what they made is also gud!
so we nid to use it every month?[/quote]
It's up to you. xP
[quote=cutest08]srry for being inactive,,
i have exams haizz..xo difficult..[/quote]
oh, that's okay.. good luck with your exams :'D
[quote=yna_16]wee. hi to sis aila and ms kawaii.
i thnk ill be inactive starting tomorrow
because of our exam. grr.

good luck with your exam too! :3
[quote=sugarstyx_x]Sorry to hear there are/were inactive members here.. due to school works & such.
That's right, school is priority

Although, I'm starting school on the 25th

I'm feeling lazy already

well I think everyone got the same thing when school is coming.

[quote=Frendces]Hi Guys! I'm a new member here in skyline.
Let me introducemy self.
I love skyline, so kawaii.
Nice meeting you people.[/quote]
welcome to skyline <3