• » [quote][b]Updated (Dec-01-2009):[/b] Feel free to discuss [u]any ongoing [/u]contest here! [i]-forsakendoll[/i][/quote] [hr][hr] It seems that most of you are excited about this current layout cont

[quote][b]Updated (Dec-01-2009):[/b] Feel free to discuss [u]any ongoing [/u]contest here! [i]-forsakendoll[/i][/quote] [hr][hr] It seems that most of you are excited about this current layout cont

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]Updated (Dec-01-2009):[/b] Feel free to discuss [u]any ongoing [/u]contest here! [i]-forsakendoll[/i][/quote] [hr][hr] It seems that most of you are excited about this current layout cont

[quote=sHy19]^^ wen u copied ur page source...are ur codes stil workng?[/quote] yes..it's still working.. :(
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]Updated (Dec-01-2009):[/b] Feel free to discuss [u]any ongoing [/u]contest here! [i]-forsakendoll[/i][/quote] [hr][hr] It seems that most of you are excited about this current layout cont

jz make sure u copied everythng in the source code., create a text file in ur hosting site & add [b].html[/b] as the extension. [spoiler]like this one... [url]http://h1.ripway.com/ysh19/chubz.html[/url] i made this for ur lay...u can copy it or jz use it... :D [/spoiler] that shud work... that's ol i did in my html page =| try to refresh it if it doesnt appear the 1st tym u chek or chek mybe its jz the loadng tym. [hr][hr][hr][hr] oh wait..i cant see ur codes...i jz chekd its diff n ie & ff... jz like wat happnd to my profile b4... try changing ur linker in ur html page... :D or jz copy the one in the link that i posted :lol:

Last edited by sHy19 (2008-05-02 23:31:40)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]Updated (Dec-01-2009):[/b] Feel free to discuss [u]any ongoing [/u]contest here! [i]-forsakendoll[/i][/quote] [hr][hr] It seems that most of you are excited about this current layout cont

[quote=sHy19]jz make sure u copied everythng in the source code., create a text file in ur hosting site & add .html as the extension. like this one... http://h1.ripway.com/ysh19/chubz.html i made this for ur lay...u can copy it or jz use it... :D that shud work... that's ol i did in my html page =| try to refresh it if it doesnt appear the 1st tym u chek or chek mybe its jz the loadng tym. oh wait..i cant see ur codes...i jz chekd its diff n ie & ff... jz like wat happnd to my profile b4... try changing ur linker in ur html page... :D or jz copy the one in the link that i posted :lol:[/quote] tnx for the backup html.. :) really appreciate it.. i'll be just using it.. tnx.. i hope my layout's enough to get through me to the finals.. :) i hope we'll see each other there..

Last edited by chubz202 (2008-05-03 00:13:37)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]Updated (Dec-01-2009):[/b] Feel free to discuss [u]any ongoing [/u]contest here! [i]-forsakendoll[/i][/quote] [hr][hr] It seems that most of you are excited about this current layout cont

Friendster maintenance is on the way :lol:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero
Some FTalkers ♥ My Threads!

Re: [quote][b]Updated (Dec-01-2009):[/b] Feel free to discuss [u]any ongoing [/u]contest here! [i]-forsakendoll[/i][/quote] [hr][hr] It seems that most of you are excited about this current layout cont

Ohhh. Yes! Ahahaha! Nice works guys! I'm still "[i]kulelat[/i]"! :lol: Hahaha! Keep making those cute layouts, guys! :D:thumbsup:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]Updated (Dec-01-2009):[/b] Feel free to discuss [u]any ongoing [/u]contest here! [i]-forsakendoll[/i][/quote] [hr][hr] It seems that most of you are excited about this current layout cont

[i]the PM system doesnt seem to work. it always says that i must wait 30sec before i can send it. [/i] [b]SIR EEHJHAY[/b] May i have a favor to ask? If it's ok to you.. I will be entrusting my PASSWORD to you since I can't be online during finals IF EVER i may be qualified. I'll just be asking you to submit my post or entry once the finals has started. I'll send you tomorrow my password and post which includes some screen shots of my entry and any other necessary things that might be in need for my submission ..If it's ok to you sir.

Last edited by chubz202 (2008-05-03 05:23:29)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]Updated (Dec-01-2009):[/b] Feel free to discuss [u]any ongoing [/u]contest here! [i]-forsakendoll[/i][/quote] [hr][hr] It seems that most of you are excited about this current layout cont

^ you should PM eehjhay for that, no need to post it right here,:/
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]Updated (Dec-01-2009):[/b] Feel free to discuss [u]any ongoing [/u]contest here! [i]-forsakendoll[/i][/quote] [hr][hr] It seems that most of you are excited about this current layout cont

[quote=KhErMiNaToR]^ you should PM eehjhay for that, no need to post it right here,:/[/quote] i tried tens of times already.. and it always sez that i must wait 30sec before i can send a msg..
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]Updated (Dec-01-2009):[/b] Feel free to discuss [u]any ongoing [/u]contest here! [i]-forsakendoll[/i][/quote] [hr][hr] It seems that most of you are excited about this current layout cont

