[quote=deathsiren]^ we all got the same reason. "hehe".. was she choosing the people she gives - repu to? or is she doing it randomly? 'coz i don't remember having any communication with her.. why did she give me a (-)? weird...

[b]im wondering the same thing.. ! and i thought i was the only one. I just dont wanna make a big fuss about it because itz just a repu but i confess, it is disappointing to luk at the nega repu and uL see the reason "hehe" beside it. That's just xoxo mean.[/b]
i asked her last night what was that all bout buh she didn't reply. Good thing i saw Yuna's post.
if she's mad wif Tunie then it shud be tunie alone wahahahah [img]http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb298/forsakendoll/emoticons/hahaha.gif[/img] (kidding bro! ^^)
Yeah , maybe i guess she targets ppol randomly.. *sigh. tough luck.
[quote=HiLyNkAwAii ]I confess that im so eager to be a friend of the person above me ^^^[/quote]
[align=center][b]But i thought we're already friends?[/b] [img]http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb298/forsakendoll/emoticons/ahh.gif[/img][/align]
Last edited by forsakendoll (2008-04-04 05:20:54)