2008-06-29 05:45:26

» FTalkAgent
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Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[align=center][b]I don't visit this thread that much so this might be the last time imma post here. might as well make a long list haha[/b][/align] [color=#ff6699][align=center][b][u]Girls[/u][/b][/align] [li] [b]Ade Yuna[/b] - my uber pretty [b]ade[/b], she's so stylish and her taste for uhmmm... anything is oweiisz top notch <3 [/li] [li] [b]Maye[/b] - she's sOoo prettyful, classy and her voice is to die for ! [/li] [li] [b]Nina[/b] - [b]sizley[/b] possesses the face and voice of an angel -- very very lovely <3[/li] [li] [b]Duchesz[/b] - i've always admired [b]mushi's[/b] passion and strong-willed personality [/li] [li] [b]Push[/b] - the person i call [b]GF[/b], she has a strong persona -- funny and childish in so many ways. Lovable! [/li] [li] [b]Shy[/b] - when she talks, she makes 'effin sense! my [b]fiance[/b] is kalog and serious when need be [/li] [li][b] Nela [/b]- she is a very transparent person. she shows what she truly feels and speaks her mind ! I adore that personality of hers.. [/li] [li] [b]Joebs [/b]- my [b]meow[/b] is quick learner, emits strong "kawaii~ness" appeal. very charming indeed [/li] [li] [b]Lilblueangel[/b] - one of the prettiest faces here in FT. She is charming and nice at the same time <3[/li] [li] [b]Alliana [/b]- [b]mamu aya[/b] is one of my oldest friends even way before FT. She's pretty, talented and sOOo sweet[/li] [li] [b]Takashi [/b]- behind her beautiful face is a girl who's witty and funny . I liek her ^^ [/li] [li] [b]Tinay[/b] - woot doll face -- so friendly and nice to everyone [/li] [li] [b]Meng [/b]- despite her strictness and sarcasm FT wise-- this girl is no doubt funny , has a great sense of humor - She really knows how to have fun ! [/li] [li] [b]Shika [/b]- [b]tandang shika[/b] as i liek to call her is such a wonderful person. She is so nice and loevs to joke around. She's so dreamy whenever she sings [/li][/color] [color=#089bce][align=center][b][u]Boys[/u][/b][/align] [b]♥ Xavierkym[/b] - my [b]nak xavii[/b] is awesome in so so many ways <3 he is so nice to talk to. No dull moments when your wif him ^^! [b]♥ Shirow Masamune[/b] - i've always loev his frankness and sarcasm. When we talk -- we agree on almost anything. [b]♥ Ephemeral[/b] - the best thing about him is he's a non judgmental person -- he doesn't talk crap and he's uber funny [b]♥ Tunie [/b]- [b]bhe [/b]is funny, cute and a -- heartbreaker? hahaha. Nah i kid. It's just that i knoe lots of girls who dig him muahaha [b]♥ Harvii [/b]- [b]chupsz[/b] is cute -- he has a "COOL" personality. When he sings we shiver with delight *winks [b]♥ Bob[/b] - i dunno him that much but I think he's a cool guy with a great sense of humor [/color] [align=center] Okeii~ that's it. I'm not sure if I've posted everyone though [sup]**thinks[/sup] Please don't kill me if i didn't include yer name on the list, XD it's just that I liek most people here but the people I mentioned above are the peeps I really really liek.♥ If you must know -- i only [b]haf one real crush[/b] in FT. ([b]hint:[/b] i already mentioned [u]his[/u] name above. Happy Guessing! )[/align] [b]sidenote:[/b] I would like to thank the people who included me in their crush list. Sankyoo so much. It's very flattering and heart warming. I really appreciate it a lot <3 [align=center]♥~I muah you~♥[/align]

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