2008-03-23 10:51:12

Shim Oo-Ma
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

yah~ as how i thought. my name is fading [b]AWAY[/b] the longer i'm not here. the more u forget me :crybaby: okay. i'm gonna tell all my crushes and the reasons [b]gurl[/b] :arrow: sis KIM - she always likes my pics wenevur i post it. there are so many things to say about her :cool: :arrow: sis IZE - she's pretty. luv her :redface: :arrow: sis LOIS - she's the threadstarter. thank u! :D :arrow: sis AYEI - her layyies. herself. just perfect! :D :arrow: sis FAITH - she's soo cute n chubby! want to pinch her cheeks! :arrow: sis ICE - she is so stunning. haha. *ehem* kirksydney :eh: :arrow: sis AYA - she's very beautiful.. promise.. i want a body like hers! :wow: :redface: :arrow: sis BIANX - i'm inlove wid her poems :wow: :arrow: sis SHINE - she's very creative^^ i luv her fs proffy :D :arrow: sis LALAINE - her beauty is ETERNAL XD :arrow: sis GRACE - sticth fanatic^^ blue dog XD :arrow: sis DUCH - she is very creative and good in fstricks, she is also cute^^ :D :arrow: sis TINAY - i like her young face wid da eyeglass XD luv it!^^ :wow: :arrow: sis JAN APRIL - owa. we both luv shikashika^^ :arrow: sis MAYE - she is pretty. very pretty. mega pretty! :arrow: sis BRATINELA - i like her. she's one of ma fwendz XD anyway, happy birthday sis! [b]gay. oww! sorry. i min guy[/b] :arrow: bro BOB - the most handsome mod XD. wahahahaha :wow: :arrow: bro HARVII - he is SOOOOO stunning! :arrow: bro KARURO - i love his artworks and his overlay :D :arrow: bro CLOUD - the most gentleman mod oooohh... :redface: :arrow: bro CHESTER - i mis his headband.. missing it.. so bad :lol: :arrow: bro EEHJHAY - he's umm.. he's uhhh :redface: :redface: :arrow: bro KIEL - he's cute^^ :D :arrow: bro ANGELO - i like da signature dat he made :wow: :arrow: bro SHIROW - i luv his hairstyle XD, so japan. i also like japan. XDDDD :arrow: bro TOKICHIRO - waha, wat shall i say. he's goodlooking :eh: :arrow: bro CARLO - what can i say, he is cute >____< yah. i mentioned u ppol. i hope i'm back in ur list :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: @DEVERKERBILL - you are not m crush anymore... whahahahaha. more than a crush :redface:

Last edited by 사랑해요UmA_loVe사&# (2008-03-23 12:51:38)

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