2009-01-24 04:55:27

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b] hi.! i want to post this thread to write your daily activities here. Or we can call this DIARY. in this DIARY thread, fill up this format: Date: Day: Happenings: ahaahaha.! le

Dear Diary, [spoiler]Hmm. Today wasn't that great because I took the entrance exam for St. Scholastica's Academy here at Marikina. It wasn't that challenging after all. I met my former classmate Angela. And my classmate Bernadette. They were also taking the test. I have the worst news on my life. One Of My teachers died because of TB. She had been attacked by it that she died just today. I was really sad. But then. I regreted what I said last. When she keeps on telling me that im Lyka -- My Classmate / Enemy. Lyka was her favorite student. Even though Lyka doesn't have the high grades than mine. She gives Lyka a high grade even if Lyka is not deserving to receive that grade. She wasn't that fair enough.. I want to share this past weeks experience.. My God. It was out retreat last January 21-22 2009. I really had fun within the day. Even though I have a lot of enemies. We had fun. XDD When it was Wednesday. I sitted beside my classmate Nino. I really don't know why. lol. Mybe just to both read about the book that is from my another classmate David. While were reading... He layed his head on my shoulders. I really don't know why. I know he have a crush. It was Kimberly. not me after all.. But last quarter. It was me who he was craving. At the retreat house. We had the strange groupings. I, Nino, Kenneth, Bernadette, Agnieszka, Daniel were groupmates. I sitted on beside a wall and an aircon. Nino sat beside me. While our retreat master was telling what to do. He.. was laying again and holding my hand. Ugh. I really don't know what's the meaning. I can't receive any signals. After the groupings. We, girls had changed our stvpid clothes into pajamas and another session had started. It was called the "Circle Of Love". We had the same groupings. Our retreat master turned off all the lights and he let us bought the candles. One candle per each group. we were nearby our room---Girl's Dorm. I was chosen as th leader which comes first.. The questions to be asked are: what do you like about me? What do you dislike about me? And what are your prayers for me? ```The game should start at my right which is Daniel. So he said " I wasn't selfish. " Kenneth said " Romantic. lol. " Agniezska said " Fun to hug with ". Bernadette said " Good girl ". And Nino said " Understanding " . I wouldn't be telling you about their dislikes. But they are all good for me. At least they told me. ---Before we go to bed. We're taking our dinner. With Nino beside me.. Bernadette Infront. I always put more more more food at his plat -- Nino's plate. Ugh. ~Were finished eating that we need to go to our beds to sleep. When we had went. I checked my phone and he texted my "Goodnight". I really have the strange feeling about it. A hard feeling.. --I'll not gonna tell you when I woked up. When we had our breakfast because it was corny. Very corny. i'll just gonna tell you about the Friday. ~i went on school when the clock struck exactly 6:45 am. I was talking to Robin. Nino's seatmate while Nino grabeed my left hand and hold them. I really had again the feeling. I really really coulnd't understand. When we had our assembly. He's looking to me. Is that a sign of LOEV in the air? It's about our Graded Recitation at our Reading Class. He was straightly looking at my eyes. That I've noticed he was looking at all my actions. All of them. He was looking at my lips how do I say the words. My actions. So my knees would bent afterall. All eyes are mine. I don't know. what's happening. It's about out Computer time. We're sitting beside each other. Here we go again. He was placing his head again to my shoulder. I was placing mine to his. He was holding my kness. And I was nervous. Our computer professor keeps on looking at us that i've been saying that " Shh. I think you need to get out." But then it doens't work. He really likes me at all. lol. That Friday. We had our Graduation Pictorial at the Building II. When a hairdresser was fixing mgy hair and a make-up artist was putting make-up. One of my classmate--Lyka said" Ate, You sould get her bald." I said "So why?". She just shutted her mouth. And when I finished. My god. I wasn't the Kristel I known for a long time. It's been a year since I was not into again wearing make-ups.. I was just a princess when I came back at the room. Everyone was looking at me. I didn't erased my make-up since after recess to dismissal. When I was opening the cafeteria's door. Someone opened it for me. I don't know who. I really dn't know and he said.. "Miss you're cute." ~The bell rang. And it's time to line up. I saw Lyka and her fvcking groupmates. They are all just like eggs. They had a long face. not just mine. I was seen by my Ex-bf. Kirby. When Stephanie talked to me. It was said that Kirby wnated to touch me by the consequence of Lyka. Stephanie said if it would be okay but i said No.. he always tried but there are many teachers who are looking. so he can't make his move. I laughed when i climbed up. and entered our room. It was fun. lolenggs. When It was already club time. I saw my former grade-five classmates there. One of them is Kenneth Santos. He's been courting me when I was in grade -five. So he acted like I and him were kissing. Stuffs like that. I sa Jeriz also there. Pretending to be my boyfriend. Jeruz holded my hand and tickled me like a baby. A cute little maked-up baby. They said i was such a barbie doll.. When our moderator went to the room. one YMAC boys -- a member went up to call us. To go to the Gym to play. But it was raining. Raining. So while waiting for our moderator I was busy Fixing my hair. And playing with the rain. I was like a child while playing. I got my jogging pants all wet. Knee to bottom. We went to the Gymnasium as it said we had to playfor the sportsfest. The YMAC Boys were playing basketball. one of my ex's were there. He looked up to me. And making me as his inspiration to shoot. But then he can't shoot. I know my focused is not ith him. It was with Herstian and Kenneth Santos. My friends. I sitted at a Wall there which have a plug. They wanted to sprinkle it a water but they cant. So that i would be electrified. While doing that. Kirby--My ex were lookng at me. I really don't know why. lol. XDD When I got down. There was a huge flood. Lol. a water which cames from the outside. Which were stomping o it. My jogging pants were wet. And kirby was still looking at me. i just laughed out loud. I thought were going to play with them but no. It was only a prank call . I think they had done to it so see me fixed. Because past months. Im really lazy to comb my hair many times. so maybe that's why. lol. Our moderator became mad and we just dismissed. We had our attentance. And go. I was walking towards my bag. While Kenneth Santos is behind my back. I think stalking me. He's been good for me that last year.. i didn't noticed i was falling out for him. But now i'm inlove with Kenneth Azarcon. One of my classmates which is sitting behind my back and sitting beside my Bernadette bestie.. I really had a so much time hanging with Kenneth Azarcon at the day of our retreat. It's mlike it was the day to reveal your inner feelings for one and another. I told kenneth azarcon that e is easy to love. and he said i was just romantic. But I can't get him . He likes a girl which is kinda popular in our school. -- Nicoline Austria. She's pretty but greedy. Yes greddy. She like Exequiel De Belen which is his bestbud. And i founded out that Kenneth Azarcon have a picture of Nicoline at his wallet. When will Kenneth Azarcon will be mine is the only question in my mind. Yes. In my whole life. -- LOEVS U ALOT -XSTEL[/spoiler] ~~*sorry if it's too long. XXDD

Last edited by xstel (2009-01-24 04:57:17)

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