired. too may work to do...huhu
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

Dear Diary, Soccer! Soccer! Soccer! I love SOCCER!! LOL XD. At my first few weeks in my school, I still hate soccer. Well, that's becuz I still don't know how to play soccer that time. But, now, I LOVE soccer so much. That's becuz I'm good in soccer now. We always play soccer every recess, and we always play it at P.E. . I think I'm good at this, that I want to play soccer everyday! Haha XP. It's really fun playing soccer. The only thing I hate about soccer is that the ball always hits me. I hate it when the ball hits me. Right now, I'm in so much pain. Haha :x. Crush! Crush! Crush! Nathan!!! He's getting cuter and cuter everyday. And he always gets lollipop from me. The only thing I hate about him is that when we play 4 square, he always kills me and my guardian(Danah). But he's still cute and hot. Bestie! Bestie! Bestie! Christina!!!! LOL XD. [spoiler][i]I think it's official Maybe she's my best friend I'm not sure But I always hang out with her When I see her I go to her When she sees me She goes to me Maybe it's official Maybe she's my best friend I think.. [/i][/spoiler] I think it's official!!. Maybe we're best friends. Well, we always hang out everyday. And when we practice our talking parts in our school play, she's the one I always talk to. Well, sometimes she gets so annoying when she do the "flick therapy" to me. Haha XD. Flick therapy is when you ask someone a question and flick them in the hand and they'll tell the truth. And sometimes, she gets so annoying. Cuz she always talks to me even though we're about to get in trouble. Haha XP. But she's still my [i]best[/i] friend. I just hate it, cause she's my best friend, I love soccer, but she don't like to play soccer. I want her to get involve on what I like. Like, soccer! Haha :x. Ball!! Ball!! Ball!! Haha :x. This ball we were using to play soccer, a Grade 7 boy named the ball "Johnny". LOL XD. Haha. And, we said it's his son. Nyahaha :x. That's for now. Until here. Muwah** love always, angeli<3

Last edited by angeli718 (2008-12-04 18:31:00)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

Dear diary, Today is one of the best day of my life. I woke up about 6:15 AM and I was fine with my dream :wow: I started eating the egg pie :lol: NAH I hate cookies. I took a bath already. I dressed up, i rode the car when I forgot to -- WEAR MY I.D. !!! I was extremely HELL mad :mad: . But I was in good mood in the school cause I saw him in outside our class so I ran out and I spoke to him, And I noticed he's still carrying his bag and so I stopped talking to him and he asked me to go with him to his class HOW SWEET!! My classmate teased me till HELL until our adviser was there YAY !! She stopped. i was some sort of not in the mood cause OH never mind [: I was still happy during the mass. The priest was Indonesian :D During the communion, The line was looooooong =>,<= EEEK !! The mass ended we directly had our snacks. And so on. This lunch I had time to go to the library, I went there with Keshia. Without inviting him to go there, He went there OH F**EN I was blushing. There was no teacher/librarian. The Sixth Grade were the noisiest F*CKARDS ever !! He sat with us. After that, He went to get another book. What happened was there was a chair and he ALMOST slipped :lol: We lol'd with Keshia. The lunch was the second best part of the day [: Next was the afternoon /!\ On dance club time, It was so super fun. In the games Christian joined us he was like the only boy in the group :lol: LOLZZZZ . Next was dismissal time, I went by the bridge and I saw him he shouted "[b]BRIDGET !! Take care always !![/b]" For the first time he didn't tease me. And I go with my classmate to Miss Cordoa's room. What I was expecting them to stay inside but my classmate told him that I was coming so he wai[b]TED[/b] outside his room. That was the end. [b]PS:[/b] To those who want to see his picture, Click the link below: http://photos-155.friendster.com/e1/photos/55/15/45425155/1_353845918m.jpg He some sort of looks like a kid but he's a gentleman :wow: Lovelots, Mrs. Bermudez I mean Bridget :D
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

120508 5:10 pm to my friendly diary, i already told him... im sad coz i know that i hurt him... but what can i do,,, its better to be this way... than to tell him i still love him even if i know im not! he called me just this morning and i heard him crying on the other line but i just ignored it... and just tell him that im busy... haizt,,, i feel so sorry... =( i hope he can meet who loves him... really... not like me... :cry:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

