Ooh my

., ive been gone for jz a few days & now this is filled wid spams

[quote=wushuz12]can someone help how make a layout??

did u even read the 1st post?!

[quote=gbg062863]hi! i'm just new here. I just want to ask how to add box to my profile. pls help me. thanks..
this is my friendster :
follw the link for the tutorial

[quote=louie08cute]who somebody help me or teach me how to edit my profile?...add me up in friendster...louie08cute@yahoo.com...thank you

<">please teach me other techniques...hmmmm...[/quote]
pls read the 1st post & follow the guide...[b]step-by-step[/b].
[quote=newew]2ro nio nmn skin kung pano gumawa ng sariling layouts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote]
pls follow the rules
*Don't use language other than English (except in Regional Boards).
*Multiple threads and posts with no purpose or clear direction are not allowed and will be considered as spam.
[quote=che_vin00]>>how to edit dis BG plz help me plzz sent it to my email add karhyvin_06@yahoo.com....
>>tnx a lot in advance if you can help me 4 my problem....
>>tnx tc olwiez muah:*[/quote]
read the 1st post...1st step
[quote=chisai]i was looking for the linker... too hard to find =c[/quote]
the link for the linker is included in the 1st post...[b]look again[/b]!!!
[b]@che_vin00 [/b]., wat the h*ll is dat post for?!
[b]@annamayshel [/b]., how'd u do it miss?