• » It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

Aww :crybaby: . Jem is gone. Wonder why?
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

[quote=xavierkym]I think I will be the next one. Goodnight.[/quote] oh no you wont :P we wont let you.. =D your too good and too young to retire xave :lol:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

I don't know why there are some people (some moderators) keep bugging other people. They even put some texts in their signature to annoy some certain member here. I don't care if you hate him/her, but are you guys already tired of those sh*ts and f*ck arguments? Why even bother put those annoying messages in signatures? Just to seek attention? Grow up! Anyway I apologize for this disturbing notice. It's just that I am sick and tired of those non-sense. It's like scolding a kid. They just can't be a matured individual. I don't see them moderate recently, then they won't stop annoying other members? :doubt:

Last edited by eehjhay (2008-07-05 10:29:38)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

Woot. Good news for all Web Developers and Layout Makers.. Coz I have read that Internet Explorer 8 would comply the W3C Standards strictly. :o But it's not yet final :lol: Coz they might consider that some sites look god in lower versions of IE but in IE8 it's bad. :/ Anyway, just droppin by the backstage. >_<
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
FTalkers ♥♥ My Threads!

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

^ hi xave :D - - - my reply to ej's notice : when i was already a mod in eptok, i was still 17 or 18 that time but i don't remember myself doing like that. hmmm. so, .... :| hehe. :P - - - posting and hopping at the backstage too. :)
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

:arrow: Good day co-moderators! just been wondering guys why feruzz is already a retired mod? :crybaby:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

^ he had his own reason..better we respect it..even my self cannot accept his decission =(=(
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

[quote=KhErMiNaToR]^ he had his own reason..better we respect it..even my self cannot accept his decission =(=([/quote] but why he has to leave us..im gona miss him..wish he can still visit us here and share his tricks..
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

@ej: easy dude, lol. dont waste your time saying that kind of post. he/she needs to rest her/his stupid brain, oops. :lol:

Last edited by james_cuteoo2 (2008-07-11 11:01:08)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

Woot I LOL'd at admin's post at the Suggestions and Feedbacks. :lol: With this image. :o [spoiler][img]http://i36.tinypic.com/2wq5v1f.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

^^ i LOLd too =D i also LOLd to your sig x.. :lol: ate mushi .. :eh: [hr] [b]GOOD M/A/E pipz[/b] a lot of forum errors these days. huhu T_T i wonder whats happening. :/
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

Maybe admin is updating something again. Anyway me too is laughing my ass out when I saw the image. Surprise!! :o Reatard! Lol :lol:

Last edited by ' 'eMokIdD (2008-07-14 16:00:09)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

:ninja: cremonti is viewing this section. :ninja: [spoiler] [url=http://i37.tinypic.com/6h7s4w.jpg][img]http://i37.tinypic.com/6h7s4w.jpg[/img][/url] [/spoiler] [hr] :o cremonti just PMed me.. and he said this: [quote=cremonti]sorry my mod, i just wanna looking around @ backstage ... :D peace .. :rose: :penguin::penguin::penguin:[/quote] :o :o :o How can someone view backstage?!?! :O

Last edited by ducheszv (2008-07-16 04:11:23)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

Yeah, he viewed it. Based on his profile he's currently viewing.... The profile Identification thread. :o [img]http://i36.tinypic.com/mo8s4.png[/img]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

^ well he might recieve a url going to the backsrtage..and that is really possible..
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

[quote=lordheinz]^ well he might recieve a url going to the backsrtage..and that is really possible..[/quote] if you're not a mod you cant enter the backstage even if you see the URL. it'll say "bad request". =)
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

[quote=ducheszv]if you're not a mod you cant enter the backstage even if you see the URL. it'll say "bad request".[/quote] some experienced it cutie duch..when EJ had a gm before regarding some matters here in the backstage..i just forgot what is that topic and then suddenly i just found out lot of non mod members are already here :o...:crybaby: you can ask EJ about that...we were surprise..
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

never encountered that incident. members stray here if a topic has been moved from outside.
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

whoa. i am so missing out on so many things here in ftalk. well, i made my mistake, i hadn't had time to work here. or even post as a member. i was so busy fulfilling requirements for my new work, yes you read that right, finally i have a work to be proud of. and while i'm waiting to start on my work i have all the time in the world to have time for ftalk. sorry for the long absence. i'll make up to it now that i'm here =) so what have you been up to guys? hope u still all remember me :lol:
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

yeah agree with duch even if you have the url here it will prompt you saying you dont have the right to view this etc... errghhh :wallbash: how is that possible?! :disgust: nice siggy xave! =)
  • » It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

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