2008-10-11 07:22:38

» FTalkManiac
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Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[b]Updated.[/b] My Crushees in Ftalk :question: [spoiler][b]1.[/b] [b]Mai Bebe Chariz[/b] <3 :kiss: Really a niccccce person, 100% creative & orig :D IlabHerSM :wow: She's really colorful/random & kewl! She really Rocks on graphics & others & I'm sure, also in the Real world! BTW, she's also so Pree-tty & Loves a lot of random thingies! [b]IMY&ILY[/b] Idol, Bebe Chariz ;) [b]2.[/b] [b]Be-BestFriend -- Trixx[/b] <3 She's really a crazeee person, as she says in her About Me :) But she's a lot more crazeee when you get to know her. Kyoot & friendly :] She really [b]Rocks our worldz[/b]! :wow: No wonder she's so popular, really. But ILHer so muchee for who she really is, even if she thinks that she has negative sides :D We're in the same country, but I haven't meet her. Hoping to meet her in person :P [b]3.[/b] [b]Koo-ya Dondon[/b] :) He's really sweet & nice. Very verrrrrrr-y great in Graphics. One of my Idols ;) Cool too :] Hope he'll never change =) I-lab-you! Waka-waka-waka :lol: [b]4.[/b] Other Membars of [b]The Scandalers[/b] ^_^ They're really cool & fun to chat/post with :lol: Though I don't go to their Conferences sometimes :wasted: Hope I could join another crazeeeee one :eh: ILThem no matter what :wow: even if they hate me or love me or want to kill me. Lols- They rock! [b]5.[/b] [b]Ate Hanzel[/b] <3 She's really nice & [b]preee-tty[/b] :P IMHer, but I know her Kapz misses her like hell. Ahehe- ILY&IMY ateeee ;) [b]6.[/b] [b]Munch-kin ko[/b] :wow: Huwee- She's really nice & kyoot. I thank her for being nice to me =) She's a great graphic-maker :thumbsup: ILY Munch-kin :P [b]7.[/b] [b]Dhee[/b] <3 Just one single thing I've got to say about her, she [b]Rocks[/b]! [b]8.[/b] [b]Coooo-kie[/b] :D Really nice & sweet. Kyoot too ;) Hope to know more about her =) ILY. Mwa-hugs* [b]9.[/b] [b]Phiiiiia[/b] <3 She's really nice & pretty =) I<3herGraphics So muchee :wow: They're totally cool, like her :P Mwaka-mwaka-hugs* :kiss: [b]10.[/b] The people who Crushes me & wants to crrrrrush me! =D Keep up the good work! Lols- I love all Ftalk membars <3 [b]11. Ateeeee Maye[/b] IMY too ate. Glad to see you again :wow: Pree-tty, nice, gorgeous & others! ILY&IMY poh :redface: [b]12. Demonyo[/b] =D Lols- I lab this freakin' gal! She's really a nice & [b]crazy[/b] person :eh: No other monkey would be crazier than this gal :lol: Peace! Ahaha ((: But to say it, she's really nice & pree-tty. No denying huh! :P [b]13. Neloooo[/b] I've missed her. Long time no see! :crybaby: I'm glad to see her again & I'm glad she's one of the [b]Scandalers[/b] \m/ She's really nice & kyoot- Just look at her pics! :wow: BTW... Here na me! :D Lol- Hope to know more about her ;) [b]14. Ate Tinay[/b] <3 I miss her :crybaby: We didn't get to chat/talk to each other. She's a real nice & friendly moderator & of course, very beautiful (inside & out) ;) No wonder why a lot of members/people crush her. Heehee :P I lalalab her :wow: [b]15. Ate Duch[/b] Huwee- Chatted with her once, but that was just once. Lol- I hope to know her more. She's nice & preeee-tty :D [b]16. Shim Oo-ma[/b] :P She's nice & like an anime character for me. Heehee ((: Hope to know more about her, really muchee =)[/spoiler] Forgot the others :wasted: Lol- Sorry, I have short-term memory loss :wallbash:

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