September 7, 2008
Phew! I so have [b]hectic schedule[/b] this week! I have to go to lots of places and mind things.

Im so exhausted. Well my day today was okay, i hate my classmate because she woke me up by her text message

, i was having a good dream!

Well, [i]ive been daydreaming about my boyfriend again and again [/i]. .

He went online but didnt even left me a message, [u]i was so broken and crying[/u].

Am too worried about him, he has low sugar and that's sick. I don't want him to be sick.

So, next topic! I am so nervous about the [b]4th Journalism Congress Interschool Friendly competition here in our place.[/b] I am a [b]Cartoonist[/b] but i don't have any idea on what to draw.

I attended training yesterday, but i really said to myself. "Im really no good at this thing." haha

Later i have to go to my classmate's house and do a [b]BIG[/b] project.