^ Don't worry, keep trying and if it still wont get through, ill PM ej instead. :)
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]Updated (Dec-01-2009):[/b] Feel free to discuss [u]any ongoing [/u]contest here! [i]-forsakendoll[/i][/quote] [hr][hr] It seems that most of you are excited about this current layout cont

[quote=chubz202]i tried tens of times already.. and it always sez that i must wait 30sec before i can send a msg..[/quote] try not to click anything in ftalk for 30 secs. after 30 secs, try send ur pm :D
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]Updated (Dec-01-2009):[/b] Feel free to discuss [u]any ongoing [/u]contest here! [i]-forsakendoll[/i][/quote] [hr][hr] It seems that most of you are excited about this current layout cont

@chubz202: Try to close your browser in 1-5 minutes. Then send a PM again. :o
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]Updated (Dec-01-2009):[/b] Feel free to discuss [u]any ongoing [/u]contest here! [i]-forsakendoll[/i][/quote] [hr][hr] It seems that most of you are excited about this current layout cont

[quote=Freelance6969]_____________________________ #19 Miss The Summer Moments:thumbsup::thumbsup: REALLY GREAT ! my top favorite so far :D hehehe really really good . nice concept really clean . love the background great primary picture rating: an 8.5 out of 10 _____________________________[/quote] thx so much bro. :D i try my new experiment in making a flash header and flash friend list. :lol: glad that they are working.
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]Updated (Dec-01-2009):[/b] Feel free to discuss [u]any ongoing [/u]contest here! [i]-forsakendoll[/i][/quote] [hr][hr] It seems that most of you are excited about this current layout cont

i sent it already.. :) tnx guys.. good thing i can send PMs again :)
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]Updated (Dec-01-2009):[/b] Feel free to discuss [u]any ongoing [/u]contest here! [i]-forsakendoll[/i][/quote] [hr][hr] It seems that most of you are excited about this current layout cont

@chubz...yer welcome ;) yeah., hope to c u ther :D :crybaby: coz of Friendster's maintenance my layout doesnt seem to work anymore... :disgust: good thing for the HTML page :lol:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]Updated (Dec-01-2009):[/b] Feel free to discuss [u]any ongoing [/u]contest here! [i]-forsakendoll[/i][/quote] [hr][hr] It seems that most of you are excited about this current layout cont

^yeah.. good thing i have a backup file.. yey!! ----------------> updated!! FS is finished wid their maintenance.. my linker still works..

Last edited by regiehiozn (2008-05-03 09:44:04)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]Updated (Dec-01-2009):[/b] Feel free to discuss [u]any ongoing [/u]contest here! [i]-forsakendoll[/i][/quote] [hr][hr] It seems that most of you are excited about this current layout cont

Yep the linker is still working and I can view most of the layouts entered in the contest still =)
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]Updated (Dec-01-2009):[/b] Feel free to discuss [u]any ongoing [/u]contest here! [i]-forsakendoll[/i][/quote] [hr][hr] It seems that most of you are excited about this current layout cont

I just have a terrible comment on some of the layouts entered in the contest - they don't fit the "summer" theme honestly. i just hope the colors they used define what summer really is. and yeah, i'm talking to the dark layouts there. the bright layouts would out stand probably. but a thumbs down for an "over-colored" layout, meaning too much color is used. --- but nevermind, it just came from me. it's still up to the judges and to you guys.

Last edited by aRies04991 (2008-05-03 10:38:30)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]Updated (Dec-01-2009):[/b] Feel free to discuss [u]any ongoing [/u]contest here! [i]-forsakendoll[/i][/quote] [hr][hr] It seems that most of you are excited about this current layout cont

