2007-12-10 01:08:11

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

[quote=Angeli_7]thanks but do know the code on injecting multiple js codes??? can we paste that twice on our tracker.... :arrow: <">[/quote] This is from page 1 of this thread :D [quote]Archer wrote: here's a script to load multiple js files. so you can have separate js files for specific scripts. its a lot less confusing to modify a scpecific script function or to find one that has an error in it. i suggest you place the most important script as the very 1st one. if you have multiple functions in one js file, one error may prevent the function below it from functioning unless the call function is done before the error. example: if function blah() has an error, it may prevent boo() and duh() from executing even if they are independent functions. function blah(){oops error} function boo(){} function duh(){} NOTES: seperate you scripts in different files. like mytracker.js , myloader.js, mywhatever.js script[number] = 'script file name' . numbers are sequential [3],[4],[5],[6] etc. for additional scripts add your scripts one by one. if the one you added works add the next one. if the next one fails, skip or debug it later. <">[/quote]

Last edited by bobcbar (2007-12-10 01:09:56)

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