2008-07-18 09:01:49

» FTalkWorm
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[b]my ftalk crushes!..[/b] [spoiler] girls.. ate emlodee- also beautifuland kind, she calls me "bunso" and i like it.. ate tinay- she is very beautiful indide and out.. ate blue- i call her ate eventhough we are not close yet..ehehe.she seems nice and she is very pretty.. ate mariegold- my ate from the start!..she is very kind and i really miss her.. ate ceii- she is everybody's friend, because of her kindness. ate anne- also kind! she is pretty! ate renray- i really miss her!.. ate rose[fis.mis]-i always wanted to be her "bibi"..ehehe, she is really pretty and kind.. misz.faith- i really adore her beauty.. sis jhay- my little sis here! she always gives me compliments. sis ellabotz- err, she is really kind..i want to know her more.. sis aphrodite- also pretty!, her name really suits her!.. sis lynn- my co-rockstar, she is really cool!.. sis lady_end- my ever pretty sis!.. sis rockerbabylouiz- she is sweet!..and she is also pretty..imy you too sissy!!.. sis blanchee- the girl i like most!..ahaha..i like her because of her kalukringan.. sis bridget- we are not that close yet, but, urggh, i like her gfx works!.. hanna.tOt- the savior!..ehehe.. yanyan- a very pretty and cool girl!.. angeli_7- rockstars' group leader..she totally rocks!.. we are not that close yet, but i wanna be friends with her.. ate reika- my newest ate, i find her a little mysterious, but, urghh, she is also beautiful!.. sis charm_caster0604- she is my newest sis!!..and i want to know her more!!.. boys.. kuya jay- miss him so much!.. mod james- such a cutie.. beshie shiffer- someone said that he is such a womanizer, but, urghh, i don't care!..i still crush him!..ahaha.. and of course, all my co-rockstars!..[/spoiler]

Last edited by eney0715 (2008-07-18 09:02:32)

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