• » [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[b]wooops dont open..[/b] [b]GURLZ[/b][spoiler][b]mai sis thinay :wow: maye ;) forsakendoll ;) paulanicole :rose: chiny :rose: bianx :kiss: push :rose: joebz :rose: emlodee ;) bheiyah :rose: cheuw :rose: nina :rose: uma :rose: duch :rose: nela :rose: gloOo :rose: ceii ;) jhay :rose: pinkblack ;) eney ;) tricia ;) brains&beauty ;) [/b][/spoiler] [b]boish[/b] [spoiler][b]harvii(emokid) neil (unmaskedluke)[/b] mod James_cute JC(eventho his gone :cry: )[/spoiler] [b]thanks sis bianx ill add you too.. ;) [/b]

Last edited by 'AphrOdiTe' (2008-07-10 06:52:04)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[quote=LovePunch-]hmm.. i dont know.[/quote] Then dont post. your getting off topic ------ CrushList: :arrow: Rockers Baby _louiz :arrow: Charm Caster :arrow: Forsakendoll :arrow: Faelnar :arrow: Kristina16 :arrow: Trixx :arrow: Linniie :arrow: Charmcharmcharm14 :arrow: Lea :arrow: Lois :arrow: Meggy :arrow: Uma_Love :arrow: Luv.ceii :arrow: Yumi that's all for now. I will update this soon

Last edited by dondon (2008-07-09 19:53:16)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[color=deeppink]Hmm..I also crush [b]Yanyan Melody Eney[/b]. My co-Rockers.ILY guys :D[/color]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

i crush.. :lol: [spoiler] -miss kim - lab her stories. :wow: -miss tinay - she's pretty and a very kind mod :redface: -miss cei - my co-kpampangan. she's malago. :redface: -miss hanzel - very pretty. love her siggie :redface: -miss gerlyn - her beauty is unique. naks. :redface: -miss eney - i found her interesting though we don't get to know each other. she's pretty eh. :D -miss emlodee - just like miss eney. she has a sense of humor. tsk. :lol: -kuya james - my co-single. i read his story before. it's freakin me out :paranoid:. very thrilling. =D -sir bob - mod of literature section. :D i found him nice and interesting. :D -sir unmaskedluke - he looked like an emo :cool: and, i adore him coz he's very good in making layouts. :lol: [/spoiler] :D
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[quote=deathsiren]aliah- she's so cute.. and nice too..[/quote] [quote=unmaskedluke]lilblueangel[/quote] [quote=kristina16]lilblueangel / aliah - shes so dang cute!! i love her... shes my smart textmate!! and always there when i needed some elp[/quote] o crush those whom i qouted and siz duch siz eney siz 'AphrOdiTe' siz aya(forsaken) siz aya(alliana01) updated...
