[quote=malow]hi sis lin!
how r yah?[/quote]
[quote=nicca07]m' fine sis! how bout ya?[/quote]
I'm doing pretty well, thank you sisszles!

[quote=MsKawaii--]Hi my friends juz coming bck hir!
coz all of the cute, kind and gud makers is hir!
including my bestfriend(ate lin!)[/quote]
hey welcome back here missy:D <3 mwa
[quote=JTCDY.o13]w member here

Rule #6 introduce yourself!

....just kidding mwa<3 [u]welcome to skyline[/u],
please introduce yourself so the other sistahz know you
[quote=Chii]yna_16 wrote:
wee. i'd love to use the official sig of skyline

I don't think that it will be a official siggy of skyline? xD because it's just a monthly signature contest.[/quote]
Aw, so the siggies will be trashed after the contest?

We can make a site for all the winners of Monthly Siggies so that it won't be useless after it & I don't mind if anyone use the signature I made, if anyone likes it...although I don't know about the other members.