2008-07-18 06:32:07

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[quote=--pUshnIt08--]IE Deviantangel1995 -- IE!! (imatating emman), whats with the nickname??he likes to imitate our fonts ,, IE is still a kid,,purely childish thats why i understand him tho people sometimes dont..hes still 12..I crush him for being a little kid, i jst wish he wud take my advice and try not to push (me?) hard on being our friend..Just go with the flow..[/quote] Awww... How touching. :redface: I crush you too. FF. :redface: My Crashes: [b]Onee-chan Yuna.[/b] For being su kind a beautiful and being a good Onee-chan to me. Love you onee-chan. *Huggles* [b]FF Push[/b] I lab you su much. Yer liek a sister to me. So yeah, Imma take yer advice now but I can't cuz' I'm offline for sometime. :cry: [b]Lula Aya[/b] You su smexy. "SMEXY CSS QUEEN" is an understatement to yer true smexiness. Also, for being so kind and acting really liek my Lula. Being very good with advices and telling me whats wrong wif me. Thanks so much Lula. *Huggles* [b]Ate APL (Duchess)[/b] Shes so kind a sweet and a great sister. I treat her as my real sister. Thanks so much for being so kind to me. *Huggles* [b]Ate Lemon[/b] She's so sweet and understanding. Stay liek that forevar!

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