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

my crushes [spoiler] [b]gurlz:[/b] akuzet16(yen) - my real lyp besplen... my seahorse A.K.A poisonous_chiq16, my chicadorah sitah, ILY sistah... cutie_phunk(anj) - same ^ she' my besplen.. my saiduck A.K.A poisonous_doll, my chicadorah sitah wabshu siz ceii: my crux, she's friendly, kind, pwettie, lovely, ajaja.. my sistah m2m...... loveyah sissy siz gemandi: she's uber pwittie and friendly sis jhay: same^ very pweitie sis eunich: my sistah.. loveyah sistah sis cheuw: my pwittie and kind sistah here. sis tinay: super friendly and also pwettie sistah kuh.. sis faith: kakaloka. sa ym sistah. i like her.. very much, labxyoo sistah sis eney: my super pwettie sis here. sis lea: my new friend.. labxyu sis. sis bubblie- i love this author. ILY sistah.. [b]boys:[/b] bro rei ryuzaki :wow: bro bob :wow: bro hoshi. :wow: bro lance :wow: [/spoiler] :lol:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

MY CRUSHES girls [spoiler]:wow: Forsakendoll - my sizley really loev her ever since.. she's suuu pretty, smart and SMEXY :o :wow: Bratinella - a very nice person.. and a girl who loevs to read!.. :lol: :wow: Pushnit - a person u really wanna hang out with.. very funny but still nice and friendly.. :lol: :wow: Allina01 - my SWEETY very kind, sweet and pretty.. loev this girl suuu much :rose: :wow: Ate shika - very nice and simple.. kinda mysterious for me.. :lol: :wow: Maye - very pretty..!! very nice person.. easy to get along with.. :thumbsup: :rose: :wow: Uma - my BEBE really loev this girl.. very simple.. and jolly.. :lol: miss u bebe :wow: Ducheszv - very nice person!.. im glad shes my friend now!.. :wow: :lol: :wow: Yuna - i really wanna know her more.. coz she's a sweet person.. really wanna get close to her :P :wow: Joebz - loev her works.. very down to earth person.. :thumbsup: :wow: Faith - this girl has a voice of an angel.. :wow: very sweet person :wow: Trixia C. - easy to get along with.. :rose: :P :wow: Aphrodite - obviously this girl really rocks!.. she is suuu pretty.. wanna know her more.. :wow: :wow: Tinay - she's everywhere.. :lol: wanna get close to her.. :wow: :wow: SHY - very pretty and nice!.. :rose: [/spoiler] boys [spoiler] :penguin: Rapidoh - ofcourse he will always be on top of my list!.. loev this guy!.. :doubt: :lol: very sweet guy and fun to talk with.. :penguin: Xavier - has a great voice :wow: and very kind to everyone!.. :penguin: Raphael_Marcos - very nice guy!.. a certified hottie.. woott! :redface: :penguin: Portuniecho Mr. Helpful :lol: i loev this guy!.. very easy to get along with.. :penguin: Harvii - He is very close to God.. he doesnt want to talk anything about porn or anything bad :lol::lol::lol: kidding.. i liek this guy.. has a great sense of humor.. :wow: :penguin: Shirow - wanna know more about him.. he's very sweet with yuna! :wow: He also loves to pray specially when the lights are off!.. haha :penguin: Emman - my bebe's bestfriend :doubt: :lol: very jolly.. [/spoiler]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

I really like [b]Carl[/b].I love your layies :lol: .
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[align=center] Wow. :O I've been missing out on a lot! :( Sorry guys! I have Dance Classes everyday eh... :) [b]:arrow: Thanks to all the people who put me on their list:[/b] [spoiler][quote=bheszt_09]sisz joanna-kind and friendly to me and other members[/quote] Thanks sizzy. You too. :D [quote=kristina16]joanna / brains& beauty shes my friend now... and im happy bout that!! shes very sweet a young girl who is very sensible i yab her! :wow:[/quote] Thanks sizzy. I'm happy that we're friends too. =) [quote=misz.faith]I agree :lol: kiddin'. .tnx joana?!am i ryt? :wow:[/quote] Yeah, only I have 2 N's in my name. :D [quote=lucknskill]brains & beauty - she is the soother of the raging war in the forums a long time ago. i rly like her for that.