[spoiler] I confess taht i can still remember what happen to me last May, when i came to visit Italy- when i was walking in teh mall looking for something, groups of students come to me and say "[i]Hi là, desideriamo appena chiedergli se siete un GIAPPONESE del Coreano o italiano forse? Osservate così graziosi[/i]" I was liek

when i've heard taht- [i]of course i do understand that[/i] i replied [i]"No im non un coreano né un giapponese, im un pilipina ed a metà un italiano mezzi naturalmente, piacevole per venirli a contatto a proposito."[/i] I laugh soo effin' hard after they say Bye to me.

I confess taht i was shocked to see taht The Scandalers were just 17 members, last time i got online we were 20 members. Oho~ sorry for being inactive guys.

L0L.[b] Burger Manong Neex.

I confess taht i know how to speak french now. Yahuu~ i loev it.
aho~ XD i act crazy

I confess taht i miss some of my friends here. XD IMYSB.
