Re: [align=center][quote][quote]"Here we are try to reach the stars
It’s time to leave and break the wall
Now it's time for revolution
It’s time to leave and breaking on
Its revolution"[/quote]
[quote=zyrax86]ayieeee......sori......i jst told him coz he'd been away fer 2 weeks.......he was asking fer news....[/quote]
ate never mind
thats nonsense
[quote=As cicatrizes]hahahahahah!! sshhh~~ okay.,let's be active in spamming.,i mean posting here.[/quote]
spam when the leader and the mods are offline
[quote=As cicatrizes]RULE OF THE THUMB: spam when the mods are offline.,haha[/quote]
go for the gold
go go spammers