[/quote] Whoa... :o Manong Bob? Haha... Thanks. Very flattered. :redface: [quote='AphrOdiTe']brains&beauty ;)[/quote] Thanks sis! [quote=dondon]Brains & Beauty[/quote] Thanks bro! Very appreciated. =) [quote=/*/love.ceii/*/]beauty and brains -dunno her name :D[/quote] Haha... I crush you too sis! My name's [b]Joanna[/b] to start with. Nice to meet you! :D [quote=Rei Ryuzaki]• ♥brains&beauty♥new-she so nice & kind. she also gud in making sig/gfx :wow:[/quote] Thanks bro... Hehe... But am not that good. :D [quote=ducheszv]♥brains&beauty♥ - thanks God for her thread.. i liek the way she thinks ;] i admire her for that. :)[/quote] Thanks sizzy. :D [quote=dondon]@♥brains&beauty♥ Thanks.. even we dont know really each other, you include me in your list. Thank you very much. dont change your attitude. take care alwayz.[/quote] Oh, thanks bro. =) [quote=♥~rocker.baby.LOUIZ~♥]Joanna. [brains&beauty] IMY. Even if we're not that close. She's nice, peace maker. Heehee..[/quote] Aaw, sis. You're so sweet. IMY too. :D [/spoiler] [b]:arrow: New Crushiees... :) [/b] [b]GURLS:[/b] [spoiler]♥ Sis Tinay, my first friend. :D Labb her soo muchiies!! =) ♥ Sis Trixx - Though we haven't actually talked to each other, she seems nice, and she's willing to be my friend! :o ♥ Sis Aya - Who would forget you sis??? Haha... Labbs you! :wow: ♥ Sis Duchesv - Hm... What can I say about this gurl?? So nice.. very friendly... =) ♥ Sis Louiz - What happened to you sis? Haven't talked to you for a while now... ♥ Sis Chariz - My fellow [i]bisaya[/i]... Haha... Misshoo sis... Where are you?? :ninja: ♥ Sis Maye - Very pretty gurl... =) And she's nice too! :D ♥ Sizzy Uma - Miss yah sis! She's so cute! Just like a doll.... ;) ♥ Sis Faith - She's so pretty and nice! A perfect match with LH... =) :thumbsup: ♥ Sis Aphrodite - I dunno her well... But she seems nice... :D Hope to be your friend! ♥ Sis Tricia - Haha... The baby in the group! She's so talented, but she's so young, YOUNGER THAN ME! Proud of you sis... ;) ♥Sis Emlodee - Though we really didn't talk, I mean ACTUALLY NEVER TALKED, she seems nice. =) Hope to be your friend! [P.S. Thanks for the +repu... Heehee... I'll give you one too! But [Please wait, 24 hours haven't passed yet... =|] ♥ Sis bheszt_09 - We actually never talked but, I once gave her a gift, then she thanked me. She seems nice, and I crush her! [I'm not bi, OK? Haha... :lol: @Sis, BI means Bisexual, meaning Lesbian. In other words, tomboy. Haha... ;) ] ♥ Sis Louise - Very friendly mod. So kind. =) Hope to know her more... :D ♥ Sis Cei - My new friend. Thanks sis! =) ♥ Sis Lady_End - Always looking out for my stories. Thanks sis. Oh, and she's pretty too. =) ♥ Sis Cutie_Phunk - Very pretty gurl, and same with lady_end, always looking out for my stories. Laabs u sis! [/spoiler] [b]GUYS:[/b] [spoiler]♥ Echo - My big bro! Labbs you [i]kuya[/i]! He taught me everything I know about making JS Layouts and, he's always there for me... Man... I wish I had a REAL big bro like Tunie... :D ♥ Sir LH - Haha, I am NOT a cutie! Hehe... He's kind... And... he's good-looking too! ;) ♥ Dondon - My new guy friend! Thanks [i]kuya[/i]! ♥ Kher - Forgot to add you Kher! How are yah? ♥ James - He seems nice.. Wanna get to know you more! =) ♥ Rei Ryuzaki - Gosh, I forgot you! Am so sorry... :/ But anyways, he's really nice, always comments on my sigs though they're amateurs! Hehe... =D ♥ Manong Bob - I dunno. He's kind and cute. :D ♥ Deviantangel1995 - Well, he's nice. Very good with his English. :o ♥ Sir Ephe - a good mod.. so cool and mysterious... wooohh... :/ ♥ Sir Eehjhay - He's kinda strict, but of course, mods need to be one to handle a forum. Deepdown, I think he's a fun-loving guy... =) [/spoiler] Guess that's all... [b][i]^ UPDATED...[/i][/b][/align]
» FTalkWorm
