• » [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[quote=--pUshnIt08--]IE Deviantangel1995 -- IE!! (imatating emman), whats with the nickname??he likes to imitate our fonts ,, IE is still a kid,,purely childish thats why i understand him tho people sometimes dont..hes still 12..I crush him for being a little kid, i jst wish he wud take my advice and try not to push (me?) hard on being our friend..Just go with the flow..[/quote] Awww... How touching. :redface: I crush you too. FF. :redface: My Crashes: [b]Onee-chan Yuna.[/b] For being su kind a beautiful and being a good Onee-chan to me. Love you onee-chan. *Huggles* [b]FF Push[/b] I lab you su much. Yer liek a sister to me. So yeah, Imma take yer advice now but I can't cuz' I'm offline for sometime. :cry: [b]Lula Aya[/b] You su smexy. "SMEXY CSS QUEEN" is an understatement to yer true smexiness. Also, for being so kind and acting really liek my Lula. Being very good with advices and telling me whats wrong wif me. Thanks so much Lula. *Huggles* [b]Ate APL (Duchess)[/b] Shes so kind a sweet and a great sister. I treat her as my real sister. Thanks so much for being so kind to me. *Huggles* [b]Ate Lemon[/b] She's so sweet and understanding. Stay liek that forevar!
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[color=gray] CRUSHES.. [/color] [color=hotpink] Girls :: [/color] [spoiler] Chiny.12 - soo pretty and kind.. my bestfriend.. ;) ♥~rocker.baby.LOUIZ~♥ - pretty and kind too.!! ♥ her works.. Kristina16 - such a good mod.. :] Lady_end - kind.!! iMY sis.. Jhay - pretty and kind.. iMYSM sis.. [/spoiler] [color=dodgerblue] BOYS :: [/color] [spoiler] Rei Ryuzaki - very nice guy and friendly.. Kiel - such a good graphic maker.. [/spoiler] i'll add more soon..
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

^ ahahaha. i crush you too sis.! :P :D
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[spoiler] [b]gurlz:[/b] akuzet16(yen) - my real lyp besplen... my seahorse A.K.A poisonous_chiq16, my chicadorah sitah, ILY sistah... cutie_phunk(anj) - same ^ she' my besplen.. my saiduck A.K.A poisonous_doll, my chicadorah sitah wabshu siz ceii: my crux, she's friendly, kind, pwettie, lovely, ajaja.. my sistah m2m...... loveyah sissy siz gemandi: she's uber pwittie and friendly sis jhay: same^ very pweitie sis eunich: my sistah.. loveyah sistah sis cheuw: my pwittie and kind sistah here. sis tinay: super friendly and also pwettie sistah kuh.. sis faith: kakaloka. sa ym sistah. i like her.. very much, labxyoo sistah sis eney: my super pwettie sis here. sis lea: my new friend.. labxyu sis. sis bubblie- i love this author. ILY sistah.. sis reika- my uber pretty sistah, sis ellabotz- my sexy sistah, sis louiz - my new friend, hope 2 knw yah sis bhezt- hope 2 knw yah mur sissy sis yna- my very cute sistah, sis joanna- i love her story, ILY sistah.. [b]sis anne-[/b] she's uvber friendly to me.. [b]sis jerriedee [/b]- i forgot yah sistah :crybaby: sorry.. IMY and ILY yah sistah [b] boys:[/b]bro rei ryuzaki - he's nice 2 me and very friendly bro bob - proud to be bisaya my lolo ILY bro bro hoshi jc- carl - i love his layiies, and very friendly bro lance - my first bro but now i dunno, bro dhen2x - my very friendly and cute bro bro testament - uber good friend 2 me [b]bles_212000-[/b] bwahaha dnt knw his name, he's very friendly and kind to me and my only one [b]tito[/b] here... [/spoiler]

