[b][color=green]uhm, i just finished my freshman in college, upcoming 2nd year college this june. i am taking up DENTISTRY.

[color=purple]aside from my mom wants me to get this course, i also liked this one, but at first i am not sure if i will grant my moms wish that sometime her daughter will become a dentist. but when i reflect on the things that she had just said, i grab that opportunity that she can enroll me on that university taking the course of dentistry. i grabbed it because, my mom told me, if i passed the board exam, i will just open a clinic, because NOW here in our country, its really hard to find a job that is matched on the course we have finished. so there, dentistry is really good, you don't have boss and you will not take a hard time finding a company who will accept you.

Last edited by karen_krn (2008-04-05 03:58:27)