Dear diary,
Today is one of the best day of my life. I woke up about 6:15 AM and I was fine with my dream

I started eating the egg pie

NAH I hate cookies. I took a bath already. I dressed up, i rode the car when I forgot to -- WEAR MY I.D. !!! I was extremely HELL mad

. But I was in good mood in the school cause I saw him in outside our class so I ran out and I spoke to him, And I noticed he's still carrying his bag and so I stopped talking to him and he asked me to go with him to his class HOW SWEET!! My classmate teased me till HELL until our adviser was there YAY !! She stopped. i was some sort of not in the mood cause OH never mind [: I was still happy during the mass. The priest was Indonesian

During the communion, The line was looooooong =>,<= EEEK !! The mass ended we directly had our snacks. And so on.
This lunch I had time to go to the library, I went there with Keshia. Without inviting him to go there, He went there OH F**EN I was blushing. There was no teacher/librarian. The Sixth Grade were the noisiest F*CKARDS ever !! He sat with us. After that, He went to get another book. What happened was there was a chair and he ALMOST slipped

We lol'd with Keshia. The lunch was the second best part of the day [:
Next was the afternoon /!\ On dance club time, It was so super fun. In the games Christian joined us he was like the only boy in the group

LOLZZZZ . Next was dismissal time, I went by the bridge and I saw him he shouted "[b]BRIDGET !! Take care always !![/b]" For the first time he didn't tease me. And I go with my classmate to Miss Cordoa's room. What I was expecting them to stay inside but my classmate told him that I was coming so he wai[b]TED[/b] outside his room. That was the end.
To those who want to see his picture, Click the link below:
He some sort of looks like a kid but he's a gentleman

Mrs. Bermudez I mean Bridget