Last edited by lady_end (2008-07-18 06:40:12)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[color=#999999]Thank`yuu to those who added me in their list. Me`lhabzz yuu all. :] [b]My FTalk Crushes: [sup]More Added.[/sup][/b][/color] [quote][color=#999999]• [b]Blanche[/b]: Hmm.. I wonder? L0Lengs. Op-couss, she's a very cool & nice friend of mine. IMY sis!! Me`lhabzz yuu!! T0T • [b]Trixx / [i]Triciabianca[/i][/b]: Me`lhabzz yuu!! Wahaha.. She's a very fun & nice friend. • [b]Linniie[/b]: IMY sis!! She's a very nice person. Me`lhabzz yuu!! • [b]Phia[/b]: IMY sis!! Me`lhabzz her graphics. She's a very creative & nice person. Me`lhabzz yuu!! • [b]Joanna / [i]Brains & Beauty[/i][/b]: IMY sis!! Where are you now? L0Lengs. She's exactlly what her username says. Me`lhabzz yuu!! • [b]Ate Aina / [i]Chii[/i][/b]: Aidoul. She's so good in making graphics. I really wanna get to know her. :] • [b]Ate Haru / [i]Emochiq 11[/i][/b]: Aidoul. She's very good in making graphics. [i]Same comment with Ate Aina.[/i] • [b]Ate Lois / [i]Lois Full[/i][/b]: She seems cool & nice. Pretty, I saw her pics. Nyahaha.. Hope to be close to her. :] • [b]Ate Eney[/b]: Even though we're not close, IMY!! She's pretty & nice. • [b]Ate Melody / [i]Emlodee[/i][/b]: Though we're not that close, I really like her. She seems nice. • [b]Bridget / [i]Faelnar 84[/i][/b]: She's a very nice person. Cute & fun. • [b]Leviel[/b]: Best friend of my bro! She's cool & fun to be with. Too much chit-chat huh! Longtime no see. She's also a very courageous girlaloo. XD T0T • [b]Ate Angel / [i]Angeli 7[/i][/b]: Very great leader. She's so nice to me. I think she's pretty. Keep rockin! \m/ • [b]Nela / [i]Bratinela[/i][/b]: She's cool & nice. Pretty too. Me`lhabzz yuu. • [b]Joebz[/b]: Aidoul. I love her graphics [siggies/ava/layouts]. She's nice & pretty. [b][i][u]Added[/u][/i][/b]: • [b]Chiny[/b]: Me`lhabzz yuu. IMY. She's a very nice & sweet person. She's also pretty. • [b]Ate Tinay / [i]Kristina 16[/i][/b]: Me`lhabzz yuu ate. IMY. She's a very gorgeous & sweet mod. Smart too. • [b]Ate Duchesz[/b]: I wanna know more about her. I heard that she's a very nice person, I think so too. • [b]Ate Meng[/b]: EPS. I wanna know more about her too. She seems nice & funny & kind of serious. Nyahaha.. But I like her. • [b]Chariz[/b]: IMY! Me`lhabzz yuu. Aidoul. I really love her graphics. She's creative, cute & nice. I really miss yuu. • [b]Ate Maye / [i]Deathsiren[/i][/b]: Weeee.. She's really beautiful inside & out. :] • [b]Uma[/b]: I really like her! She's nice & pretty. Me`lhabzz yuu. I wanna be close to her. • [b]Kuya Dondon[/b]: Me`lhabzz yuu! He's very nice & sweet. Me`lhabzz his graphics so much. They're so cool & awesome. Aidoul. Yehey! At last, I saw you here again. XD • [b]Kuya Jay / [i]Pipito 21[/i][/b]: IMY kuya!! Hope you're not mad at me. L0Lengs. He's so fun to be with & cool! Me? Suplada? Nyahaha.. Me`lhabzz yuu! XD • [b]Kuya Shiffer[/b]: IMY kuya!! Sorry for leaving. He's a very sweet & nice person. Me`lhabzz yuu. • [b]Kuya Franz / [i]Intelligence[/i][/b]: IMY!! Waah! I miss those fun times. Sigh. He's very good in making graphics! Aidoul. Me`lhabzz yuu. • [b]Kuya Carl / [i]Hoshigaki[/i][/b]: Wanna be close to him! He seems nice & fun. • [b]Aaron / [i]Rei Ryuzaki[/i][/b]: IMY! Longtime no chat/see. Nyahaha.. He's really a sweet & nice guy. • [b]All EPS Members[/b] [b][i][u]Added[/u][/i][/b]: • [b]Former-GT / [i]GFX Tech[/i] & Rockstar Members[/b]: ILY all. IMY too. Hope you're all okay.[/color][/quote]

