[quote=jeromezki]Hello to all

I think I need some help... I tried to follow the instructions in this thread but nothing happens...
here is the js file (
I copied the link of the js (
http://h1.ripway.com/jeromezki/mono.txt) and paste it in (
http://angelldeville.mydiscussionboard.com/JS-Linker-h29.htm) then generated the code...
After that I copied the generated code and placed it in my Friendster's (Add Media)...
Hmmm... Did I miss something? Help Please


u did it ryt..
but sometimes., if u have embedded codes in ur media box., it gets a conflict & codes wont work.
so u myt wanna try removng other flash/embeddable codes in ur media section & see if the codes wil work.
u may also try putting ur codes in ur WIWTM section [b]IF[/b] u hav enaf space ther.