Dear Diary. Why is it liked that. =( I was merrily talking to geneva and jm. T-T What's wrong with yahoo msgner? I hate it. Oh darn it. :retard: Then one time I signed in again to the same user. And wow. My stat msg didn't appear. I hate it. T-T One thing's surely the worst of all. I pmed him but he did not reply. What's wrong with him too? :wallbash: He's just like my guitar and my ym. Screw it. :retard: He said way back summer that we're friends. Why? :wallbash: I hate him. :wallbash::wallbash: But I still like him. :wallbash: I don't know why. He's a snob, now. =( ~chaw.
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

12-05-08 8:51 pm --- Dear Diary, I really enjoyed this day. I think this is the best day of my second year life. At first, I thought that the program for the teachers will be boring, but with the help of the students who performed, they kept us alive and energetic. They had these GMA and ABS-CBN programs, performed by the chosen students. I was like LMAO when it was Kuya Hesed's turn. You know what he did? He just imitated Kris Aquino in Deal or No Deal! LOL. He wore a black gown and a wig! Aw. I can't explain further more. All I know is that it was his very first and funniest presentation. :P And after the program, we were asked to clean the campus because tomorrow will be the entrance examination of the incoming freshmen students. I, Taze, BJ, Airam and Kirsten have nothing to do, so we just roamed around and played. But after a few minutes, we've decided to go at the Sci Garden since Karol and Bea were there, cleaning... And I was shocked when I saw my krasness, cleaning the fountain. I wanna help him, but naa. I was way too shy. Whatta. :wallbash: But on the brighter side, I was able to stay closer to him while he was still busy. LOL. I'm a stalker, ya know. Then my friends, they were like, [i]"Uyyy."[/i] Haha. --> I just loevv this day. No stress and no pollutants around. :D :D *Finally, I got a perfect score in our test in English. *sigh* :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Last edited by EMae (2008-12-05 08:05:52)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

120608 5:44 pm to my friendly diary, hi there... uhm... i must admit!! i miss him... but i already did what i think is best for the two of us,.... i even deleted his texts... all of his texts... am i hurt? for what i did?? haizt?!!! :cry:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

wow! cool thread :thumbsup: Date: 12/06/08 Day: Saturday Happenings: err, Today was our [i]family day[/i] in our school unfortunately, i forgot to wake up early in the morning and i need to go to school, coz i promised to my classmate that i will bring her "christmas fund drive" to the school we are oblige to bring "christmas fund drive" so we can wear sivillian clothes(anything you want to wear) during christmas party I really thought she will got mad to me, Luckily, she didnt :D hmmf, next time ill set my alarm clock before sleeping :lol:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

` dear diary, hmm . im quite bore && sad now . im heart broken awtz . it really hurts . im very very sad now . i hate this day . i wish i could forget him . :| tatz all foe today. :(
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

dear diary.. i'm very bored today & quit sad.. i miss him sooooo much... huhu... i just wanna where he now.. huhuhu... hope 1 dat i'll meet again with him... may God bless him always... :crybaby:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

December 08, 2008 monday *immaculate conception - no classes *sigh dear ftalk online diary, i am now listening to a song, "always be mine - phath" then i remember my crush and *thinks* if i can sing her this song even though were so distant to each other. then i PM her, we were exchanging thoughts. bang! i made a mistake, i give her a not-so-called good joke. and i know she was irritated, i kept asking her if she was mad but still no answer, y am i feeling this? there is a guilt inside me? i want to scream but i can't. this feeling was weird, every time i see her picture or even her signature picture, my heart would jump for joy. i can't understand this feeling, same with what happened last night while i was singing "moment of truth - fm static" her name was in my mind, and my trembling voice wants to shout her name. this intense feeling was so weird, every time i would logged in here in ftalk, i would search her name and look for her to have an online conversation with her. [s]i was falling[/s] noooo!! >.< she's now mad at me, i know that very well. that's y i sent her the song i found in the youtube. i hope she will like it. i hope your not mad if your reading this crap. :penguin: i won last night, oh it was 2nd but at least i won, my crush is always on my mind . . . . . :wallbash:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

