[b]I confess[/b]
[spoiler]...that i didn't find this day fine- though, i hope the remaining hours in this day will make me feel OK. It was still early. Im looking forward to chat wif him.

I think he will make me feel good. Awawaw! L0L. Of course- his my dear CP-mate.

...that someone was reading my confession now.

its [b]YOU.YOU.YOU[/b] Haev fun~!

...that i was planning to buy a new cellphone. I hate my IPhone now~! I wanna buy teh new version wif camera. But Darn~! It was just 2.0 megapixels. Arrrgg. Why didn't apple provide 5.0/7.0 megapixels. Wattervuur- im planning to give my old CP to my cousin. She really wants to have an IPhone. ;D
...that i think i've failed my TLE, Dang~! I hate TLE soo soo much. I've never liek that subject

. My teacher gives an exam different with the topics HE told to review. Amf~! Even if i answer them all i really hate teachers liek taht.

I'll kill him nowwwwwwwwww!! Surely my parents would get mad if they knows that i got a low grade. [i]Hope to got high grades[/i] O_O . Im dead x_x
...that i love my [b]Koiishii[/b], Im acting crazee everytime we talk together. XD Yea Koiishii is my dearest Dear.

...that i haven't voted yet for the SOTM~! I dunno who are those people whom i gonna vote.

Thinking. X3 I hope someone would vote for me~! XD GO [b]Manong Neex[/b]

...that i have [b]missed[/b] the conference last night. Grr~! Damn Exams.

Imma Join next time. ;D Maybe [b]Ches[/b] would haev some scandals AGAIN!

Peace Kuya Ches.[/spoiler]
Last edited by triciabianca (2008-08-21 05:21:13)