» instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
i'll be sad..
wat if you'l be locked up in a tower ?
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
i'll die haha
wat if you accidentaly fall inlove ?
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
my reaction would in love...
what if you found out that you are dying?
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
[b]omg...i wil be very very sad....
wat wil b ur reacxon if mr.marc14 luvz u?...(peace...)[/b]
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
happy maybe??i dunno who him???
if u know at night u will die??
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
[b]of course, i wil b very very sad...
wat wil b ur reacxon if, d person u luv, also luvz you?...[/b]
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
be shocked and be happy...
what will be your reaction if you have eaten a cockroach?
Last edited by _vanilla_ O_o (2008-04-19 10:15:26)
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
a cockroach?? ewwww...
i'll just vommit and vommit until the cockroach came outside my body.....
and also.. i will cry....cause its my 1st time to eat that pest... ahaha
what will be your reaction if you missed your js prom???
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
what will be your reaction if you see your face in the mirror???
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
[b]i will be very shock..coz, i wil see a very beautiful gurl.... (jaz kidding....)
wat wil be ur reacxon if ur dad wil gve u a brnd new car?...[/b]
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
what will be y0ur reacti0n if y0ur parents gr0unded y0u f0r 1 month??
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
a lil mad...
and ofcoures sad....
what will be your reaction if your ultimate crush suddenly kissed someone in front of you???
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
Omg! i'll cry!
What will be your reaction if yur crush have a crush on you?
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
i'll be happy.
what if the ex of you bf/gf text your bf/gf?
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
~i'll kill 'er. lolx, kidding.
~wwburi you caught something on fire?
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
[b]uhhhmmm...i'll cry?...i dnt knw...
wat wil b ur reaction if, ur crush kissed u in front of your parents?...[/b]
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
well...by then...i c0uld have pr0bably t0ld my parents ab0ut him s0 it's okay...haha...but i'll talk t0 him after that and i bet y0u all kn0w what i'll say...
what will be ur reacti0n if y0ur bel0ved one(but y0u're n0t in a relati0nship)kissed y0ur best friend in fr0nt of y0u?
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
ill get jealous even though were not in a relationship.
what will you IF your bf/gf wont let your relationship be in public...
in short...
keeping it a secret that your in a relationship cause if his/her parents know that he/she have a bf/gf...
he wont get his "mana"
what will you do on that situation.?!
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
then will keep IT a secret.but he'd better share me some of his "mana" in the future though.haha.
what will your reaction be if your bestfriend tells you that your crush is courting her????ouch.
Re: instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w
wrong grammar,!
ill ask my crush if thats true..
if thats true..!
im letting her free.!
what will you do if your very expensive phone will be soak in water.?
what will you do.?
» instructions:
juz answer the question of the perosn above you and you'll be the nxt one hu will ask a question..
it should start "what will be ur reaction if" then you will just place an event
what w