2008-07-18 06:39:35

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[spoiler] [b]gurlz:[/b] akuzet16(yen) - my real lyp besplen... my seahorse A.K.A poisonous_chiq16, my chicadorah sitah, ILY sistah... cutie_phunk(anj) - same ^ she' my besplen.. my saiduck A.K.A poisonous_doll, my chicadorah sitah wabshu siz ceii: my crux, she's friendly, kind, pwettie, lovely, ajaja.. my sistah m2m...... loveyah sissy siz gemandi: she's uber pwittie and friendly sis jhay: same^ very pweitie sis eunich: my sistah.. loveyah sistah sis cheuw: my pwittie and kind sistah here. sis tinay: super friendly and also pwettie sistah kuh.. sis faith: kakaloka. sa ym sistah. i like her.. very much, labxyoo sistah sis eney: my super pwettie sis here. sis lea: my new friend.. labxyu sis. sis bubblie- i love this author. ILY sistah.. sis reika- my uber pretty sistah, sis ellabotz- my sexy sistah, sis louiz - my new friend, hope 2 knw yah sis bhezt- hope 2 knw yah mur sissy sis yna- my very cute sistah, sis joanna- i love her story, ILY sistah.. [b]sis anne-[/b] she's uvber friendly to me.. [b]sis jerriedee [/b]- i forgot yah sistah :crybaby: sorry.. IMY and ILY yah sistah [b] boys:[/b]bro rei ryuzaki - he's nice 2 me and very friendly bro bob - proud to be bisaya my lolo ILY bro bro hoshi jc- carl - i love his layiies, and very friendly bro lance - my first bro but now i dunno, bro dhen2x - my very friendly and cute bro bro testament - uber good friend 2 me [b]bles_212000-[/b] bwahaha dnt knw his name, he's very friendly and kind to me and my only one [b]tito[/b] here... [/spoiler]

Last edited by lady_end (2008-07-18 06:40:12)

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