Last edited by ♥~rocker.baby.LOUIZ~♥ (2008-07-19 02:59:49)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

Ow,Here,I`ll add: [color=pink]GIRLS[/color] [b]Mod Tinay Sis Adrianne Lei Denice Angel/Angeli_7[/b] [color=blue]BOYS[/color]: [b]Emodon/Don[/b]
» FTalkWorm
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[b]my ftalk crushes!..[/b] [spoiler] girls.. ate emlodee- also beautifuland kind, she calls me "bunso" and i like it.. ate tinay- she is very beautiful indide and out.. ate blue- i call her ate eventhough we are not close yet..ehehe.she seems nice and she is very pretty.. ate mariegold- my ate from the start!..she is very kind and i really miss her.. ate ceii- she is everybody's friend, because of her kindness. ate anne- also kind! she is pretty! ate renray- i really miss her!.. ate rose[fis.mis]-i always wanted to be her "bibi"..ehehe, she is really pretty and kind.. misz.faith- i really adore her beauty.. sis jhay- my little sis here! she always gives me compliments. sis ellabotz- err, she is really kind..i want to know her more.. sis aphrodite- also pretty!, her name really suits her!.. sis lynn- my co-rockstar, she is really cool!.. sis lady_end- my ever pretty sis!.. sis rockerbabylouiz- she is sweet!..and she is also pretty..imy you too sissy!!.. sis blanchee- the girl i like most!..ahaha..i like her because of her kalukringan.. sis bridget- we are not that close yet, but, urggh, i like her gfx works!.. hanna.tOt- the savior!..ehehe.. yanyan- a very pretty and cool girl!.. angeli_7- rockstars' group leader..she totally rocks!.. we are not that close yet, but i wanna be friends with her.. ate reika- my newest ate, i find her a little mysterious, but, urghh, she is also beautiful!.. sis charm_caster0604- she is my newest sis!!..and i want to know her more!!.. boys.. kuya jay- miss him so much!.. mod james- such a cutie.. beshie shiffer- someone said that he is such a womanizer, but, urghh, i don't care!..i still crush him!..ahaha.. and of course, all my co-rockstars!..[/spoiler]

