Friend please read the rules and quit spamming you have posted the same comment in 31 topics
Also sticky caps are not allowed.
[quote]Welcome to FriendsterTalk.
The goal of this site is to be a fun place where Friendster users could hang out and discuss about anything. We support your freedom of speech, however we have a list of rules to go over. Read them carefully and follow them wisely. Warning and/or punishment will be issued to any offender.
1. Use your common sense.
2. Don't use language other than English (except in Regional Boards).
3. [b]Avoid using any foul and offensive words, ALL CAPS, sTiCkY cApS when posting[/b].
4. No spamming and flamming in any form.
5. No nudity and offensive content in any post including signatures and avatars.
6. No other forum/site promotion posts.
7. The usage of multiple accounts is not permitted.
8. [b]Multiple threads and posts with no purpose or clear direction are not allowed and will be considered as spam[/b].[/quote]