[b]My Confession/s[/b]:
[quote]• I'm so guilty for making a new account here in Ftalk. Huhuhu, hope I'm still welcome here.
• We were so crazy this morning. Me & my crush (?) kept teasing each other. He calls me "Big head, Circle head, Bubble head, Shtufid head" & I call him "Payatot, Pangit, Ebak". Huwee~ [i]Sowee for those tagalog names/words.[/i] Wakaka~ It was so fun teasing him.
& We kept playing songs of Paramore & others, some were playing with their Game Boy DS & some were chit-chatting & laughing. LOL, it was so crazy. & Today was the last day of our exam that's why we were so so so crazy & happy.
• Huhuhu, I saw my crush (?) & his GF together. Waah~ They kept talking to each other, sending messages though they'w just near each other, kept exchanging CPs.
They'w so sweet together. Then my BFFs kept shouting out that I'm jelous!! Wakaka~ We were so crazy.