Last edited by eney0715 (2008-07-18 09:02:32)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[quote=--pUshnIt08--]Partner Deathsiren -- Waaaaaaa I crush her cause shes hot! and shes really nice and funny! we get along so easily..but shes acting strange now..I wonder why partner..imysb!!![/quote] wwaaaa... really partner?? am i acting a little strange lately?? ohhh myyy.. i really must get some sleep.. you are the 34272372943rd person who said that :paranoid: soo sorry partnerrr.. i miss you :redface: ----------------------------------------- [spoiler] ate aya- man she's the bomb. the smexiest! i miss her. chariz- numero uno! sis tinay- very very very nice. ILOVE her :rose: push- my lovely partner :wow: ?~rocker.baby.LOUIZ~?- really pretty girl. and very nice too ate duch- one of my fave mods. i love her soo.. =| emlodee- pretty. very :wow: and really nice. like her a lot. i mean. i love her a lot! chai- one of my nicest friends here bianx- my one and only ftalk textmate. she's like a sister to me. love this girl :D sis faith- uber kawaii! yanyan- cool girl :cool: ini- nice and cool. i like her style sis ceii- she's cute :D nela- she's cool :cool: joebz- cute. she's very talented.. and smart! nina- she has a really good voice :thumbsup: and she's very pretty ain't she? ate shika- she's really nice. love her :rose: aliah- she's so cute.. and nice too.. :D yuna- she's got some spunk :eh: sis cheuw- she's nice and cool. we don't talk that much but i like her a lot. joana- we're not that close. but she's nice :) uma- she's a doll, and she's funneeh.[/spoiler] no boy crushes here [b]yet[/b]. ;)
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[quote=blancheee48]Bridgetehngtehng :lol: ne~ cool girl. I know her crush. BWAHAHAHA =D lol dont worry I wont tell. =D Keep it up and gewdluck[/quote] Please don`t.. I`ll add: Eney!
Shim Oo-Ma
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[u][b]TOPIC[/b][/u] A very looooooooooooooooong list. Arrange alphabetically.haha [b]GIRLS[/b] [spoiler][b]Abe[/b] - Lol this girl is just 9. a pinay who lives in Thailand :lol: [b]Allaya[/b] - Teh lilblueangel.haha. she is damn kawaii >_< [b]Andrea[/b] - Lol i loev this girl :wow: [b]April[/b] - Ate Shika.wak. She watches Naruto. ahaha [b]Aya 1[/b] - Wak i miss this girl :( [b]Aya 2[/b] - She is teh kindest gurl ive ever met ;__;. She is teh SMEXY CSS QUEEN yeah \m/ [b]Ayei[/b] - Wak i miss her so badly T^T. She is muh idol. Her birthday is on teh same say liek mine O_o [b]Baby Faith[/b] - Waaaaaaaa she's chubby, cute and she's uber good in gfx ;] [b]Bebe Nina[/b] - My BEBE Nina. She is my everything. I mulalalurve her so much >_< [b]Bianx[/b] - Waw this girl ;__; she is damn pretty.hahaha. i lurve her eye in her ava :wow: [b]Bridget[/b] - Dang.haha. I dont know her so much. She's damn kawaii. I wanna know her moar >_< [b]Ceii[/b] - I always see her in da FC section. It tells that she is a fun-loving gal. [b]Chariz[/b] - Wak. i really really really lorve her layout. Teh design is effing kewl. Lol she is also pretty :wow: [b]Cheuw[/b] - Cheuwness. Haha this girl is realy cute. She is really kind. believe me. hohoho. [b]Dominik[/b] - MADDIE. She is my bestfriend since grade 5. She is teh best person whom i met in muh life [b]Duches[/b] - Hwa. This girl looks liek my classmate :lol: She is uber very kind >_<. Not just that, she is also PRETTY! [b]Emlodee[/b] - OMFG she is very very pretty (>_<)b. Hope to know her moar [b]Eney[/b] - This girl lives in Thailand. Ahaha. Imma meet her some day :lol: [b]Gemandi[/b] - Da lurve of Bob-oppa :wow: She is very nice ^__^ [b]Grace[/b] - Ahahaha. I miss this girl. [b]Ice[/b] - BEBE ICE. Where is she :crybaby: [b]Ini[/b] - This girl is damn [b]HOT[/b] haha. I always look at her pics in FS :P [b]Ize[/b] - Dammit. She is gone =( [b]Joanna[/b] - Ahahaha. This girl is nice and cute. A very good friend :wow: [b]Joebs[/b] - Wak. She loevs animu. She is very good in GFX and making layouts. The 2nd Aya [b]Ke[/b] - My [b]KE[/b]. Im happy to meet her :wow: she is damn cute and kind >_< [b]Keemee[/b] - Wak. Her grammar is OH WOW. Her small eyes is OH WOW. Teh korean doll.haha [b]Khine[/b] - Lol ahaha where is she :cry: [b]Kimyasay[/b] - Be back soon.ahaha :eh: [b]Kym[/b] - Teh classmate of muh old classmate :lol: She is teh GFX Queen :eh: [b]Leigh[/b] - Lol i effing miss this girl :crybaby: [b]Linniie[/b] - Wak. She is a really kawaii - fun-loving gurl.ahaha . She is very sweet >_< [b]Lois[/b] - Where are you Lois :crybaby: [b]Louiz[/b] - Ahaha. She's kind and sweet >_< [b]Maye[/b] - SHE IS VERY PRETTY! OH WOW. ahaha. I really mulalurve this gal :wow: [b]Meng[/b] - Me wanna know her moar >:3 [b]Nela[/b] - She always forgot me on her crush list.haha. Nelarvii :eh: [b]Nicey[/b] - Hwahahaha. Kawaii desu ne =3 [b]Phia[/b] - I hope she knows her password now :lol: [b]Philixre[/b] - Where is she now :crybaby: [b]Push[/b] - Really nice to be wif. She is really crazeee. ahaha.i hope she's not hungry anymoar :lol:. ehem Pushuniecho :eh: [b]Rose[/b] - Roseehjhay :eh: [b]Shine[/b] - Teh ARTIST! She is really creative and nice :wow: [b]Shy[/b] - Small eyes, big beauty.haha. We're not so close.ahihi. [b]Tinay[/b] - Teh kindest girl in Ftalk. A really pretty girl :wow: well. haha. She loevs teh number [b]16[/b] [b]Tricia[/b] - Lol haha. i wanna know her moar :P [b]Weng[/b] - She removed my siggy teh last time.haha.i dun care. she is realy sweet and nice =) [b]Yanyan[/b] - Really nice and kind.haha. Pretty too! :wow: [b]Yuna[/b] - Da larb of Lelouch :wow: Haha. She is really kind >_<. I lurve to look at her pics in FS :wow: and errrr.... m2m :lol: [/spoiler] -- [b]BOYS[/b] [spoiler][b]Ayel Bob CK Carlo Chester Cip Cloud Derick Dondon Harvey Ito James Jan oppa Joe John Karuro Marjan My Emman Owner Rap Shak Shave Shirow Tunie Vitz[/b] and ADMIN :rose: [/spoiler]

