[quote=ferogchia]i don't get this game

oh hi there, you can read the first page of this thread,
but i can share to you some instructions to this game.
the thread's title is [b]"what will be your reaction ???"
the last one to post here will be posting a question,
then on your post, you will answer the question
and post another what will be your reaction .. question you can think of.
for example
uben: "what will be your reaction if i will kiss you
you: i will commit suicide
"what will be your reaction if i slapped you
next poster: i kick you, haha
then so on

kinda get it?
im not good in explaining


[quote=CiaReDeviL]what will be ur reaction if one day..all school is closed..!!!

i will be celebrating, haha
i have no idea if how will i celebrate the triumphed of the shutting down of all schools

[quote=the person above me]What will be your reaction if your bf/gf suddenly says to you, "How I wish I never met you!"[/quote]
*i will just ignore it, and slapped her. ahaha
[quote]*what wil be your reaction if you see your report card in red or fail all subjects?[/quote]
Last edited by ubenchx (2008-12-08 08:15:23)