2008-10-12 01:05:02

» FTalkElite
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Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

my crushes [updated :lol: ] [spoiler]gals: [b]ate bel[/b] - she's really nice, friendly and beautipul :wow: [b]ate eneyy[/b] - one op the most pwitty gals here n eptok.. she's uber nice to me.. [b]ira[/b] - moi bestfriend [b]emlodee[/b] - i met her today.. she's nice.. hope to moar bout her [b]blanche[/b] - she's a gud gfx maker.. :D [b]Angeli_7[/b] - the founder.. she rocks [b]sis cham[/b] - she's kind.. hope to know moar bout her [b]ate ukoi[/b] - she's kind.. and cute :D [b]ate tinay[/b] - a great mod! she's uber nice to me! i rili leik her.. she's also pwitty :D [b]Lhyrickz[/b] - my uber nice friend.. imher [b]Yna[/b] i miss her suu much [b]linniie[/b] - i loev her works! :wow: [b]sis anne[/b] - she's uber nice.. a great gfz amker too! [b]sis lin[/b] - she's so artictic! i miss her [b]forsakendoll[/b] - my idol! :wow::thumbsup: [b]louise[/b] i loev her works.. :rose: [b]my two kambal[/b] :wow: guys: [b]orio[/b]- i leik him.. he's fun t be with :D [b]ate guile[/b] - the best ate ever :lol: the great leader op rockstars.. [b]jieduck[/b] - my dear bro from mars :eh: [b]bro jesse[/b] - he's nice =) [b]christian[/b] - a great gfx maker too.. he's kind ;) [b]bro rei[/b] - a nice friend of mine a great siggy maker too! [b]dondon[/b] - i rili leik his works! :wow:[/spoiler]

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