[quote=summerLunacy]ms shy!.im having troubLes.haha.im a totaL newbie in using ripway and the such.ehh,.after saving,,how wiLL it work in my profiLe.btw..how shud i save js fiLes??ehehe.pLease heLp mee.

aftr saving ur files in ripway..
u need the [b]linker[/b]
u'll find that in the [url=http://theftalk.com/f5-Friendster-Underground.html]Underground Section[/url]
the Js file... that's the one also included in step four,
only, i used the extention [b].txt[/b] instead of [b].js[/b]
Last edited by sHy19 (2008-05-08 16:40:50)