Diary! i got sick and im still not feeling well. huhuhu.. :( and our inet conexon is so slow.. haii. so boring here. :(
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[align=center]081208 Monday. **. amazing..O_O on9 for 6 hours..:P LOL~ n i'll study for exam ( sigh ) n sleep..! Yeah.. i tired now..:P i mean my eye.. tym to go.. LOL~ END~[/align]
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

Date: Day: Happenings: [align=center][img]http://dl9.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1122/1122889uis5gpr73p.gif[/img] [i]Date: Dec. 8 08.. Day: Monday.. Happenings: A very Lazy day..Wew..Well, its my classmates bday..we celebrate it on his house.. Its was fun![/i] [img]http://dl9.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1122/1122889uis5gpr73p.gif[/img][/align]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

9 December 08 Dear Diary, Yesterday, I went alone in the cemetery to visit my friend's graveyard! He's been dead for like 2 weeks now! And I'm still blaming myself for his death! I bought my guitar with me and when I got there, I sat on the ground and sang to him the songs we used to sing before when he was still alive! i couldn't help myself not to cry! I miss them like hell! Actually, 2 of my friends were gone bcoz of the accident! And I can't visit my other friend's graveyard because it's very far from my place! She's a thousand miles away from me! Before i left the place, I sang to him the song "Paglisan". When I went home, I got big eye bags! How I wish we can still do the crazy things we used to do like the old days! :crybaby::crybaby:

Last edited by russell18 (2008-12-09 01:33:45)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

December 09, 2008 [i] dear diary... today my [b] big exam [/b] already started.. and ma 1st subjects is [b] religion.. [/b] honestly, i really can't understand about dat's subjects.. :crybaby: so dat's why i'm kinda cheatting wif ma fwendz.. :eh: and ma second subjects is [b] math.. [/b] honestly again.. dat's subjects is sooooooooooo haaardd! make hurts ma brain.. :mad: and i'm [b] full [/b] cheatting wif ma fwendz.. =D OMG.. i really hate exams.. i really hate study.. i wish someday i can [b] boom ma school [/b] and also kill ma [b] teacher [/b].. =D Oh God.. what happen with me? why i really hate all about school? :crybaby: God please bless me.. Hope today i can doing ma exams.. Hope so.. :crybaby:[/i]

Last edited by setsunacha (2008-12-09 02:17:48)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

Dear diary, After my very short sleep, I woke up. I was guessed that it will be the most pathetic day -- IT CAME TRUE :doubt: . I'm really mad :mad: . In school I was happy when I arrived. I walked by the 5th grade class and I saw two guys running. The white guy -- I DON'T KNOW HIS NAME -- Pushed some guy and -- THE GUY LANDED ON MY FOOT -- and the embarrassing part was -- I WAS IN FRONT OF JOSEPH AND DIETHER !! -- The laughed at me and said, OUCH N****L ( I need to censor the word for privacy issues) NAH . I'm sorry. I'm not in the mood :crybaby: Love, Bridget ♥ TEDDŸ
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

December 1o 2oo8. Wednesday. [align=center]Dear diary,[/align] [align=center]HOHO! I'm so happy. ;D 'coz my friend's (kat) Bestfriend (martin) treat us. HOHO! :lol: Lolx. ;D For [b]P100.[/b] Lolx! He's so [i]kuripot.[/i] LOL! xD He will treat us again on Friday. =D && also. This girl make my day sucks. :wallbash: She was telling sometin about their argument wit her boyfriend. It's becoz of [i]selos[/i] in a girl. She said that this girl keeps going in the place of his bf. and the same wit his boyfriend. tss Then I was asking her hu's dat girl! And she's not telling us. But I think she said it to my friend (kat). And I was thinking hu's dat girlalooo. And I think that's me! :penguin: [spoiler][i]*kase palagi naman din ako pumunta sa place ni boyfriend. pero di naman sya ung pinupuntahan ko dun! [/i][/spoiler] I dunno?! I just said that because.. now.. she's acting weird to me.. :retard: And i dunno why? Maybe.. I'll just talk to her.. =|[/align] [align=right][color=pink]- xoxo , iana. ♥[/color][/align]
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

[b]12 / 10 / 08[/b] [b][sup]Wednesday[/sup][/b] NEVERMIND.

Last edited by MiNEKOARCH (2010-04-12 09:06:41)

  • » [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

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