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[b]my crushes..[/b] [spoiler] [b]girls..[/b] ate blue.. ate ceii.. aphrodite.. ate ellabotz.. ate anne.. ate renray.. ate rose[fis.mis] sis jhay.. sis blanchee..[blancheenglukarit..] sis lady_end.. sis bridget!.. sis lilblueangel.. sis lynn.. sis hanna..[potpot] sis rockerbabylouiz... yanyan.. misz.faith.. brains&beauty.. angeli_7.. [b]boys..[/b] kua jay.. mod james.. beshie shiffer.. and of course, all my co-rockstars.. and all the members of my former group, black-n-pinkers guild!!..[/spoiler]

Last edited by eney0715 (2008-07-11 07:10:09)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

Bratinela! What more I can say. I love this girl. :redface:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[i][quote=' 'eMokIdD]Bratinela! What more I can say. I love this girl. :redface:[/quote] Hi harvii .. welcome to EPS anyway =) -------------- [quote=faelnar84]I really like Carl.I love your layies :lol: .[/quote] Is that me?? hehe.. ------------------ Updated faelnar .. even tho it is not me she was talking about .. hehe[/i]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

^Haha.LOL.It`s you :D @T:I`ll add.. Push Duchesv Yuna and Shirow
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[quote=' 'eMokIdD]Bratinela! What more I can say. I love this girl. :redface:[/quote] wahaha :lol: [spoiler] Push - wee my onion :P take care of kapz,ayt? :lol: Forsakendoll - chi <33 The smexy css queen. wiitwiiw~ lol :lol: Nina - my bear. labsyoo nina [img]http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/6.gif[/img] Duch - we dun have 'tawagan' yet? lol :lol: Yuna - seems so busy these days :lol: Joebz - the meow of chi :lol: she's busy in school too. :paranoid: Kapz - i dun see your sweetness to push [img]http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/45.gif[/img]. always on putoshop moed? [img]http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/46.gif[/img] Xave - amisyuu xave [img]http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/24.gif[/img] Rap - haha. my [s]pota[/s] wee. he always made me laugh [img]http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/40.gif[/img] he know many pick-up lines [img]http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/15.gif[/img][img]http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/24.gif[/img] wuts~ ofcourse [b]harvii[/b] [img]http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/15.gif[/img][img]http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/21.gif[/img][/spoiler]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[align=center] [b] [i]Wow. :O I've been missing out on a lot! :( Sorry guys! I have Dance Classes everyday eh... :)[/i][/b] [b]:arrow: Thanks to all the people who put me on their list:[/b] [spoiler][quote=bheszt_09]sisz joanna-kind and friendly to me and other members[/quote] Thanks sizzy. You too. :D [quote=kristina16]joanna / brains& beauty shes my friend now... and im happy bout that!! shes very sweet a young girl who is very sensible i yab her! :wow:[/quote] Thanks sizzy. I'm happy that we're friends too. =) [quote=misz.faith]I agree :lol: kiddin'. .tnx joana?!am i ryt? :wow:[/quote] Yeah, only I have 2 N's in my name. :D [quote=lucknskill]brains & beauty - she is the soother of the raging war in the forums a long time ago. i rly like her for that.[/quote] Whoa... :o Manong Bob? Haha... Thanks. Very flattered. :redface: [quote='AphrOdiTe']brains&beauty ;)[/quote] Thanks sis! [quote=dondon]Brains & Beauty[/quote] Thanks bro! Very appreciated. =) [quote=/*/love.ceii/*/]beauty and brains -dunno her name :D[/quote] Haha... I crush you too sis! My name's [b]Joanna[/b] to start with. Nice to meet you! :D [quote=Rei Ryuzaki]• ♥brains&beauty♥new-she so nice & kind. she also gud in making sig/gfx :wow:[/quote] Thanks bro... Hehe... But am not that good. :D [quote=ducheszv]♥brains&beauty♥ - thanks God for her thread.. i liek the way she thinks ;] i admire her for that. :)[/quote] Thanks sizzy. :D [quote=dondon]@♥brains&beauty♥ Thanks.. even we dont know really each other, you include me in your list. Thank you very much. dont change your attitude. take care alwayz.