my crushes [updated
[b]ate bel[/b] - she's really nice, friendly and beautipul
[b]ate eneyy[/b] - one op the most pwitty gals here n eptok.. she's uber nice to me..
[b]ira[/b] - moi bestfriend
[b]emlodee[/b] - i met her today.. she's nice.. hope to moar bout her
[b]blanche[/b] - she's a gud gfx maker..
[b]Angeli_7[/b] - the founder.. she rocks
[b]sis cham[/b] - she's kind.. hope to know moar bout her
[b]ate ukoi[/b] - she's kind.. and cute
[b]ate tinay[/b] - a great mod! she's uber nice to me! i rili leik her.. she's also pwitty
[b]Lhyrickz[/b] - my uber nice friend.. imher
[b]Yna[/b] i miss her suu much
[b]linniie[/b] - i loev her works!
[b]sis anne[/b] - she's uber nice.. a great gfz amker too!
[b]sis lin[/b] - she's so artictic! i miss her
[b]forsakendoll[/b] - my idol!
[b]louise[/b] i loev her works.. :rose:
[b]my two kambal[/b]
[b]orio[/b]- i leik him.. he's fun t be with
[b]ate guile[/b] - the best ate ever
the great leader op rockstars..
[b]jieduck[/b] - my dear bro from mars
[b]bro jesse[/b] - he's nice
[b]christian[/b] - a great gfx maker too.. he's kind
[b]bro rei[/b] - a nice friend of mine a great siggy maker too!
[b]dondon[/b] - i rili leik his works!