2008-04-05 23:36:35

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you're [b][i]in college[/i][/b], [b]What course are you taking up?[/b] Tell us, how is it for you? How are you holding up? ;) If you're an [b][i]incoming college student[/i][/b], [b]What course

OMG!!! it's now April and my Entrance examination is getting nearer yet I still don't know what course to take! I'm having a hard decision what course should I take. I have a choice of IT, but I'm still curious if I should really take it.. could somebody give just an overview to IT? those who are taking up IT courses out there.. what are your experiences..do you love it?is it really HARD! my other chioces are Pharma,Chem,MedTech,and dentistry.. oh please help me!:crybaby:

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