Last edited by 사랑해요UmA_loVe사&# (2008-07-18 12:16:25)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

i have a secret crush on [spoiler] [b]UMA TINAY DUCHY MAYE PUSHY AYA and SITCHY[/b] :eh: [i]it's not a secret because you click it[/i] :lol:[/spoiler]
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[b]dont open it[/b].. :paranoid: [i]my very own crush directory nyorks nah...[/i] [b]gurls:[/b][img]http://theftalk.com/img/female.gif[/img] [spoiler] [b]misz.faith[/b] - bebe gay! :lol: my bestfriend din weve been through a lot...and shes nice.. ;) i love her so much! supah kawaii!!i dunno what i would do without her.. shes really crazy ahehe i mean were both crazy! :lol: and were lovin it! [b]gemandi [/b]- babycake lalalalalala :P my bestfriend... of course... her.. i love my babycake...im happy whenever she's ol... her posts always makes me :redface: :lol: i dont know what i would do without her... she really makes my day and makes me feel loved.. ;) thnx anak! [b]chika symphatica mae[/b] - sourtamsz kew...super pretty!! da*n! :wow: i love her she looks a lot like farina shylene runkle :wow: i missed those days when were having confe with the Mamboboso club hehe [b]alliana01 - sweetytamsz kew [/b] - shes my first ever bestfriend here...and i love her so much!! shes like a sister already, like my twin... i can always turn to her if i needed someone to talk to but now i miss her like hell.. [b]vAyEyIe / peppytamsz[/b] i missed her!! eventhough shes not that active here anymore...she never forgets to drop me a msg or comment at my fs... and oh yeah shes very purtty!! :wow: :kiss: [b]nelou[/b] - gurlfwend :eh: one of my 1st sizzies here... am glad i met her and weve become geysh?! nyorks! shes really sweet!! and i love her mamuch!! [b]cheuw[/b] shes my laffly sista cheuw... shes very very nice to me... and shes also very cute! especially with a lollipop ahehe i love her shes such "princess charming" ahehe ;) [b]aprilcute[/b]shes really nice...i find her really mysterious! but shes really cute too :wow: [b]-zwheetiliciousz-xo aka lynne [/b] waaah [i]my apple bottom jeans chick[/i]! i love her!! actually if im a boy! id court her hehe very pretty!! HOT! and sexii! ahehe just love starin at her pics! :O :paranoid: shes one of the coolest people i know!! we met through a ym confe!! ;) ill nevr forget that! muah! :kiss: [b]deathsiren maye[/b] :wow: shes very pretty!!! :wow: and shes also kind... :kiss: yab her too ahehe ;) [b]jhay- jhayyuliajay.[/b]. jhayyuliajay...jhayyuliajay :P yeah as you can see siz i love saying yer name!! i kept on saying yer name!! hehe for some reasons i missed you!! ;) such pretty gal! love her smile!! :wow: [b]joanna / brains& beauty[/b] shes my friend now... and im happy bout that!! shes very sweet a young girl who is very sensible i yab her! :wow: [b]aphrodite popsicle chai [/b]:wow: ;) shes very pretty, artistahin i love her eventhough shes not a hunkie anymore... shes still my popsicle.. =( [b]yanyan[/b] - :crybaby: i effin miss her na one of my fave sizzie... super humble , super pretty and super cool siz!!! and i miss her so much.. yabu siz!! [b]ross voltouri[/b] - ini mini my ni mo :lol: ;) we 1st met here in ftalk through *fansigns* ill never forget that moment ahehe our fansign trade thingy and now! im lovin her to death! such a cool chique, full of spunk! yeahboi! [b]emlodee [/b]- melody :wow: i always call her emlodee then shed say [i]"melody na lang[/i]" ... ahehe shes really pretty!! reminds me of a fs frend! and she also looks a lot like pau diaz ;) shes really nice! i love her din!! :wow: [b]bianx_06 [/b]always be my prettysiz bianx ;) :wow: we havent really got to talk recently! =( huhu but i miss her! and i love her still...shes very pretty!! love her looks!! very :wow: :O =) [b]lilblueangel / aliah[/b] - shes so dang cute!! :wow: i love her... :kiss: shes my smart textmate!! and always there when i needed some elp ;) [b]paulanicole[/b] - i love her and siz aliah! theyre both pretty gurls! and very sweet!! thyer my textmates sa smart ;) [b]duch-[/b] i always adore her...i may not always include her here in my previous list.. but