[/quote] Oh, thanks bro. =) [quote=♥~rocker.baby.LOUIZ~♥]Joanna. [brains&beauty] IMY. Even if we're not that close. She's nice, peace maker. Heehee..[/quote] Aaw, sis. You're so sweet. IMY too. :D [/spoiler] [b]:arrow: New Crushiees... :) [/b] [b]GURLS:[/b] [spoiler]♥ Sis Tinay, my first friend. :D Labb her soo muchiies!! =) ♥ Sis Trixx - Though we haven't actually talked to each other, she seems nice, and she's willing to be my friend! :o ♥ Sis Aya - Who would forget you sis??? Haha... Labbs you! :wow: ♥ Sis Duchesv - Hm... What can I say about this gurl?? So nice.. very friendly... =) ♥ Sis Louiz - What happened to you sis? Haven't talked to you for a while now... ♥ Sis Chariz - My fellow [i]bisaya[/i]... Haha... Misshoo sis... Where are you?? :ninja: ♥ Sis Maye - Very pretty gurl... =) And she's nice too! :D ♥ Sizzy Uma - Miss yah sis! She's so cute! Just like a doll.... ;) ♥ Sis Faith - She's so pretty and nice! A perfect match with LH... =) :thumbsup: ♥ Sis Aphrodite - I dunno her well... But she seems nice... :D Hope to be your friend! ♥ Sis Tricia - Haha... The baby in the group! She's so talented, but she's so young, YOUNGER THAN ME! Proud of you sis... ;) ♥Sis Emlodee - Though we really didn't talk, I mean ACTUALLY NEVER TALKED, she seems nice. =) Hope to be your friend! [P.S. Thanks for the +repu... Heehee... I'll give you one too! But [Please wait, 24 hours haven't passed yet... =|] ♥ Sis bheszt_09 - We actually never talked but, I once gave her a gift, then she thanked me. She seems nice, and I crush her! [I'm not bi, OK? Haha... :lol: @Sis, BI means Bisexual, meaning Lesbian. In other words, tomboy. Haha... ;) ] ♥ Sis Louise - Very friendly mod. So kind. =) Hope to know her more... :D ♥ Sis Cei - My new friend. Thanks sis! =) ♥ Sis Lady_End - Always looking out for my stories. Thanks sis. Oh, and she's pretty too. =) ♥ Sis Cutie_Phunk - Very pretty gurl, and same with lady_end, always looking out for my stories. Laabs u sis! ♥ Sis Bianx - She viewed my FS, and she's so pretty! Hope to know you better! ♥ Sis Bratinela - Very Friendly [I can tell ;)] and very pretty too! [/spoiler] [b]GUYS:[/b] [spoiler]♥ Echo - My big bro! Labbs you [i]kuya[/i]! He taught me everything I know about making JS Layouts and, he's always there for me... Man... I wish I had a REAL big bro like Tunie... :D ♥ Sir LH - Haha, I am NOT a cutie! Hehe... He's kind... And... he's good-looking too! ;) ♥ Dondon - My new guy friend! Thanks [i]kuya[/i]! ♥ Kher - Forgot to add you Kher! How are yah? ♥ James - He seems nice.. Wanna get to know you more! =) ♥ Rei Ryuzaki - Gosh, I forgot you! Am so sorry... :/ But anyways, he's really nice, always comments on my sigs though they're amateurs! Hehe... =D ♥ Manong Bob - I dunno. He's kind and cute. :D ♥ Deviantangel1995 - Well, he's nice. Very good with his English. :o ♥ Sir Ephe - a good mod.. so cool and mysterious... wooohh... :/ ♥ Sir Eehjhay - He's kinda strict, but of course, mods need to be one to handle a forum. Deepdown, I think he's a fun-loving guy... =) [/spoiler] Guess that's all... [b][i]^ UPDATED...[/i][/b][/align]
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[align=center]hirs mine. [b]girls[/b] [spoiler] sis joanna - brains&beauty sis joana- swit serenity bridget- faelnar84 sis gerlyn- lady_end sis eney andrea!-bhezt09 rizz maki ate tinay [/spoiler] [b]guys:[/b] [spoiler] bro kiel-kielmaru_07 kuya ayel-freelance6969 and mod james [/spoiler][/align]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[quote=yna_16]sis gerlyn- lady_end[/quote] wosh tenkyu sis and also sis joanna i crush the 2 gurlz above me.. :P
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

weeehh!., i crush those 3 gurls above me... weeeehhheee~!
