Re: [align=center][b]
i want to post this thread to write your daily
activities here.
Or we can call this DIARY.
in this DIARY thread,
fill up this format:
September 25, 2008 --- Thursday
[b]Dear Diary~[/b]
[quote]... I'll be going to Egypt maybe on Sunday or Monday & I think it'll be fun there. But I might not access the Internet that much there. Well, my plans are to take a lot of pictures, draw some things there, buy stuff, pyramid-hopping (lol~), swimming, roam around, shopping & marry a Mummy X3 Lol~ Jokes. I'mma do some homeworks there too, if I don't have some time here in Qatar. Hays-- I think I was lucky because my trip will be at the Holiday-week (Sept. 28-Oct. 3) & I don't need to give an excuse letter. Whew* Hays, but well, though it's a Holiday-week & I'm gonna be there in Egypt for one week, I'm still gonna miss my barkadazz T_T Really. Quak* My friends gave me an advice- don't ever go near Egyptian-strangers, it's bad for your health XD Lol~ Of course I won't be going to strangers, but I'd better be careful about people I think I already know o_e Waah! But I think I'mma enjoy my trip in Egypt :3
... I really miss chatting with him (?) about non-sense stuff T_T Before, it takes a lot of time for us to chat with each other each hour/day, but now, it just takes a few lines in an hour for us. That's because he's chatting with HERR. Awts~ It hurts! Oww, my liver, my toenails, my head, my eyes, my feet, my knees, my ears, fingers, my tummy, my HEART </3 Hays, now he's chatting with me & talking about the guy who's courting me >.< & I keep getting speechless about his questions about it like; why don't you like him (the who's courting me)? please give him a chance :]- Waah! I dunno what to answer him T_T I dunno how to explain this feeling inside me =X[/quote]