she'll always be my crush! super nice...and i missed her.. =( [b]khathateslove[/b] my siz kath!! shes really!! i love her so much! i love talking to her! texting, chatting etc ahehe i love her love her ;) [b]forsakendoll aya [/b]:redface: *speechless* :P the smexy css queen ;) uhmm i always crus/like her din... even before shes not that active pa.. :redface: , i love her layies..shes such a cool gal... and everybody loves her ;) stay cool siz! [b]chii / aina [/b]shes my 2nd crushsiz here :wow: i miss her na...we always talk through pm here..love you for real crushsiz aina! ... when i needed someone ill just go to her blog and tell her bout it! and im thankful to have her! imy siz aina!! my crushsiz! [b]emochiq11 / haru[/b] shes really cute... and really cool like her bestfriend aina, and shes the rocking avatar master here...i love her works.. she and aina are the coolest! ;) [b]rocker.baby.louiz[/b]shes really nice....she always drop by my friendster ;) shes also very cute!! :wow: i yab her!:wow: [b]eney[/b] i find her really mysterious... and shes very pretty!!! i lab her also...shes very sweet .. ;) [b]reikazek[/b] my lovely and pretty tita! shes always been nice to me... and i missed those days when were posting at the[i] Ftalk Family Tree[/i] i love yah tita kew ;) [b]bheszt/ andrea[/b] shes really cool....i love her siggies...her works are cool! =) [b]crushsiz koleen[/b] shes so kulit... whenever were both online its like.. were crazy ahehe... lots of chitchat thingy!! i missed her...=( [b]ceii[/b] - very purttyy!!! :wow: very nice also ;) :kiss: i missed talkin to her... shes nice too...i just love her :wow: [b]triciaB.[/b] - such a cutie.... love her eyes!! :wow: uber nice and sweet gal.. ;) in short i love her! [b]lureign / kimmy [/b]- love her...shes nice..and cool!! same with the others havent talk to her coz shes busy i know.. ;) but shell always be my baby?! nah...she'll always be one of my crush here.. kip rockin siz kimmy! [b]uma[/b] the living doll!! ahehe shes very pretty!! love those eyes... its so :O :wow: shes really sweet and nice!! love her much din!! [b]chariz / obsessed95[/b] shes really astig!!! literal! =D love her looks!! love starin at her pics din!! kaka :wow: and i love her layouts!! =) and shes a superb graphic maker =) [b]bheiyah[/b] yeah!!! i simply love her!!! love her graphics too!! and shes really nice!!! ;) [b]nina123456[/b] shes very pretty!! as based from her pics and ava...and others said she has a beautiful voice... and i believe them.. uhmm id be glad to know here more.. ;) [b]shy19[/b] shes pretty... i thought she's snob.. but shes not... ;) shes kalog also like siz duch :) [b]bublie[/b] shes cute...saw her ava... and i think shes nice also... ;) :kiss: [/spoiler] [b]guys:[/b][img]http://theftalk.com/img/male.gif[/img] [spoiler] :arrow: [b]cloud,[/b]:lol: ;) :wow: i still crush him ahehe ;) :P :lol: [b]dale[/b] - chuva babes :D =D i trust him... :) he's nice...though can be sometimes pasaway... ;) [b]james_cute[/b] waaah hes nt supposed to be my crush coz hes my dadi ere haha..but idc i still crush him haha .. :redface: [b]bob , lucknskill[/b]... manong bob's really nice... i find him snob at first...but as i got to know him... he's actually fun to talked to, guy wid sense and oh yeah my secret! just sssshhhh :lol: :P [b]icedzero [/b]- he's my teacher very fun to talk to... he has a big influence on me when it comes to music haha ;) me want to learn electric guitar and drums teacher! :lol: i like chatting wid him... ;) =):thumbsup: [b]xavierkym [/b]- ;) my 1st ever crush here, uber nice, very helpful! love the way he smiles hehe =) though havent heard him sing hehe but with what his classmates said i know he's a good singer ;) :redface: :P [b]unmaskedluke neil[/b] ahehe :eh: - he's cute.. ;) and he's nice..he's great in makin layout..and i find him very mysterious... and yeah love the hair!! :eh: [b]dondon[/b]- such a cool graphics maker!! loves his works as based on his ava and siggies before! he's nice friend of mine ;) stay cool friend! ;)like what ive told you before... im here when u needed someone to talk to... [/spoiler]

