[quote=bles_212000]nah,I know you dance,
[b]ftw,.,hahaha.,,i dont dance coz i look stupid when i dance.,it always makes me laugh ya know.,[/b]
[quote=bles_212000]yep, I got it just yesterday and sorry if I forgot to say Thank you cause i tried to Pm you yesterday but your Pm is disabled, anyway, here it goes,,,[/quote]
[b]yah,no prob.,i just thought you didnt received my message.,wahahah., [i]sira ang smart.[/i][/b]
[quote=bles_212000]I now working on it, bel.
[b]yeah,work hard.,haha.,and btw.,while you're working on it, can you also get food for me.,coz im hungry now.[/b]