[quote=Glam]Gee tnx.

and i didnt double post by the way, 1st message was yesterday and i just followed up to see if someone responded to my question the next day, so i posted another one. i thought double posting was posting the SAME message over again. i guess i was wrong. oh well. and for the record, i did search THIS thread for the codes that i was in search for. so don't call me lazy, cuz that is one thing that i am not. but yea, nice way to treat a newbie, how welcoming. tnx anyway. later.


I have the codes for centering your profile is that what your asking for? It removes everything from the right side of the profile.
Just so you know mickyriora is one of the most helpful members on Friendster Talk, all that is ask is you follow the rules and make an effort to find what it is your looking.
Welcome to fstalk!
Last edited by bobcbar (2007-09-28 15:42:10)