2007-12-10 00:46:27

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

[quote=Angeli_7]i still don't understand..when i view my profile when am not logged in...my js codes won't work...when i log in they all work....becoz of that i decided to set my profile on private...where can i insert the merlin script on my tracker code in way that it won't disable my other js codes... =|[/quote] Are you using the merlin codes from asnasn585? In his instructions he is saying not to add the code to ur tracker codes but to add another linker code. I suggest you create ur merlin codes in a seperate file on ripway.com then use the js injector code to add to ur tracker.js/txt for example only. <">Just add this code at the top of ur tracker.js/txt

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