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[color=#999999][b]My[/color] [color=#666666][sup]updated[/sup][/color] [color=#999999]Ftalk Crush List.[/b][/color] [spoiler][color=#999999][b]♥ LADIES.[/b] ▪ [b]Blanche.[/b] Hmmm.. I wonder why.. LOL. Off-couss.. `Cause she's so astig [for me]. A very great friend. I lhuv her. IMY. ▪ [b]Trixx.[/b] IMY. Sigh.. I can't reach her here anymore. Hope I'd see her. She's a really great friend to me. I lhuv her. ▪ [b]Tinay.[/b] She's beautiful [in & out]. A very nice mod. I lhuv her. ▪ [b]Lovelee.[/b] She's a very nice person & I love her graphics. ▪ [b]Phia.[/b] My pie-pie [just made this up]. Weee.. She's a very sweet person & she's nice. IMY. ▪ [b]Chariz.[/b] She's so good in making graphics. My aidoul. She's also very nice & pretty. ▪ [b]Joanna.[/b] [brains&beauty] IMY. Even if we're not that close. She's nice, peace maker. Heehee.. ▪ [b]Elaine.[/b] She's so nice & cute. Heehee.. ▪ [b]Bratinela.[/b] I don't even know why. But I like her, she's astig [for me] & she's nice. ▪ [b]Joebz.[/b] Her graphics are so awesome [in her layouts]. She's very nice. ▪ [b]Uma.[/b] Hmm.. She's nice. I like her eyes, like a doll. Heehee.. Though we're not close. ▪ [b]Kymie.[/b] [lunareighn] IMY. She's so creative in graphics & she's very nice. ▪ [b]Bridget.[/b] [faelnar] She's so nice & fun to be with. Co-Rockstar. [b]\m/[/b] ▪ [b]Linniie.[/b] IMY sis!! I[sup]really[/sup]MY. She's a very very nice person. Sweet & fun. I lhuv her. ▪ [b]Angeli.[/b] I think she's a very good leader for the Rockstars. ▪ [b]Kimmy.[/b] [kimyasay] IMY. She's a very good leader. & She's nice & pretty. ▪ [b]Charm.[/b] She's very nice & pretty. IMY. ▪ [b]Ducheszv.[/b] She seems nice & sweet. I wanna get to know her. ▪ [b]Eney.[/b] I think she's nice & cool. I wanna know her more [i]too[/i]. ▪ [b]Maye.[/b] [deathsiren] She's nice, I noticed it, & she's pretty. I like her. Weeeee.. I wanna get to know her [i]too.[/i] ▪ [b]Aliah.[/b] She's cute in her ava. Heehee.. I wanna get to know her [i]too.[/i] ▪ [b]Aina.[/b] [chii] She's so good in making graphics; elegant & cool graphics. & I think she's very responsible & nice. I really wanna get to know her. ▪ [b]Haru.[/b] [emochiq] I love her graphics. Like what I said about [chii]. I wanna get to know her [i]too.[/i] ▪ [b]Bheiyah.[/b] I love her elegant works. She's so pretty & nice. ▪ [b]Eunich.[/b] [sup]new friend.[/sup] She's so nice & friendly. ILY. ▪ [b]Jamie.[/b] [bluberry543] She's cute & nice. Lovable. Heehee.. ▪ [b]Lhien.[/b] [udontmatteranymore] She's a nice person. Pretty & I think she loves Red. \m/ ▪ [b]Leviel.[/b] We're both in the same school. She's so cool. Wooh! \m/ ▪ [b]Vanilla.[/b] I wanna know more about her. Co-Rockstar. [b]\m/[/b] I think she's very nice. ▪ [b]Yanyan.