2007-12-18 04:59:04

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

[quote]mickyriora wrote: For the url of your script folder, just place the url of your script folder where you saved the multiple js you want to load as discussed in topic number 6.[/quote] ok, i get it. . i want to ask someting example, the url of your js you've saved in ripway is <">so it means that the url of your folder is only <">am i right? and what's that %20 thing on the url? sorry for the wrong grammar. . . . . and thanks for the person who answered my question. . . :D

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