[quote=nahtanoj18]Here are all the codes that you need to fully customize your profile! No need to add other codes just edit it all and you can have a customized profile like mine, these CSS codes are the codes that I am using in my profile... Good luck to everyone who may want to use it....
<">The only thing you need to do here is edit the contents of these codes and there you may have it complete! Copy all of these codes and paste it in a notepad for easy editing... After that proceed here to know how to use a hosting site for these codes....
tnx 4 sharing
hmm..can u see my profile??? 'coz my friends, groups, ands fans are at the bottom...they should be in the right side...
and one thing more, my media box.....it is too large..hope u can help me::
T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U!!!!!!