Last edited by kristina16 (2008-07-18 19:07:25)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[quote=Hoshigaki]Crush List Updated ~LoisFuLL - She is nice and "makuleht" ~Ate Meng - She loves Death note also.. ~Graze[eizarg] - She is nice and happy to be with ~Haru[em0chiq11] - Your the queen..of avatars .. and being nice to me ~Sis jhay - She is nice and beautiful .. she is a good friend indeed .. ~Faelnar - she is nice to me.. ~ sis charm - she is bery funny and nice! ~Ate Tinay - My favorite Mod..She is very Nice! I love her hair! ~fis.mis - i think she`s cute ~Ate Duch - She is very CUTE indeed! ~[b]Bianx - She is Cute like ate Duch [/b] ~Joana - She is very nice.. when she said that my works are good ~Ate WENG[Mod Mizel] - She is nice to me ~TriciaBianca - My Co-EPS member and She`s Nice To Me .. ~Camille08 [Cam] - I like this Girl.. i find this girl cute.. and She`s my Co-EPS member.. ~Mystic Rain - I dunno her name... but she`s 100% Cute!! And all Co-EPS members[/quote] I ain't cute. Maybe your eyes was just blind.:lol: [b]topic[/b]: i just crush my girlfriends kimmie, maye, lois, ize, tinay and emlodee. don't have any boy crushes at the moment.:paranoid:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[b]Thanks for:[/b] [spoiler] [quote=♥~rocker.baby.LOUIZ~♥]• Kuya Dondon: Me`lhabzz yuu! He's very nice & sweet. Me`lhabzz his graphics so much. They're so cool & awesome. Aidoul. Yehey! At last, I saw you here again. XD[/quote] [b]@Lil Sis Louiz[/b] weeee.. thanks a lot. nice to see that your my co-egroup member ============================ [quote=faelnar84]Emodon/Don[/quote] [b]@faelnar[/b] Whos that? is that me ? :D hehehe.. thnks ============================ [quote=사랑해요UmA_loVe사랑해요]Dondon[/quote] [b]@Uma[/b] wow.. thanks for adding me uma-licious hehe. ============================ [quote=kristina16]dondon- such a cool graphics maker!! loves his works as based on his ava and siggies before! he's nice friend of mine stay cool friend! ;)like what ive told you before... im here when u needed someone to talk to...[/quote] [b]@Tinay[/b] ahaha. im so flattered. thanks a lot. if you have some problems, dont hesititate to approach me. i will be here for you. Take care my friend and God Bless ;) [/spoiler] [b]CrushList:[/b] :arrow: Rockers Baby _louiz :arrow: Charm Caster :arrow: Forsakendoll :arrow: Faelnar :arrow: Kristina16 :arrow: Trixx :arrow: Linniie :arrow: Charmcharmcharm14 :arrow: Lea :arrow: Lois :arrow: Meggy :arrow: Uma_Love :arrow: Luv.ceii :arrow: Yumi :arrow: Chiny.12 :arrow: Joebz :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Last edited by dondon (2008-07-18 21:12:59)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[b]thanks for those who put me in their list :wow: i crush all of euu too :lol: @ uma-chan : lol..is that me? :o @ sisz tinay : oh..really thanks [/b]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