[/b] I wanna know more about her. I think she's nice & cool. & Pretty too. Heehee.. Co-Rockstar. [b]\m/[/b] ▪ [b]Rose.[/b] [fis.ms] I think she's cool & friendly. Hoping to know her more. Co-Rockstar. [b]\m/[/b] ▪ [b]Faith.[/b] [misz.faith] She's so gorgeous & kind. I love her graphics. & I wanna know more about her. [/color][color=#666666]▪ [b]Yna.[/b] I think she's nice & pretty. ▪ [b]Lady_end.[/b] She seems nice & friendly. I wanna know more about her. :] ▪ [b]Aila J.[/b] [cutest] IMY sis!! She's a very very nice & pretty person. ▪ [b]Andrea.[/b] [bheszt] [i]Same comment with Aila J.[/i] ▪ [b]Louiz.[/b] Off-couss.. I lhuv this girl. LOL. :lol:[/color][color=#999999] [hr][hr] [b]♥ GUYS.[/b] ▪ [b]Dondon.[/b] My ku'a. Heehee.. IMY. He's very good in making graphics & he's a very nice & sweet person. ▪ [b]Franz.[/b] [bigbro | intelligence] IMY!! Very sweet & funny person. LOL. His graphics are very great. Aidoul. ▪ [b]Jay.[/b] [pipito] Wee.. I wanna know more about him. He's sweet & nice. ▪ [b]Aaron.[/b] [rei ryuzaki] He's a very nice & sweet person. ▪ [b]Lord Heinz.[/b] I wanna know more about him. He's good-looking & a responsible mod. ▪ [b]Harvii.[/b] [emokidd] He's cool [for me], good-looking & a very responsible mod here in Ftalk. ▪ [b]James.[/b] [james cuteoo2] He seems nice. Cute. Weee.. Very responsible. ▪ [b]Kiel.[/b] His graphics are so cool. He's a nice & fun person. Wanna know more about him. ▪ [b]Eehjhay.[/b] I think he's nice. A very responsible mod. [/color][color=#666666]▪ [b]Slasher201994.[/b] I think he's some what courageous about what he posted at the Confession thread before. Heehee.. & I think he's nice & sweet. :][/color][color=#999999] [hr][hr] [b]♥ GROUPS.[/b] ▪ Co-[b]Rockstars.[/b] We totally rock. \m/ ▪ Former-[b]GFX Tech.[/b] I'm sorry for leaving. IMY. You guys are so cool. I'm really so so so sorry for leaving. ▪ [b]Class-S.[/b] I think they're cool. Haiiz.. They didn't accept me in Class-S. Sigh. But it's ok. Aidouls. ▪ [b]Elite.[/b] Cool. They have many members. ▪ [b]Black-Pinkers-Clan.[/b] Rocker colors. Wooh! \m/ ▪ [b]Artwork 101.[/b] Very creative group. Elegantly designed page. LOL. [hr][hr] & There are too much to mention. Sorry, if someone's missing in my list. :][/color][/spoiler] [color=#999999]Added more. Weeeeee.. New friends or not. LOL. Gonna update next time. Heehee.. [i]Sorry if it's not appropriate or disrespectful to call you your names only. Just to make every name equal. Heehee.. LOL. Gomenasai.[/i][/color]

Last edited by ♥~rocker.baby.LOUIZ~♥ (2008-07-12 07:32:40)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[b]my crushes.. >>added only sisz louiz sisz kymie sisz yanyan sisz cheuw and the others..still the same[/b]
  • » [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

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