9 December 08
Dear Diary,
Yesterday, I went alone in the cemetery to visit my friend's graveyard! He's been dead for like 2 weeks now! And I'm still blaming myself for his death! I bought my guitar with me and when I got there, I sat on the ground and sang to him the songs we used to sing before when he was still alive! i couldn't help myself not to cry! I miss them like hell! Actually, 2 of my friends were gone bcoz of the accident! And I can't visit my other friend's graveyard because it's very far from my place! She's a thousand miles away from me! Before i left the place, I sang to him the song "Paglisan". When I went home, I got big eye bags! How I wish we can still do the crazy things we used to do like the old days!

Last edited by russell18 (2008-12-09 01:33:45)