-i'm gonna be posting this from time to time for the contestants :ninja: [quote][align=center][b]my personal favorites[/b][/align][/quote] [b]#3 - surfing on summer's wave[/b]:thumbsup: [i]great work bro , very neat and clean . nice banner not laggy and it doesnt contain nonesense tweaks [/i] [b]rating: [/b]a 7.5 out of 10 _____________________________ [b]#6 - summer is love - [/b]:thumbsup: [i]great great work . very neat and clean . love the colors not laggy doesn't have nonesense tweaks lol [/i] [b]rating :[/b] a 8 out of 10 _____________________________ [b]#12 - stop global warming[/b] [i]its pleasantly pleasing if you would scrap the hidden boxes and just show the design and layout , for me it would be great but having said all of that . its fine :) [/i] [b]rating : [/b]a 5.5 out of 10 _____________________________ [b]#14 - simple layout [/b] [i]really nice love the watery feel to it :D but it kinda lacks the substance ^^ hehehe xD peace[/i] [b]rating:[/b] a 5 out of 10 _____________________________ [b]#18 Feel the Burn[/b] [i]really good . like color orange :D like the background . suggestion : it would be better i think if you made it a one column profile :D its good though like the whole concept :D[/i] [b]rating:[/b] a 7 out of 10 _____________________________ [b]#19 Miss The Summer Moments[/b]:thumbsup::thumbsup: [i]REALLY GREAT ! my top favorite so far :D hehehe really really good . nice concept really clean . love the background great primary picture[/i] [b]rating:[/b] an 8.5 out of 10 _____________________________ [b]#21 Sand Beach[/b] [i]i like the whole concept and all like the color schemes although its kinda weird when viewed in mozilla firefox[/i] [b]rating:[/b] a 6 out of 10 _____________________________ [b]#22 passion of summer[/b] [i]judging from the spoiler images i think it would do good . great work :) nice concept like the old fashionista retro feel to it :D ( lol i sound like a jaded journalist )[/i] [b]rating:[/b] a 6.5 out of 10 _____________________________ [b]#24 hot spot[/b] [i]nice balance between the tweaks and the artistry all in all its good :D[/i] [b]rating:[/b] a 5 out of 10 _____________________________ [b]#25 Sunny Summer[/b] [i]really cool , nice, neat . layout its pleasanty great :D in a good way hahaha lol anyway [/i] [b]rating:[/b] a 6.5 out of 10 [align=center][b]no puns intended guys as for the rest . the rest gets a below 5 rating for me :D[/b][/align]
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero
Some FTalkers ♥ My Threads!

Re: [quote][b]Updated (Dec-01-2009):[/b] Feel free to discuss [u]any ongoing [/u]contest here! [i]-forsakendoll[/i][/quote] [hr][hr] It seems that most of you are excited about this current layout cont

Goodluck to the final 15 guys! :P
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b]Updated (Dec-01-2009):[/b] Feel free to discuss [u]any ongoing [/u]contest here! [i]-forsakendoll[/i][/quote] [hr][hr] It seems that most of you are excited about this current layout cont

[quote=Freelance6969]-i'm gonna be posting this from time to time for the contestants :ninja: [quote][align=center][b]my personal favorites[/b][/align][/quote] [b]#3 - surfing on summer's wave[/b]:thumbsup: [i]great work bro , very neat and clean . nice banner not laggy and it doesnt contain nonesense tweaks [/i] [b]rating: [/b]a 7.5 out of 10 _____________________________ [b]#6 - summer is love - [/b]:thumbsup: [i]great great work . very neat and clean . love the colors not laggy doesn't have nonesense tweaks lol [/i] [b]rating :[/b] a 8 out of 10 _____________________________ [b]#12 - stop global warming[/b] [i]its pleasantly pleasing if you would scrap the hidden boxes and just show the design and layout , for me it would be great but having said all of that . its fine :) [/i] [b]rating : [/b]a 5.5 out of 10 _____________________________ [b]#14 - simple layout [/b] [i]really nice love the watery feel to it :D but it kinda lacks the substance ^^ hehehe xD peace[/i] [b]rating:[/b] a 5 out of 10 _____________________________ [b]#18 Feel the Burn[/b] [i]really good . like color orange :D like the background . suggestion : it would be better i think if you made it a one column profile :D its good though like the whole concept :D[/i] [b]rating:[/b] a 7 out of 10 _____________________________ [b]#19 Miss The Summer Moments[/b]:thumbsup::thumbsup: [i]REALLY GREAT ! my top favorite so far :D hehehe really really good . nice concept really clean . love the background great primary picture[/i] [b]rating:[/b] an 8.5 out of 10 _____________________________ [b]#21 Sand Beach[/b] [i]i like the whole concept and all like the color schemes although its kinda weird when viewed in mozilla firefox[/i] [b]rating:[/b] a 6 out of 10 _____________________________ [b]#22 passion of summer[/b] [i]judging from the spoiler images i think it would do good . great work :) nice concept like the old fashionista retro feel to it :D ( lol i sound like a jaded journalist )[/i] [b]rating:[/b] a 6.5 out of 10 _____________________________ [b]#24 hot spot[/b] [i]nice balance between the tweaks and the artistry all in all its good :D[/i] [b]rating:[/b] a 5 out of 10 _____________________________ [b]#25 Sunny Summer[/b] [i]really cool , nice, neat . layout its pleasanty great :D in a good way hahaha lol anyway [/i] [b]rating:[/b] a 6.5 out of 10 [align=center][b]no puns intended guys as for the rest . the rest gets a below 5 rating for me :D[/b][/align][/quote] Thanks very much for having #3 - surfing on summer's wave layout to your personal favorites.

Last edited by NOSIOJ (2008-05-03 23:38:54)

  • » [quote][b]Updated (Dec-01-2009):[/b] Feel free to discuss [u]any ongoing [/u]contest here! [i]-forsakendoll[/i][/quote] [hr][hr] It seems that most of you are excited about this current layout cont

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