[b]linnie.,im confused about the deadline.,

it says 10/10/08- 10/11/08

that means, [u]october 10, 2008 up to october 11,2008[/u]
which is which? btw.,i am halfway on my work., i will submit it on the deadline., coz you know.,i dont want my theme/idea to be copied.[/b]

[b]joke., il submit it on the target deadline for mystery effect. [/b]

Nope, I think there's none in your siggy.[/quote]
[b]offtopic also.,there is.,it's really moving.,stare at it for 5minutes,that's what i did.,and dont blink la~~[/b]
Last edited by As cicatrizes (2008-11-01 23:35:11)