» instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
just pray to god to save me
if all of ur friends come to your house right now??
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
I will let my Dogs Out of their cage And Bite my Classmates
If Ur napkin is in the teacher's Desk?
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
i will just ignore it btw what is napkin??
what if u forgot to wear your undies
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
[align=center][quote=mirhadz]btw what is napkin??[/quote]
[spoiler]girls bestfriend when they have a monthly period. i mean we. lol!!!![/spoiler]
^^im like.. OMG!!!! lol hahahhaha
what if you knew that your love/crush is a gay? hehe[/align]
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
id be &
but later on
imma find me a new crush then!
wut wud ur reaction b if u didnt hav any front teeth & bit a blade & pushed it forward then bakk repeatedly??[/align]
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
[align=center][i]I'd be in pain. I would be all like 'how the heck did this sh*t happen?'
and give myself a shot of anesthetic to null the pain.
[b]How would you react if your mom got hit by a truck
and got her brains splattered all over you?[/b][/i][/align]
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
my reaCtion is like this then then then
what if ur crush have a crush on u?
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
il be flattered but he wont know that i am..
what if you found out you only have 1 day to lilve..?
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
i'll shout....
what if your crush have another crush????
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
that'' be alright with me.. i dont own him enewies..
what if i tell you i have a crush on you..?
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
wow Thank you~
if u found out that ur crush already have a son or daughter?
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
fine with me.. its just an infatuation..
what if you found out that your adopted only?
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
huwat?! i'll wonder who are my real parents..
if you found out that ur dad/mom has another fam?
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
i can live with that.. hahaha..
what if you & ur cousin fell inlove wiz each other.. what would you do?
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
shocks!!! it can't be.. xP
uhm... i can't tolerate it e...
what if your gf/bf is super jealous w/ ur
bestfriend hu happened to be of opposite sex?
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
id ditch my boyfriend for my bestfriend.. hell yo im more into friends that to my bf..
wat if your house got burned up when u get hme..
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
shocks!!! itz so tragic...
i'll cry.. haha! then live abroad... x(
what if there is somebody hu's super interested w/ ur guy/gal
that the person wants to steal him/her away from you?
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
i just so happened to have given it to her..
about 5 minutes ago.. hehehe..
what if your date told you his gay..?
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
freak out??? i will lost my appetite to everythin' lol,. hate it,.
it just happened,. i just found out my crush was a gay lol hate it so much
what if you saw a snake on your bed??
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
i would scream as loud as i can
if u ftalk id are ripped??
» instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w