2008-10-12 08:59:09

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

No one crushes me. =( :D Crushieess: [spoiler][b]Ts Gurlaannggss.[/b] They Rock My world. I lab you all,guys.! :kiss: :rose: :wow: =) :thumbsup: [b]Gurang.[/b] My uber loveable Girlfriend. Lolwut? Is she my gurlfriend? :D Anyway, This person is very Freaky and crazy But I liek her just the way she is. :):thumbsup: I lalalalalab her much. <333333333. and if I got to meet one person here in ftalk I would choose [b]her.[/b] :P [b]Dondon.[/b] Kyohei. :D He is the closest person to me here. I love his gfx. And everything about him. Thnx for everything bro. I lalalallalalalalalab Him Much. :wow: <3333. I hope he`s not mad at me. He`s like my Brother kasi eh. =):thumbsup: Hope he will not change. Ever. :rose: :wow: [b]Nahz. Babe.[/b] Sweetest person ever. She`s so nice That it breaks my heart seeing her sad. =) I lab her gfx and I miss chatting with her. =( She`s my Babe maii One and Only. I lalalalalabyouubermuch. :rose: :wow:[/spoiler]

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