•I crush everybody who placed me in there list :thumbsup:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

@sis eney-thnx for including me in your list! mwuah! :kiss: @topic: [b]i crush the girl I qouted. Sis Eney-kind and my new sis here. weeeeh! :)=):thumbsup: She's very nice. I liek her already. :wow:[/b]
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

arr arar crush XD i wanna post it *finnaly.. phew. [spoiler] [b]my lovely aunty cheuw[/b] - mwah.she's the best for mii :wow: my lil angel :D - wahaha.ilabbyuu XD sista clara - nyah.. share it wit us :D sis louiz - superduper miss her =( she's d KOOLEST gurl!! =D sis trixx - oww d master :P . her work soo kyuut. IMY :( sis phia - longtymnotalk sis :( where are euu :( umachan - long tym no see eu? where did eu go sis? she's d cutest!!! sis blanche - wahaha.other cute sis :D i lobb her <3 [s]aciil[/s] mod yuna :D - my idol for now and forevaa =D ate [s]poo[/s] tinay - aww d kindness :wow: and soo pretty :redface: ate aina and ate haru - d best partner on earth!! i lob their work =( wanna req.but always late :( ate ice :D - longtym no see her =( but she's one of my fave mod!! she's pretty and kewl :D ate aye - oww i dunn rilly know her.but she loox kool,pretty and smexy =D ate kim - my ex-leader :( imy sis :D sista kymmie - woops.i rilly miss eu :( sorry being unactive.school :doubt: sista nela - huhu.i miss postin wit her at FC :( err.who's next :D letmethink :D err.yep. i remember it noe :D my [s]oom kodok[/s] bro arctic,dondul,lemlem - =D craziest partner :P mumuchan :D - wee i rilly miss euu <33 other chat? :eh: big bro dondon - nyah.i miss him lots.long tym no talk :( riyo - =D superduper [s]childish[/s] kind fwenz ;) tunie [s](??)[/s] - miss him :| he didnt rep my comment.too bad =___= regie :D - rilly nicee =D i missin him :'( kuya theejhay - didnt know him :D but i love to see his work.its awsuum :D you - who wanna read it :P [/spoiler] mahbe juz that? :paranoid:

Last edited by Linniie (2008-07-19 08:31:48)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[b][i]Crush List [sup]Updated[/sup][/i][/b] [i]~[b]LoisFuLL[/b] - She is nice and "makuleht" :lol: ~[b]Ate Meng[/b] - She loves Death note also.. [img]http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/77.gif[/img] ~[b]Graze[eizarg][/b] - She is nice and happy to be with [img]http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/69.gif[/img] ~[b]Haru[em0chiq11] [/b]- Your the queen..of avatars .. and being nice to me [img]http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/77.gif[/img] ~[b]Sis jhay[/b] - She is nice and beautiful .. she is a good friend indeed .. ;) ~[b]Faelnar [/b]- she is nice to me.. :wow: [img]http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/105.gif[/img] ~ [b]sis charm[/b] - she is bery funny and nice! ;) ~[b]Ate Tinay[/b] - My favorite Mod..She is very Nice! I love her hair! :wow: ~[b]fis.mis[/b] - i think she`s cute [img]http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/101.gif[/img] ~[b]Ate Duch[/b] - She is very CUTE indeed! :wow: ~Bianx - She is Cute like ate Duch :thumbsup: ~[b]Joana[/b] - She is very nice.. when she said that my works are good [img]http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/15.gif[/img] ~[b]Ate WENG[/b][Mod Mizel] - She is nice to me ~TriciaBianca - My Co-EPS member and She`s Nice To Me .. [img]http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/71.gif[/img] .. and she`s my crush.. :wow: ~Camille08 [Cam] - I like this Girl.. i find this girl cute.. and She`s my Co-EPS member..:redface::redface:;] ~Mystic Rain - I dunno her name... but she`s 100% Cute!! [b]And all Co-EPS members [img]http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/111.gif[/img][/i][/b]

Last edited by Hoshigaki (2008-07-19 11:24:50)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[align=center][b]My crush..my everything..my life![/b] [spoiler][img]http://i38.tinypic.com/2nklaas.jpg[/img][/spoiler][/align]

Last edited by lordheinz (2008-07-20 22:41:21)

  • » [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

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